Well, friday was a pretty good day. I had a lot of fun, besides the fact that my chemistry teacher almost killed the class. I saw Robots last night. Such a good movie. Not as good as the Incredibles, but it was still really funny. I'm gonna have to say that Robin Williams stole the whole show. He's always been my favorite, and I was so happy when I first heard he was going to do voice over work for a cartoon. His first since he played Genie on Aladdin. Anyways, I'm going to cut this short. I've got places to be and Celebrity Poker to watch. (Ray Ramano is on, unfortunately he was the first in the Losers Lounge, but he's still hilarious.)
~*Skye*~ xp
Skye_Sheppard · Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 10:46pm · 2 Comments |