I never thought that playing gaia would be a lot of fun, didn't expect to meet such wonderful and good people smile of course it has not all been good. I've been in squabbles, got irritated, pissed (lol), hurt (for realz) in short I have gained and lost some friends. Oh well.. life goes on. To those who hate me LOL hmmm... this is for you .,i,. blaugh My friends whom has been there since fresbo you have my LOVE heart .
These are just a few of my Art Collections (hope you like them as much as I do):
"My Precious Arts"
(Arts given by my Friends)
heart heart heart
ehem... bro jabba (.,i,.) "aka" ___naning__kamut___
thank you so much for the art, your friendship and for
always being there for me even at time I tend to talk to much.
love ya bro!
heart heart heart
Bessy cheerie v3 thanks for the cutsie art heart also I wouldn't
be where I am in gaia if not for you, you have my deepest gratitude.
heart heart heart
Sis Patty from Fresbo to Gaia smile sisters online till the end.
You're one hot Momma! Thanks for this very sweet art smile
heart heart heart
I was very surprised when I saw this art didn't
even know sneaky sis xcotton23x made it for me redface
I was very touched and still am. sis thank you so much!
Thanks so much for this very cute art dear heart
"Coupl Arts"
(*Warning* most of my couple arts are of me and Krux. Also some are gifts and commissioned by mwax)
heart heart heart
heart heart heart
heart heart heart
Happy times heart most unforgettable
person I've met online smile krux thanks for everything!
Please always remember that I'll always be here for you.
heart heart heart
Somebody I knew and lost. LOL something that
was sweet and ended sour. Thanks for the art!
This one I'd have to say is my fave smile all good pure fun!
and we're HOT! LOL (ms money this art is for you)
My Friends and I
Oh.. Happy days...
heart heart heart
My friends are hot LOL just look don't touch! rofl
weeeee... LOVE YA GUYZ!! (most of the pix that's got "bling"
has been made by my gaia son ll-EL_Mhardz-ll
mucho Thankies anak!)
taken by bro Paaaaat LOL tnx bro!
"Fansign Collection"
krux thanks for the sign heart
My very first ever "fansign" well at least that's what
they call em' anyway, Darky I never thought we would
be this close LOL I am so glad to have met you smile it's
nice to have somebody to talk to and always have a blast
doing it. Thanks friend! -big hug-
P_dizzle Thanks for this sign!! stay nice and cool smile