Username: Vanilla_beani
Name: Ayame Taji
Age: Twenty-two
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Maritul Status: Single (Not really sure if she wants to keep looking.)
Ms. TajiTeaches: Science
Background: The twenty-two year old has been born and raised in Japan. Ayame's parents are not rich and could only afford a simple living for their only daughter and two sons. Her mother was a middle-school teacher, but quit after giving birth to her second child, now Mrs. Taji works as a substitute. Ayame's father owns a small repair shop, that has been handed down for many generations. The teacher is the middle child in the family, older by three years from her younger brother and younger by two from her older one.
By the time Ayame was in middle-school she had known what she wanted to do with life, biology. She worked hard and was one of the best students in her class, but was not very popular, a small sacrifice. Due to her family's finacial situation, Ayame was not allowed to become a biologist and just became a science teacher. With her positive attitude, sense of humor and interesting system of discipline, Ayame got promoted quickly. She was relocated to the town of Niigata just a year ago.
Just before her relocation to Niigata, Ayame was diagnosed with lung cancer. Fortunately, the tumor was not malignant and Ayame just needed care and a small sugery to fix that, so the doctors think. As well as that problem, Ayame's little brother has been the bad child of the family, causing trouble for her parents and joining gangs. Ayame Taji tries her best to help her little brother and her parents, anytime she can get back to her hometown of Ojiya, a few hours flight away from Niigata.