Q-How many Gaia accounts do you have? A-Two, The Porcelain Mask and Dolls in Stitches.
Q-Do you often donate your gold to other people? A-Yes, very frequently. I am currently involved with a charity. I really like to help people out as much as I can.
Q-Are you in any guilds? A-At the moment, no.
Q-How long have you been on Gaia? A-A little over a year. My first name was Haunted Dolly, but I soon scrapped that account.
Q-Do you draw avatar art? A-Yes, and most of the time it's free. I mainly do it to help improve my skills on photoshop. If you are questing for avatar art, i'm the person to come to. Like my art or not-I do it for free.
Q-How many people have asked you to do their avatars? A-186 and counting.
Q-How many people have rejected your art? A-About three people had, my drawings might not be their piece of the cake. Yeah, it's a little hurtftul.
Q-Do you currently have any Avatar art Shoppes? A-No, but I did on my other name. The highest price I charged was 600g and the lowest was 100g.
Q-Was your shoppe a success? A-Actually yes! I just got too lazy. I had a hard time keeping up with the requests.
Q-Are there people on your "Ignore" list? A-Yes, i've encountered a few little turds out there.
Q-How many friends are on your list? A-One. =D
Q-Have you ever quested for anything? If so-what items? A-The only item that I own that I have really quested for were the Golden Laurels. 43k
Q-Are you easily pissed off while cruising around on the Gaia forum? A-Yes.
Q-How long have you been on Gaia? A-A little over a year.
Q-Were you considered a "n00b" or a "Newbie" when you joined? A-Deffinently a n00b. =D I typed correctly and used phrases right, I just didn't follow the "stickied" rules in a forum. I was totally bashed for that.
Q-Do you roleplay? A-Yes. I am a literate roleplayer.
Q-Have you ever purchased anything from the Gaia store? A-Yes, i've gotten the baby tee shirt, but I ruined it with chocolate.
Those are just a few facts about me.
Give him the peas · Fri Jun 17, 2005 @ 01:35am · 2 Comments |