Sources: Anime News Network, My Anime List, Wikipedia,
1907 Moving Picture 活動写真 Katsudō Shashin
1917 Namakura Gatana なまくら刀 or Hanawa Hekonai meitô no maki 塙凹内名刀之巻
January 1917 The Story of the Concierge Mukuzo Imokawa 芋川椋三玄関番の巻 or 芋川椋三玄関番之巻 Imokawa Mukuzō Genkanban no Maki
1918 Urashima Tarō 浦島太郎
April 13, 1933 Chikara to Onna no Yo no Naka 力と女の世の中 lit. Within the World of Power and Women or The World of Power and Women
June 14, 1933 Norakuro のらくろ aka Private 2nd Class Nora-Kuro: Drill Chapter
March 9, 1934 Corporal Nora-Kuro
1935 Private 1st Class Nora-Kuro
1935 Private 2nd Class Nora-Kuro
1938 Nora-Kuro's Tiger Hunt
1939 Benkei tai Ushiwaka べんけい対ウシワカ trans. Benkei and Ushiwaka
1943 Kumo to Chūrippu くもとちゅうりっぷ "Spider and Tulip"
March 25, 1943 Momotarō no Umiwashi 桃太郎の海鷲 literally Momotarō's Sea Eagles
April 12, 1945 Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei 桃太郎 海の神兵 lit. Momotaro's Gods-Blessed Sea Warriors or Momotaro, Sacred Sailors aka Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors
May 1949 Gauche the Cellist セロ弾きのゴーシュ Sero Hiki no Gōshu aka Gorsch the Cellist or Goshu the Cellist
October 22, 1958 The Tale of the White Serpent 白蛇伝 Hakujaden
December 25, 1959 Magic Boy aka Shōnen Sarutobi Sasuke 少年猿飛佐助 "The Boy Sarutobi Sasuke"
1963 Gauche the Cellist セロ弾きのゴーシュ Sero Hiki no Gōshu aka Gorsch the Cellist or Goshu the Cellist
March 24, 1963 Wanpaku Ōji no Orochi Taiji わんぱく王子の大蛇退治 literally The Naughty Prince's Orochi Slaying
7 November 1963 – 31 December 1964 8 Man 8マン aka Eightman エイトマン Eitoman Genre: Science fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama
March 20, 1965 Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon ガリバーの宇宙旅行 Garibā no Uchū Ryokō Gulliver's Space Travels aka Space Gulliver
October 6, 1965 – September 28, 1966 Jungle Emperor ジャングル大帝 Jungle Taitei aka Kimba the White Lion
July 21, 1966 Cyborg 009 サイボーグ 009 Saibōgu Zero-Zero-Nain
July 31, 1966 Jungle Emperor Leo: Feature Film
March 19, 1967 Kaijuu Sensou (Monster War)
March 19, 1967 Jack and the Witch 少年ジャックと魔法使い Shōnen Jakku to Mahōtsukai "The Boy Jack and the Witch"
March 19, 1968 The World of Hans Christian Andersen アンデルセン物語 Andersen Monogatari
April 5, 1968 – September 27, 1968 Cyborg 009 サイボーグ 009 Saibōgu Zero-Zero-Nain
July 21, 1968 Horus: Prince of the Sun 太陽の王子 ホルスの大冒険 Taiyō no Ōji: Horusu no Daibōken lit. The Sun Prince - Hols' Great Adventure aka The Little Norse Prince or Little Norse Prince Valiant
March 18, 1969 The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots 長靴をはいた猫 Nagagutsu o Haita Neko "Cat Who Wore Cavalier Boots"
May 5, 1969 Flying Phantom Ship 空飛ぶゆうれい船 Soratobu Yūreisen
June 14, 1969 A Thousand and One Nights 千夜一夜物語 Senya Ichiya Monogatari
October 2, 1969 – September 30, 1971 Tiger Mask タイガーマスク Taigā Masuku
1970 Tiger Mask タイガーマスク Taigā Masuku
September 15, 1970 Cleopatra クレオパトラ Kureopatora
March 18, 1972 Nagagutsu Sanjūshi
4 January 1976 – 26 December 1976 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother aka 母をたずねて三千里 Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical
March 6, 1979 – March 25, 1980 Cyborg 009 サイボーグ 009 Saibōgu Zero-Zero-Nain
March 20, 1976 Nagagutsu o Haita Neko: Hachijū Nichi-kan Sekaiisshū
19 July 1980 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother aka 母をたずねて三千里 Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical
December 20, 1980 Chō Ginga Densetsu
April 20, 1981 – January 18, 1982 Tiger Mask II
1981-08-01 21 Emon: Uchū e Irasshai! aka 21エモン 宇宙へいらっしゃい!Genres: comedy, science fiction
23 January 1982 Gauche the Cellist セロ弾きのゴーシュ Sero Hiki no Gōshu aka Gorsch the Cellist or Goshu the Cellist
October 12, 1989 – October 11, 1990 The New Adventures of Kimba The White Lion
May 25, 1990 – November 22, 1990 A.D. Police Files Genre: Cyberpunk, Detective fiction
1991-05-02 to 1992-03-26 21 Emon 21エモン Genres: comedy, science fiction
July 25, 1991 3x3 Eyes aka Sazan Eyes genre: adventure, fantasy
September 26, 1991 3x3 Eyes aka Sazan Eyes genre: adventure, fantasy
January 23, 1992 3x3 Eyes aka Sazan Eyes genre: adventure, fantasy
1992-03-07 21 Emon: Uchū Ike! Hadashi no Princess aka 21エモン 宇宙いけ!裸足のプリンセス 21-Emon: To Space! The Barefoot Princess Genres: comedy, science fiction
March 19, 1992 3x3 Eyes aka Sazan Eyes genre: adventure, fantasy
1993 8 Man After Genre: Science fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama
February 2, 1993 – May 17, 1994 Aa! Megami-sama aka Oh! My Goddess! ああっ女神さまっ Ā Megami-sama or Ah! My Goddess! genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
21 May 1994 – 15 March 1996 801 TTS Airbats aka 青空少女隊 Aozora Shōjotai, lit. "The Blue Sky Girls Squad" genre: comedy, action
July 25, 1995 3×3 Eyes Seima Densetsu genre: adventure, fantasy
December 18, 1995 3×3 Eyes Seima Densetsu genre: adventure, fantasy
June 25, 1996 3×3 Eyes Seima Densetsu genre: adventure, fantasy
April 6, 1997 – March 29, 1999 Adventures of Mini-Goddess genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
2 April 1999 Marco: 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical
October 21, 2000 Ah! My Goddess: The Movie aka 劇場版「ああっ女神さまっ」 Gekijōban "Aa! Megami-sama!" genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
October 14, 2001 – October 6, 2002 Cyborg 009 サイボーグ 009 Saibōgu Zero-Zero-Nain
2002 .hack//Another Story aka .hack//Intermezzo (special) Genres: adventure, drama, fantasy, science fiction, supernatural
April 4, 2002 – June 27, 2002 Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai aka Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi アベノ橋 魔法☆商店街
April 4, 2002 – September 25, 2002 .hack//SIGN Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy, Magic, Sci-Fi
April 9, 2002 – August 30, 2003 12 Kingdoms aka 十二国記 Jūni Kokuki genre: fantasy
June 20, 2002 – April 12, 2003 .hack//Liminality Genres: Mystery, Sci-Fi
January 8, 2003 – March 26, 2003 .hack//Legend of the Twilight aka .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu aka .hack//黄昏の腕輪伝説 Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Oct 24, 2003 .hack//Unison Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, fantasy, science fiction
Nov 16, 2003 .hack//Gift Genres: action, comedy, fantasy
July 8, 2004 – September 23, 2004 2x2=shinobuden aka Nin x Nin = Shinobuden, Ninin ga Shinobuden, Ninja Nonsense: The Legend of Shinobu, ニニンがシノブ伝 2x2=Shinobuden - The Nonsense Kunoichi Fiction Ninin Ga Shinobuden Genre: Comedy
January 6, 2005 – July 7, 2005 Ah! My Goddess genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
21 May 2005 – 19 November 2005 Absolute Boy aka 絶対少年 Zettai Shōnen
April 5, 2006 – September 27, 2006 .hack//Roots aka ドットハック ルーツ Dotto Hakku Rūtsu Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Game, Sci-Fi
April 6, 2006 – September 14, 2006 Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy aka Ah! My Goddess: Everyone Has Wings Aa! Megami-sama: Sorezore no Tsubasa ああっ女神さまっ それぞれの翼 genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
October 5, 2006 – December 21, 2006 009-1 aka ゼロゼロナイン・ワン Zero Zero Nain Wan Genres: action, science fiction
January 8, 2007 – March 26, 2007 Academy Utopia Manabi Straight! aka Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびストレート! Gakuen Yūtopia Manabi Sutorēto! Manabi Straight!
3 March 2007 5 Centimeters Per Second aka 秒速5センチメートル Byōsoku Go Senchimētoru genre: romantic drama
October 10, 2007 Academy Utopia Manabi Straight! aka Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! がくえんゆーとぴあ まなびストレート! Gakuen Yūtopia Manabi Sutorēto! Manabi Straight!
December 12, 2007 Ah! My Goddess: Fighting Wings aka Aa! Megami-sama Tatakau Tsubasa ああっ女神さまっ 闘う翼 genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
April 12, 2008 – September 27, 2008 20 Mensou no Musume aka Nijū Mensō no Musume 二十面相の娘, lit. Daughter of Twenty Faces Genre: Mystery, Kaitō
6 April 2009 – 22 September 2009 07-GHOST aka セブンゴースト (Sebun Gōsuto) Genre Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
Aug 3, 2009 to May 2, 2011 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki aka The Story of 15 Beautiful Girls Adrift 15美少女漂流記 genre: hentai
September 5, 2009 Jungle Taitei Leo
October 6, 2009 – December 22, 2009 11eyes: Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shōjo aka 11eyes -罪と罰と贖いの少女- lit. 11eyes: Sin, Damnation, and the Atonement Girl genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance
December 27, 2010 – March 25, 2011 .hack//Quantum aka ドットハック クワンタム Dotto Hakku Kuwantamu Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
February 23, 2011 Ah! My Goddess: Itsumo Futari De genre: romance, comedy, fantasy
April 7, 2011 – June 23, 2011 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku aka 30歳の保健体育 Sanjussai no Hoken Taiiku?, trans. Health and Physical Education for 30-Year-Olds
July 8, 2011 – September 24, 2011 A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives aka いつか天魔の黒ウサギ Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi?, lit. The Devil's Black Rabbit of an Unknown Time genre: fantasy, romance
ova: March 16, 2012 – June 15, 2012 A Town Where You Live aka 君のいる町 Kimi no Iru Machi genre: romance, drama
October 27, 2012 009 Re: Cyborg
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