Here is is.
Name: Lukas Lunn
Age: 28 years young.
Nationality: A mix of Russian (his mother) and German (his father).
Height: 6'4"
Hair colour: Blonde, formerly had grey streaks. Is well past his butt.
Eye colour: Ice blue with a dark blue ring along the outside.
Appearance: His hair has split ends, many many split ends, but it is well kept. He wears ripped jeans, usually either acid-washed or just faded denim. He doesn't like wearing shirts, because he's claustrophobic. His skin is pale, but not like a vampires. His pupils dilate when he sees blood.
Occupation: Odd jobs. Earns what he can, when he can. A cannibal.
Background: He's from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His dad was a cop who was shot off-duty when someone tried robbing their neighbour. He died a week later in the hospital. His mom took care of them and seemed normal for a few months, but slowly began to slip. She started using the money she earned as a nurse to buy liquor and other booze. She became a drunk, and in the end neglected her children because she wasn't sober enough to care. Lukas was forced to try and raise his baby sister Claire. She got sick and died of pneumonia.
He was left with nothing, and ended up doing odd jobs until he was 16 just to survive. He raised enough spare money to get himself out of Europe and onto a cargo boat into America. He met an underground clan in New York. They took him in for 2 years, and tried to convert him into Satanism. He wouldn't join though, not having an interest in religion. But he picked up a bad habit from them, which was eating raw meat. That escalated as he grew, and his curiousity of what human flesh tasted like grew with his age. Eventually he made his first kill, and became a cannibal. He rarely eats human though; it's more like a rare delicacy for him since if he killed too much he'd be caught. He also found an old book in a dumpster on Egypt when he was 20, and that's where his obsession with Egypt began.
Other: He has an Ankh tattoo on his stomache with 4 gems in it. His family's birth stone colours. His right ear is pierced multiple times, and his left is pierced twice.
Reference pictures: Age 17 || Age 18 || Age 18 || Age 20 || Age 28
Age: 28 years young.
Nationality: A mix of Russian (his mother) and German (his father).
Height: 6'4"
Hair colour: Blonde, formerly had grey streaks. Is well past his butt.
Eye colour: Ice blue with a dark blue ring along the outside.
Appearance: His hair has split ends, many many split ends, but it is well kept. He wears ripped jeans, usually either acid-washed or just faded denim. He doesn't like wearing shirts, because he's claustrophobic. His skin is pale, but not like a vampires. His pupils dilate when he sees blood.
Occupation: Odd jobs. Earns what he can, when he can. A cannibal.
Background: He's from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His dad was a cop who was shot off-duty when someone tried robbing their neighbour. He died a week later in the hospital. His mom took care of them and seemed normal for a few months, but slowly began to slip. She started using the money she earned as a nurse to buy liquor and other booze. She became a drunk, and in the end neglected her children because she wasn't sober enough to care. Lukas was forced to try and raise his baby sister Claire. She got sick and died of pneumonia.
He was left with nothing, and ended up doing odd jobs until he was 16 just to survive. He raised enough spare money to get himself out of Europe and onto a cargo boat into America. He met an underground clan in New York. They took him in for 2 years, and tried to convert him into Satanism. He wouldn't join though, not having an interest in religion. But he picked up a bad habit from them, which was eating raw meat. That escalated as he grew, and his curiousity of what human flesh tasted like grew with his age. Eventually he made his first kill, and became a cannibal. He rarely eats human though; it's more like a rare delicacy for him since if he killed too much he'd be caught. He also found an old book in a dumpster on Egypt when he was 20, and that's where his obsession with Egypt began.
Other: He has an Ankh tattoo on his stomache with 4 gems in it. His family's birth stone colours. His right ear is pierced multiple times, and his left is pierced twice.
Reference pictures: Age 17 || Age 18 || Age 18 || Age 20 || Age 28
Name: Marek Pilganne
Age: 22
Nationality: Red-winged blackbird. Appears Cuban when in human form.
Height: 5'10"
Hair colour: Brown, with red and blonde streaks. Reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades.
Eye colour: Dark brown, look fully black in certain lighting.
Appearance: There are two pieces of hair that come from behind his ears with one of his feathers tied to the ends of each. He has a soul patch under his lower lip, and a rather thick happy trail. He is muscular, but not in the sickening way. His skin is a mocha colour. His clothing is usually a button up shirt, jeans, a jacket, khaki's, and sometimes he just goes shirtless when he's in a show-offy mood. Pretty much all of his clothing has an earthy feel to it. Feel free to fiddle around with his clothing as you please, just nothing preppy or bright in colour. He has spacers in his ears, some being rings, some being solid.
Occupation: Student at a college of photography.
Background: Being a blackbird by birth, his family is quite large. He was one of thousands of eggs layed, and he was one of the last to hatch. Growing up he was neglected, just another mouth to feed, so he strived hard to make himself known to his mother and father. It didn't happen until his 16th birthday, but he finally became recognized. You see, the Pilganne blood line is one that is unique.
There is an interesting story in its history that not many know, but it surrounds his great-great grandfather and a lonely witch hag. His ancestor knew that the witch was lonely, so he graced her with his music, singing outside of her window all day to try and cheer her up. It worked, and he could see that it did. She got the motivation to take care of herself more, to clean her home, and tend to the withering garden. While this progress was happening, the bird slowly fell in love with her, and little did he know the feelings were being returned. One day he absolutely wanted to voice them, but had no way of doing it, so he sang louder and more boldly to the woman. The witch did a bit of research and came across something that would benefit both; a spell to transform the bird to a human at will. The day after she found it, she casted it on him, and well...they lived happily ever after. This spell carried on through the bloodline of the blackbirds family, but only to the males.
This brings us back to the present. Though he was belated, very much so since his brothers were already in the human world at the age of 12, he was definately the most charming and handsome. He found that he was able to enjoy life more than his siblings, because he was free from the binds of human laws for so long. He got decent marks in school, but it seemed that he wore his heart on his sleeve. Marek didn't understand what being 'gay' or 'straight' was. All he understood was that he felt an attraction to him or her. This happened frequently, and always ended in him being hurt. Through the years he became very reserved, but never lost his cheerful spark, no matter how cautious he seemed.
Other: His ears are shaped normally when he's in public, and more pointed when he's alone. He likes to sit in meadows and along river sides because he feels closer to nature that way. Spring and Fall are his favourite seasons.
Reference picture: One || Two || Three
Name: Gavin Pressna
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Hair colour: Orange/red. Think pumpkin pie. Reaches halfway down his back.
Eye colour: Vibrant green.
Appearance: SEE HERE.
Occupation: Unknown.
Background: Unknown.
Other: He wears a dark blue pebble on a string. His pants always hang low, so his boxers are visible. They're usually his favourite pair, which is red with green stars.
Reference picture: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Hair colour: Orange/red. Think pumpkin pie. Reaches halfway down his back.
Eye colour: Vibrant green.
Appearance: SEE HERE.
Occupation: Unknown.
Background: Unknown.
Other: He wears a dark blue pebble on a string. His pants always hang low, so his boxers are visible. They're usually his favourite pair, which is red with green stars.
Reference picture: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six