Today I switched my samples in the artshop with new pictures :"D
Last month we also added some Adoptables in the artshop.

I really like my flying monkey, it's like the ones' in The Wizard of Oz and I adore this book. At the beginning I only wanted to draw a monkey, but then suddenly he had wings xD and then I though "Oh, how cool, just like The Wizard of Oz!"
I also drew a cat :"D but the best thing are the colors. I collected copic markes for years and they were always somethings like a holy maker. I was too scared to use them xD and so I collected and collected and collected, but since the last month I finally have also the courage to use them *__* They are sooooo awesome!
Feeh-Ling · Tue Dec 14, 2010 @ 06:39pm · 0 Comments |