1 | Armin Edric Hakon
1 | Armin Edric Hakon
↘ xxxx Armin Edric Hakon xxxx ↙
↣ The Crimson Devil ↤

"Fear is an illusion, therefore I control it, and I control you."
I've lived for thirty years.
I am Demon reborn, and I am affiliated with Zeladis.
I am on team three as a Fighter and Magical support.
I am Male.
I am interested in females.

↣ A b i l i t i e s
¯ ¯ ↘ Armin's magical capability is centered solely in the manipulation and control over illusions. Unlike most people, Armin controls these powers naturally, with very little practice. What separates him further is the fact that Armin's ability over illusions does not extend to words or prior knowledge about his intended victim, simply his mind alone. Even the type of illusion doesn't matter. Whatever Armin can think up, he can project as an illusion. These illusions that Armin projects are seen by all individuals, rather than the mind of the victim. The balance to this power lies within his desired illusion. He cannot create an illusion too large, nor do these illusions effect the physical body, merely the mind. Often times, Armin can get around these facts by using his intellect and tricking the mind of the individual with panic and fear.
When this fails, Armin is able to use a scythe with skill and talent as a last defense.
↣ P e r s o n a l i t y
¯ ¯ ↘ Armin is a blend of cunning, calculating and mystery. Unless it serves him, he never tells an individual every part of his true intentions. Armin knows that knowledge is a power that you have to take advantage of. It allows you to do a multitude of things so long as you don't let that grip go. Armin is like this. He never lets on more than he knows, even to his friends. Then again, Armin doesn't have any friends.
↣ M y x S t o r y
¯ ¯ ↘ Armin's story starts with the Allufinary. The Allufinary are a separate sect of five demons that praise the power of a 'god' called Jallufin, who controls the power of illusion. For centuries the Allufinary claim that Jallufin had granted them all of their power through a sacred ritual each of them had to take called the, Ken Kori Nas. Only able to take this ritual once, each of the five demons of the Allufinary had taken the Ken Kori Nas, and each time, their power grew.
Driven by their greed and increasing malice, every demon devoted to Jallufin became pleased that all the magic they learned to use was dark magic. To them, Jallufin had given them everything they wanted. Using a ritual called, Tagrin, the five demons were able to communicate with this god. In this way, they could listen and obey his every commend. Each order, regardless of how bloody and terrible, was carried out with pleasure. These acts, under the command of their god, had the Allufinary branded dark kidnappers, and murderers.
The highlight of their crimes came when the five demons of the Allufinary attempted to bring their god into the world of the living during the ritual of Kraz(the ritual of Darkness). It took them three months of education to be ready for the ritual, and two months to prepare. Under normal circumstances, as soon as the ritual could be preformed perfectly, they would have been able to use it right away. However, Jallufin wanted one other quota to be met that lengthened their preparation time. Jallufin wanted a human virgin to rebirth him into the world of the living, making his arrival final and permanent. He told his followers this would make him more powerful. Because of this, the five demons had to find a suitable female that their god approved of. No simple task.
When the time finally approached, the five demons of the Allufinary abducted a virgin chosen by Jallufin and taken her where the ritual was to take place. The conditions were met; it was midnight on a full moon within a dark forest's clearing, and at the center was a large flat stone prepped with candals for the ritual. With the spells written down around and stop the stone, Jallufin finally chose one demon among the five to conceive him with the chosen virgin. Non other but those two were to be atop the stone. With Jallufin's two chosen "parents" in place, the ritual began.
The ritual was never completed. At the climax, a group of bandits tracked them down. They came to realize that Jallufin, the apparent god of illusion, was a powerful demon that was imprisoned. To escape, he had to be reborn into the human world as one of them in order to cause havoc and destruction once again. This fact, along with the promise of selling demon hide on the black market, had sealed the Allufinary's death in their eyes.
True to their mission, all of the five demons had been killed that night, but the damage had already been done, how much they didn't know. The woman had ended up pregnant.
That baby was Armin, named so by the woman that gave birth to him. He had been born that fatefull night rebirthing the demon Jallufin into the world of the living. The ritual, had been successful.
With nothing valuable on his mother and all pleasure already done before they arrived, the bandits allowed them to live. Yet, the tale of grief does not end here. Armin's mother had been met with a multitude of hateful from then on. Unable to terminate the pregnancy, Armin's mother was forced to wait and abandon him after birth. However, she had a change of heart as soon as she saw his face. Her parents did not agree. She soon saw that trying to sway them was useless. They had decided to blame the child for the damage done by the Allufinary. If she disagreed than she must approve, and therefore, they had no daughter.
In order to raise her child peacefully, Armin's mother had to break free of her parents. In the end, this lead to her death. This decision lead her to a hard life as she suddenly had to pay for herself and brand new child in a hostile place. Affording enough only for one person, Armin's mother poured everything she had into Armin until she died. He was ten.
By this time, Armin had already grown to ignore the opinions and thoughts of other people. The only person he cared for was his mother, and as soon as she died, he blamed everyone else. Thievery wasn't a problem either. He had grown used to it. Often times he had stolen small scraps in the market for his mother to eat when she couldn't afford it. Stealing for his own health was no different.
From then on that was how Armin lived. Everything he ever had he took or stole to acquire. Learning to read and write was among these. And as he matured, his mind and methods became sharper and more intelligent, as well as his abilities.
↣ H o w x I x G o t x H e r e
¯ ¯ ↘ Armin was chosen for his infamous notoriety as the Crimson Devil. Many people knew of Armin's physical capabilities, cruelty, and his unique ability to get whatever he wanted using his powers. This made him ideal for the games, as his trickery and cruelty would be an asset. Their only obstacle would be 'acquiring' him, both bodily and for the games. This did not bother them. By analyzing his previous work they knew he was dangerous to them only when awake. Therefore, once they tracked him down, they ambushed him in the night while he slept. Armin barely had time to comprehend his jeopardized position before the soldiers that infiltrated his den drugged him. They had then taken him to the castle prison where Armin had been forced to eat drugged food that prevented him from thinking or doing anything properly.
That was when the King and Queen gave Armin a choice. For his crimes and cruelty Armin was due for execution by hanging at midday before the populous. However, they made it perfectly clear that he would be begging for death on a daily basis if he refused to enter the games for them. Escaping wasn't an option either. If he did, Armin would be followed for the rest of his life until they had him again. From there, they told him, his fate would be a living death. Armin had no choice but to accept. He knew they would follow through with their threats.
Unwilling to give him the chance of using his power against them, the King and Queen continued to drug him and hold him prisoner until the games finally arrived. They called it, "premature punishment" should he decide to betray them.