Liv, Livvy |»| New Haven, CT, USA |»|18 |»| #5F1E7D |»| Treesah Quiche
People think I'm a b***h. I guess they're not completely mistaken. I can be pretty harsh, but really, I just call it like it is, and if I'm a bit sarcastic, it's just who I am. My friends think it's funny. I don't go out of my way to be mean or anything.
Almost right after we got back from Lake Eleanor last summer my mom got married to this guy after ten years of being divorced and telling the whole world that marriage wasn't for her and that she wasn't ever going to get hitched again. So, my step-dad and my new step-siblings moved in with us. Whatever, I didn't really care, and the step-dad's okay. I don't have raging jealousy issues over how he took my mom away from me or whatever, because I'm not seven anymore. He's not the problem. His daughter is.
I don't like my new step-sister at all. To say that we don't get along is a bit of an understatement. At home, we share a room and bathroom, and it'll be the same arrangement at the lakehouse. If we don't murder each other before the summer ends, the vacation will have been a good one on the family front.
I'm not sure what to make of my new step-brother. I haven't really talked to him, and he seems to keep to himself most of the time. He can't be as boring as I've made him out to be, though, and he has to be pretty chill to have lived with a shrieking banshee of a sister and not killed her. I guess in between the family drama, school, and having a long-distance relationship, I just haven't had a chance to really get to know him.
I'm excited to go back to Lake Eleanor for the summer because I'll be able to see my boyfriend again. Other than webcam chats on the weekends, we haven't been able to keep in touch a lot. I can't wait to reconnect with him. Having a long-distance relationship sucks for the both of us, and sometimes it's hard not to get lonely when I see all my friends dating people they can actually go out with every night. It's worth it, though. We've been together for three years. I love him, and I want to make this work.

Hunter |»| Lake Eleanor, FL, USA |»|19 |»| #000F4B |»| Treesah Quiche
Lake Eleanor comes alive during the summer. It's practically empty the rest of the year, and you realize just how small the town is. I keep busy, though. My family owns the General Store smack dab in the middle of town, so I work there for the most part. I take some classes at the community college about an hour away, too. During the summer I greet all the familiar faces and welcome them back, and give newcomers the grand tour for some petty cash. Living here and all, I know a lot about Lake Eleanor, and it comes in handy.
My best friend vacations here with her family, and I'll be glad to see her again. Her dad got married last year, and she's been having trouble with her new step-sister, who sounds like a real b***h. I've met her and seen her around during the summer, and I actually kinda liked her. She's a looker, and she was never mean to me. I guess she'd have to be a huge b***h, though, to be in love that boyfriend of hers, who is the stupidest, most selfish a*****e in the world, not to mention a total cheater. Before I realized what a douchebag he is, I was actually friends with him. I've seen him hanging around my little sister, and I just know that he's going to be trouble. I don't want to be that jerk big brother who doesn't let his little sister have any fun, so I haven't done anything about it, but I'm keeping an eye out.
My little sister is a party animal, and it worries our parents. I can see where they're coming from, but she's got more common sense than most and can fend for herself. Besides, I gave her a pack of condoms and told her I'd beat up any guy who harasses her, so everything's okay.