Original character profile
Name : Maeve
Maeve is a celtic name which means mystical Queen.
Name : Maeve
Maeve is a celtic name which means mystical Queen.
Age: a being with infinate exsistance holds no age.
Phsyical atributes in human form
Body type: Curvy
Race: Goddess who posseses mortal form
Eye Color: Pale Violet
Hair Color: Darkblue with shades of gray and pale purple resembles the night sky.
Skin color: The color of the night sky
Distinguishing features: Id sure say so.
Personality Habits/Hobbies/Mannerisms:
Shy, Chews gum, Smokes, Hums , Writes, Has a Perverted Mind, Geeky.
Nervous twitch - she bites her lip when nervous or thinkig too hard.
Maeve Is a goddess of the sky, who for centuries observed those bellow her powers, and one day decided to beg the thunder god Thor to convince his father to grant her a human form. Useing her powers over the sky and seduction she lures Thor out one night to meet in her realm and tricks Thor into illusions of love and lust. With that on her side she eventually had Thor convinced that because her love of the creatures that inhabited that which she had observed for years while controlling their skys was so strong, she would never be completely happy just being an entity with the gods. Thor loving her like he had grown to, went and spoke to Odin and althought reluctant to do so, he granted his son the power to give his love a human form but only if she went amug the other world once and would return to relinquish the power to pass between the worlds to him the next eve.Thor accepted his fathers conditions and that night he went to Maeve and gave her the news, and the power to do as she has always wished, knowing that with the power to manipulate sky she couldnt protect herself from those demons that dwell amung other worlds, he also intrusted her with some of his power over thunder, and as a gift gave her a sword crafted from miljnors brother stone. That night she embraced Thor and realized that she too had fallen inlove in the midst of her plan, but knew she had to go, and never come back, else she could never leave this world again... that night she left and over time did not return to her lover, but found many others in many worlds, known for her gypsy heart and free spirit , she bounces from lover to lover to find one she could possibly replace Thor with, knowing for if she returned to him, her power to be of other worlds again would be taken away.
When in other worlds she is a silent observer, shy to approach but infatuated with other speicies , her goal to learn as much as she can about the other worlds and then return home when she satisfies her obsession to be with her love again.
Upon her journey she's picked up a love for Video games, and the musical oddity humans call Metal.
Avatar Examples:

Artist example :

Art by Leneia
]I couldnt sleep, so I made art of my OC

Tis pretty.