The Gotei Thirteen Reformed Movie: Blizzard Over Sokyoku
After the masked rebellion (Amaths rebellion) Times were peaceful, all squads were reforming, new captains were introduced, more graduates joined squads, yet all was not well...
during this time A shinigami opened up the senkaimon to go into the human world and made the biggest mistake of his life, for standing on the other side waiting for entry were four figures, three were arrancar all with blue hair, the other couldnt be seen under the hood, all you could see was a division three haori and a smile from underneath a hood...
Gin Ichimaru (hooded and scarred)

Arrancar one (MN: koroshai)

Arrancar two (MN: Sechei)

Arrancar three (MN: leasia)

MN: maybe name
Koroshai is able to control snow, creating a blizzard, he can make multiple ice shards and throw them at the enemy. Sechei controls water, with his sword becoming a blade made out of water he is able to flood a entire room or even area, he can also make giant tidal waves. Leasia can control ice, with her power everything can be coated in ice, including living people and things.
Xx_Punk Shinigami_xX · Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 03:25am · 0 Comments |