█ w i l l i a m
____a l l y s i v
_______g a u n t
__t h e 2 n d
- "bonjourno"
b a s i c ___ i n f o
- ▲ A G E:
- twenty-three
▲ H E I G H T:
- 5'10"
▲ W E I G H T:
- 138lbs
▲ J O B:
- elven prince / dvd store clerk
▲ H A I R:
- golden blond
▲ E Y E (S):
- brown (left) & gold (right)
▲ S E X:
- male
▲ G E N D E R:
- feminine
▲ M O T H E R:
- cordelia alecsandria gaunt
▲ F A T H E R:
- william salvador gaunt
▲ S I S T E R:
- eleanor beatrice gaunt
▲ S P O U S E:
- conan ____ ____ (?)
▲ R E F E R E N C E S:

▲ M U S T___R E A D:
○ The hair doesn't have to be drawn in a plait. It can be let loose, in a high / low ponytail- it doesn't even matter. A friend of mine IRL has a problem with the long hair, and if you do as well, then it's perfectly fine to draw it short and rough (as seen in reference 1)
○ The RIGHT EAR (your right), MUST be flopped over. I know none of the references here are actually following this example (if you look carefully then #1 is)- but if my other laptop was working I would have a ton more references, all with the ear lop. Why? He has incurable nerve damage. I haven't thought up why yet. Probably rough sex.
○ You do not have to draw him in his traditional royal clothing. You can draw him in any sort of expensive-looking human clothing, his work clothes (see reference #1 - white shirt, black trousers). Reference three is HALLOWEEN CLOTHING- do not draw him in this unless I ask you to.
○ When drawing his expression- I'd prefer it if you avoided the typical smiley face- as he only ever smiles when he's around people he really likes. As I should have mentioned earlier- he's an a**.
○ Drawing Conan is a tricky business- Please follow all the specific details because I'm not gonna lie- even the creator (not me) doesn't remember all of his original accessories. Tail.. horns... piercings.. fricken tattoos- he has the works, so bear with me if I ask you to draw him, because he's a tricky bugger.
○ Williams height... When drawn next to Conan, he should be in fact, significantly shorter. As Conan originally walks on hooves, he's really tall. A lot of elven people are. William's half blood- don't forget.
○ Last note- please, and I mean PLEASE don't forget his eyes! Left (your left) NEEDS to be really obviously gold- and the right must be DARK BROWN (your right). Reference #4 is best for this- as it shows the blatant difference. It really makes a different- don't forget.
▲ B I O G R A P H Y:
_______The land of Selesñeva was a blossoming one indeed- it stretched for miles upon miles, and no inhabitant was the same- except perhaps for those born identical twins. The reigning King, Gallant Roma Gaunt III, was a strong and powerful man- he knew how to treat his beloved citizens- and loved them all the more for accepting his many mistakes. Though he was a clutz, he was just and honest- always taking the opinion of others into view. But then history was born- and a man with no tail- no fur asides from that on his head, crotch and armpits, no horns, and peculiar eyes appeared. He didn't have a funny skin colour- he walked on two legs, and he could not perform magic. He was a human. The King was angered- how dare this abomination cross his boarders and insult his people- for the man was saying such crude things on the subject of the people- with their pointy ears, hooves, magic and horns! The Kings wife, Alyssiv Lola Gaunt, tried to calm her raging husband, but the king wedged his crown onto his head and stormed down the stairs of the palace, through the front gates, over the moat, and around the houses before he came upon a tavern- where the Human was drinking, and making crude jokes. All the towns people were scared of this beast you see- for he was foreign, and new things were not welcome from other worlds. The people of Selesñeva knew all! But they did not know this...
The King marched into the tavern- the citizens gasped and bowed their heads! The thing turned around, and sneered. "Aye, you be the beast in charge around these 'ere parts?" questioned the man, and King Gallant slipped off his leather gloves, and struck them across the man's cheek. Needless to say, he was angry, and as he stood- the man drew a metal contraption with a hole in the end, he held it like a small walking stick, and then aimed it to the Kings face. BANG! The gun fired- and the king toppled to the ground, his long ears cracking in a sickly way as they hit the floor at an odd angle. The tips of his magnificent horns had been snapped off, and his long, lion-like tail was twisted in a disturbing way. The light in his beautiful golden eyes ceased to exist, and yet as soon as it happened- it was over. The human blew the end of his gun, the smoke flitting around, before he slipped it back into his pocket. The people began screaming, running in all directions. What was this weapon? How could it kill their mighty King Gallant?
Slowly the human began walking up the path to the Palace, the guards bore their weapons on him- but he shot them down. He marched to the throne room, where on the thrown was Queen Allysiv was cradling a beautiful baby girl, with long silvy hair that- even with her young age, fell innocently around her curled, beige horns, and trailed past the length of her tiny body. Beside the Queen, looking defiant and protective, was the Queen's young son, William. He had a tuft of dark brown hair, which fell curly around his face, and was tied into a short ponytail at the back of his head. His eyes were a startling gold- just like his fathers, and he stood with pride. The mother, seated upon her thrown with her youngest offspring, was a stunning sight to say the least. She had long, silver hair which flowed down her back, and past her ankles, coiling on the floor around her feet. She wore an exquisite dress of white and blue- which brought out her brilliant sapphire eyes. She was tall, at least 6'0", and had high cheek bones and full lips- which she had passed onto her son and daughter. The human bowed his head mockingly, and the Queen turned up her nose. "First you kill my husband- oh yes news travels with speed here, and then you invade my home, kill my loyal guards, and DARE to mock me in front of my own children?" her voice was shrill, but the man merely raised a brow and said in a clear voice, "it was for safe passage my lady- so i could speak to such a beautiful thing as yourself. You see, our race, mankind, homosapiens... humans- we wish to expand our territory- and your people seem to be inhabiting a large amount of the land we wish to build on. So my task was simple. I was to come here, kill your current king, and tell you this. You will raise your brats there with the knowledge of us humans- and that we are the superior race... We will cut off a 1/4th of your southern lands, and then build a wall- the biggest wall anyone will ever see- around your lands. There will be one gate- but you may not cross it without choosing between beast- or man." he took a pause, watching the tears gather in Queen Alyssiv's beautiful eyes. "Your people will live in fear of our guns, the young will be raised to see us humans as deities... And you will follow any command the human royalty decides to bestow upon you." At this point, the Queen had streaks of salty water running down her pale cheeks, yet her eyes were full of rage, and her lips pursed. The man turned to the Queen's eldest child, her son, William- and continued. "When your pretty little son here comes of age, and claims the thrown, he will marry a woman of human blood- and your revolting blood lines will be shamed, and contaminated. If you do not agree to these terms, your people will suffer- and die."
And so it became. Those were the laws bestowed on the people- for the people. The huge wall was built, just under a mile tall, with human guards living by the gates. The land of Selesñeva became slave to the humans- and retreated further into their lands- the wall now being 18,000 miles from the Palace- and 8 miles from any civilization. Prince William soon became King William- and as promised, a beautiful human woman was engaged to him. Her name was Cordelia Alecsandria Romanova- she was from a line of "Russians", who had been moved towards "England"- and were now a respectable and highly esteemed "British" family. She had long, blond, flowing hair which reached just past her shoulders- but King William would have none of that, and forbade her touching it for the rest of her life- until it was long and silky like the previous Queen's. Though William kept up the appearance of an ignorant King- his mother had told him all, and he knew all about the humans and their despicable plans. He hated Cordelia- and demanded she have no freedom, and do everything his way. She was to wear shoes at all times, asides from when she slept- then she would wear slippers- so her filthy human feet did not touch anything from their Kingdom. She was forbidden from walking outside- from touching anything Elven, or breathing any fresh air. That is until she attempted to kill herself in the confines of her room. The King was furious, and gave her a disgusted shoulder as she slept for days- until she woke, and for the first time in King Williams life- he looked into those soft, honey-brown eyes, a beautiful chocolate colour that shone with a caramelized glint. Needless to say, he was mesmerized, and soon learnt all about his beautiful bride- and they fell in love. Cordelia was a strong believer in Elven rights- and hated her own kind. She was the perfect match for William- a traitor of the enemy, and a stunning one at that.
Not 3 years after they were married- Cordelia became pregnant, and on July 9th, the fourth year of King William the firsts reign, their beautiful half-blood child was born. He had already very long blond hair- but it was a golden blond, like the sun itself. His eyes were one brown- like his beautiful mother- and the other gold, like his elven ancestors. Cordelia had always wished for a daughter- and even though her first born was male, she raised him carefully, keeping him safe and ignorant to the dangers in life- and he became very feminine. Not 7 years later, she had their second child- Eleanor. The King, having missed out on raising a son, spent most of his time with the girl, and she became quite masculine.
When William II was 15, he met Conan. Conan was one of the few remaining bloodlines which had remained pure all these years. He walked on two furry legs, both with hooves at the end, bent backwards at the knee. He had colossal horns- which would stretch up to almost a meter in length- and so he had them shaved down to stumps. He had pointed ears, and three studded piercings along either side of his nose. He had a rather bland tattoo on his chest- and a long, curling lion-like tail. He was one of the strongest- if not THE strongest warrior of the royal guard- but also the youngest. When William, 15, met Conan, 18, it was as if the whole world uncoiled for William- and he came to a harsh realization.
He did not like women. He lusted for men- specifically one man. Conan. Conan had a peculiar ability to shift forms when needed- between hairy hoofed legs, to long and muscular normal legs. William had trained under Conan for a while, and their relationship blossomed. The first kiss they had shared had been sweet, and simple- for Conan had slept with many an elf- and was very experienced. Their sweet kiss ended almost as quickly as it started- but they were locking lips not soon after- and hence Conan deflowered the to-be-King. Soon though, King William and Queen Cordelia began talking of arranged marriages, and William II was not one to agree with his parents' decision. He bid Conan farewell- and with his little sister in hand (who had been more than a little ecstatic to travel) set off past the wall- becoming a citizen of those he should have despised the most. He settled down in a flat- now aged 20, with his younger sister, age 13. His little sister went to a human school- and as her only elven accessory was her pointed ears, she fit in just fine. William however- with his long hair and strong elven features- was rejected all over, and even beaten to the floor before thrown out of job interviews. Eventually however- he found a DVD store, with an elven owner. The woman was quick to employ him- and three years later he's still working their- receiving the regular visit from Conan, and the begging here and there for him and his sister to return to the palace- to resume his place as Prince.
All the while- what happened to Alyssiv's daughter? Well you see, she grew up- moved to a beautiful mansion west of the palace, and married a handsome young Nymph- bearing him six powerful sons, and one daughter- who was strangely enough, called Chelsea. Chelsea then became one of the human worlds biggest Drug Dealers- and with her enchanted hair (which would extend up to a mile), she would latch her hair onto the wall, and pull herself up. She soon built a little metal hook in which to wrap her hair around, and she would come and go as she pleased.