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Dojigomiru's Journal Dojigomiru"s Trips Around The Web

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movies of 2009 to fear
1. 10 Things I Hate About You (dont do a remake or they'll forget Heath Ledger in the Original)

2.Astro Boy (at least its not live action)

3.Comagirl (yes theres a movie called comagirl...no im not going to see it)

4. Crank: High Voltage (didnt he die in the last one?)

5. Ctrl Alt Delete (no its not based on the web comic Plot:Whilst searching for free porn, Andy accidentally deletes the internet...yes...thats the plot)

6. Dragonball Evolution (why is everyone wanting to make live action s**t...are writters REALLY that despsprate?)

7. Earthbound (why look, more live action only for a game...)

8. Fast Zombies with Guns (i think i know how that's going to end)

9. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (have we not proven that the writters are desprate?)

10. The Game ( i dont care what its about but i just lost thanks to it...)


12. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (heath ledgers Final Movie and it Might Not even come Out In north America!)

13.The Legend of Spyro (im not kidding... a movie based on the dragon)

14. Lupin the 3rd (please dont be live action)

15. Mean Girls 2 ( but one sucked....)

16. Metal Gear Solid (look more live action game movies...)

thats all for now cuz my eyes hurt from reading through bad movie plots

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i was bored one day
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more to come if its good

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We will win

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You know ur bored when...
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beat me with these bad boys lol

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and these dudes

This is my entry for a fanfic contest in one of my guilds. the names, places, and some of ther lines are all trade makes from namco and the makers of baten kraitos and BK origins...hope you like it
Wings Of Courage

There was once a story about a brave group of heroes that tried to stop an evil emperor from bringing back an evil god. There are many recollections of those heroes and how they touched the lives of many. This is one of them. This is the story of Princess Celsica of Diadem.

Celi looked out over the railing of the balcony, the clouds shone with a light pink flare. She could see the bridge that lead to the entrance of the throne room, a room she rarely got to enter. The Ray-Moo flapped lazily by as she turned around to face the inside of the castle. The beauty of Diadem’s castle was nothing new to her. The walls were made of patches of colorful clouds and plaster. Gold trimming on many of the staircases sparkled and paintings of honored knights and past rulers filled the walls. Celi looked back out over the balcony, waiting to catch a glimpse of her father coming out of yet another meeting with the head knight.

“Princess!” A voice called from afar. Celi turned to look and saw one of the honored knights running towards her. “Princess Celsica! You should be studying, not day dreaming about the clouds!” the knight told her.

Celi sighed. She hated studying. She turned back around, hoping that if she ignored the knight long enough; he would go away, when she saw her father coming out of the throne room. “Why don’t we just ask father about this studying situation.” Celi giggled. She took off down the stairs.

Princess Celsica was about 16. Her long sliver hair flowed as she ran down the stairs. Many considered her beautiful and all the knights agreed she was as feisty as the late Diadem knight, Lady Celsica, whom she was named after.

Her father, King Ladekahn, entered the palace. Celi ran up and hugged him. The knight chased after her and stopped just as he reached the princess and king.

The king laughed. “What has my lovely daughter done this time?” he asked.

“My lord, She should be studying, not day dreaming…she is the heir to the throne!” the told his king, bowing down before him.

“But those scholars are boring, I should be learning how to handle the nations problems from you! I should learn how to deal with other leaders…from you! I should at least learn how to defend myself and to protect my future land!” Celi told her father.

The king smiled. He looked at his daughter and saw the determination in her eyes. He sighed. “You really do take after Lady Celisica. Fine…you can sit in on my next meeting…which should be starting soon.” King Ladekahn told her, then started towards the throne room. Celi’s face lit up with joy as she followed her father. She turned back at the knight and made a little face at him (that read “HAHA…I win, you lose”).

Another knight walked up to the one that received ‘the face’. “She really does take after Lady Celisica…” he told the knight that got the face.

“No, I think she’s becomes more like her father everyday.” The other knight exclaimed.

Celi followed her father as they crossed the bridge to the throne room. “Father, who is your next meeting with?” She asked intensively.

“You’ll see, you’ll see” King Ladekahn told her. The large doors opened, leading to a large throne room. It shone all the colors of the rainbow from the light hitting the walls. The floor looked like rainbow ice. It was a magnificent sight. The king looked around. “That’s strange, our guest should have been here by now.” He mumbled.

“Who father?” Celi asked. She hated being out of the loop.

“Well I guess I can tell you. Our meeting was with the ambassador from Alfard. We were going to go over the problems with our two nations and see if I could get in touch with the emperor to try and fix these problems. “ The king told his young daughter.

“You mean Lyude!” Celi asked. She started to blush. Every girl in all of Diadem was secretly in love with him…Celi was no exception.

The king laughed as a knight ran up to him. “Sire, Sir Lyude will not becoming.” The knight told his king.

“Yes, I might have guessed…what is the reason?” the king asked.

“Well, The Lesser Celestial River has been flooded for so long and I have heard rumors that the empire believes you are plotting a surprise attack against the empire.” The knight told his king.

“But that’s absurd! We would never-” Celi started when pounding was heard outside the throne room.

“What is the meaning of this?” The king demanded.

A large group of knights entered the throne room. The commander of the troop walked up to the king and bowed. "“Sire, The Empire has taken over. Nashira village and Sheliak have been taken and they are at our doorsteps. What are your orders?” the knight asked.

“Hold them off as long as you can.” The king announced. “I will not let them have this land!” the king announced. The knights cheered and rushed off to their duties, a small group stayed behind as of the head knight’s orders. The king started towards the door. Celi following, her first meeting had started off with a war.

Out side, the knights that had left earlier had set off a blockade. And empirical forces were already on the other side. “Wow, they move quick.” Celi mumbled.

“Listen up, Ladekahn! Surrender peacefully, and the lives of your men and people will be spared.” The imperial commander yelled. The man was accompanied by a large group of soldiers and a huge robotic beast. Celi then noticed something that made her shift in stance. Lyude was with them.

The king grunted and shifted his stance, Celi knew this meant he was nerves…she had seen him do this when her mother had grown ill. The head knight walked over to his king’s side. “My lord, Their words are not to be trusted! I smell Treachery” the whispered to his king.

“I await your Answer. Surrender now, lest you doom your kingdom and people. The emperor declares war on Diadem! We will not allow you to take us by surprise!” the imperial commander yelled again.

“I must face them…” King Ladekahn told his knights.

“My lord, please reconsider!” The head knight begged.

“Father don’t do this!” Celi cried.

The king turned back to his knights and daughter and smiled. “Don’t worry. I have no desire for martyrdom. They won’t harm me. Even the empire follows a code of ethics.” The king reassured them. Celi resorted to her father’s habits and shifted in stance. The king looked at his daughter.

“They are not to be trusted!” the head knight exclaimed.

“I will discuss the matter directly with Emperor Geldoblame. This stalemate must come to an end.” Ladekahn told them.

“My lord…” The head knight tried but Celi could tell her father had made up his mind. It’s what’s best for diadem…its always what’s best for diadem. Celi thought to herself.

The king looked towards the head knight. “Protect the castle…” The king started, he caught a glimpse of his daughter. “And the princess, while I’m away.” The king finished.

“What ever the cost, my lord. “The head knight told his king.

“Good luck to you.” The king told his head knight.

“You better come back, I’m not ready to rule Diadem yet!” Celi blurted out. The king nodded. The started to walk to the barricade.

“It is I, King Ladekahn! I’m coming out. Hold your fire.” The king yelled out to the imperial soldiers.

Celi heard a voice come from her favorite balcony. “No! Don’t go!” she heard in a female voice. That is good advice… Celi thought to herself. Celi noticed the commander whisper something to one of the solders…an assassin looking female one. The woman smiled, a smile that made Celi use that habit of her fathers again…she shifted stance again.

“Here I am! Order your men to pull back, and take me to your emperor.” The king yelled to the imperial commander. The assassin looking woman gave a smirk.

Celi could hear another voice scream…it was a male. But before she could look away to see where it had come from. The woman pulled out her weapon and shot King Ladekahn. Celi started towards him as he hit the ground. The head knight followed. “My Lord!” he screamed.

“Hold it right there, boys! Move a muscle and I’ll blow a new hole in your precious king’s head!” the woman yelled over to them. The head knight stopped and grabbed on to Celi, trying to keep her from moving any closer.

“FATHER!” Celi screamed! Tears ran down her cheeks. I can’t lose another…please not another. Celi thought.

“You! The king came out alone, as promised! Why did you shoot!” Celi could hear Lyude yell to his commander.

“Silence. The king must be disposed of…Emperor’s orders.” The imperial commander yelled back to Lyude.

“What?! That can’t be true!” Lyude yelled back.

Celi watched as her father tried to get up. “Damn you! Is this the way of the empire? The way of your Emperor, Geldoblame?!” King Ladekahn coughed up.

“Shoot Him! Put him out of his misery!” The imperial Commander told the assassin looking woman.

“You got it!” She yelled out. Aiming her weapon at the king again.

“NO!” Both Celi and Lyude screamed. The woman shot the king a few more times and laughed.

“You…You’re missing his vitals on purpose, aren’t you?” the imperial commander asked.

“The man is spewing out his last words. Might as well grant him a little glory. So, where does his lordship want to be shot next?” the woman told her commander…still laughing.

“You monster!” Celi screamed, trying to get lose from the head knight’s grip. The princess stomped on the head knight’s toe and ran to her father’s side. “What has he done to you!” Celi screamed.

“Princess!” Lyude yelled to her.

“Princess, huh? Ok then…I’ll shoot the Girl Instead of the king…that would hurt him more!” The woman Laughed.

Celi let out her wings of the heart. They were pink and silver butterfly wings. They sparkled in the sun. She stood in front of her father. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. She could hear the head knight yell at her to return. The woman took aim at her. In the moment of truth, a knight must be bold but prudent…who needs to be prudent anyway? Celi thought to herself. The woman shot her weapon and Celi closed her eyes. When she opened them, there were three people in front of her.

“What the?! Its you!” the imperial commander yelled to the people in front of them. There were two men and a woman. The woman had short blonde hair and look like she wasn’t much older then Celi was and one of the guys had deep blue hair and gave off a aura about him but the last guy, the big one that looked a bit older then her dad, seemed familiar.

“Thought you could use some company.” The big guy yelled over to the imperial commander. The big guy turned back at Celi. “Princess Celisica, We’ll take it from here.” He told her. As he looked back. Lyude walked over and stood beside him. He aimed his weapon at the imperial commander.

“Ambassador Lyude! You dare to defy the emperor? To threaten your own people? To think that you’d stoop so low…You’re finished…Traitor!” the imperial Commander yelled to Lyude.

“Call me what you will, but I stand only for justice!” Lyude yelled back.

“Xelha, Watch over the princess, we’ll take it from here.” The big man told the blonde girl.

“You got it Gibari!” Xelha told the big guy. She ran over to Celi…Who was still standing in front of her father…scared to move.

“God forsaken fool. You seem to fit in quite well with the scum of this nation. We’ll be more than happy to take you out with the rest of the garbage.” The imperial Commander yelled over to Lyude. “Proceed.” He told the assassin woman.

“As you wish. Ready to Die? Hope you enjoy your trip to hell!” She yelled. She jumped into the robotic beast and started it up. Steam came out of it and with full force, a shot came from the guns of it, narrowly missing Lyude and the others.

“Princess…you can let go of your wings of the heart now.” Xelha told her. Celi snapped out of it and looked over to her father. Her wings of the heart disappeared as she kneeled down beside him. She put her hand over his wound…when she lifted her hand; there was blood on the palm of her hand. She closed her eyes…trying to not look at what the empire had done to her father. PLEASE…please, just live! She thought over and over in her mind.

Back at the battle, the three guys were going hard. With every hit left a dent in the mechanical monster. The big guy named Gibari gave it a large hit and it toppled over and fell off the bridge into the nothing ness of the sky. The assassin woman jumped out before it went over. “Damn! You’ll be sorry for this!” She screamed as she ran off.

“Retreat! Retreat!” The imperial Commander screamed as the soldiers took off.

The man with the blue hair chased after them. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going!” He yelled.

“Let’em go, kid!” Gibari yelled over to the man.

“Princess?” Xhelha asked. Celi opened her eyes. The battle was over and Gibari and the blue haired man were coming their way. The head knight was running towards them as well.

“Get the king into the throne room!” the head knight yelled to the other knights. The rest of them ran up to the king and lifted him into the throne room.

Celi looked back at the blood filled hand of hers. She looked around to see that Gibari, Lyude and the blue haired man were all standing around her as the knights took her father in. “You’re a brave girl princess…” Lyude told her.

Celi shook her head. “No I’m not…I was scared the whole time…” Celi told him.

The blue haired man put his hand on her shoulder. “Not being scared makes you a fool, real courage is getting past those fears to protect someone.” The blue hair man told her.

“Those are some true words Kalas…” Gibari told them. He walked up to the princess and whispered into her ear. “Lets go see if Kahn is ok…” and they walking into the throne room.

In the throne room, the knights were all surrounding the king. Celi walked up to her father, who was lying on the floor. She kneeled down beside him. He opened his eyes and smiled. “Sorry I worried you Celsica.” He coughed up. Celi smiled back at him…she was trying to hold down the large amount of tears she still had left. “Lyude…Where are you?” Ladekahn asked.

Lyude walked forward. “I’m Here, Sire.” He told him.

“Your homeland…You lost it on our account. I’m so sorry.” The king apologized as he tried to sit up.

“No, Sire. I was by my own will. It is I who must ask forgiveness for what my people have done. I can’t believe the horror, the recklessness…” Lyude started. But the king interrupted him.

“You need not feel responsible for what the empire has done. It’s something beyond your control.” He finished then looked over at Gibari. “ Hello Gibari, Its certainly been a while. You came just in time.” The king said with a smile. “Celsica, This is my old friend Gibari…” Ladekahn started.

“Why princess, I haven’t seen you since you were a baby…from what I saw today, you certainly take after the woman you were named after.” Gibari said with a smile.

“Are these your friends? You saved us from disaster. I’m truly thankful.” The king asked Gibari…looking over to Xelha and Kalas.

“We are honored, my lord. If only we could have come earlier…” Gibari told his king.

Xelha stepped forward. “King Ladekahn, there is something I must ask you…It’s very important.” Xelha asked.

“Please do. I’ll answer to the best of my ability.” The king told her.

“Would the royal family have any legends, tales of forbidden places, or old warnings passed down from your forefathers? Maybe something mentioning the gods of old?” Xelha asked.

“Why do you ask?” Celi asked.

“There’s little time for details now…but I believe that is the key to finding out what the empire is after.” Xelha told them.

“Deep in the mountains, behind the castle, it lies dormant within the shrine of the wind. Lay not your hands on it, lest they be awakened, woe to those who awaken the malevolent gods of old, banished and sealed away eons ago…These verses were passed down from generation to generation within the royal line. It is a lord’s duty to protect the shrine, and then to pass that on to his successor. Yet this obligation came to be regarded as mere folklore from some time ago. Mere legends…but yet you believe them to be true?” King Ladekahn told her.

“Yes…I’m sure of it. Ancient ruins exist in Sadal Suud as well. The shining Magnus that was sealed there has already fallen into Geldoblame’s hands…” Xelha told them.

“An ancient magnus, sealed away…now in Geldobleame’s possession…It seems we have little time to lose.” The king announced. He then tied to stand.

“Father, your not well!” Celi yelled at him, but helped him up.

“I need all my knights to defend this castle. Gibari, I must ask a favor of you…” Ladekahn started.

“Yes, my lord. I’ll see to it that the shrine is safe.” Gibari told him.

Thank you, Gibari. Whatever it is that lies in the shrine, we can’t allow it to fall into the empire’s clutches!” King Ladekahn told Gibari. With those words the king passed out. The knights grabbed him before he fell.

“There’s a hidden passageway behind the right column. It leads to an exit behind the castle.” Celsica told them.

Gibari smiled. “Thank you lady Celsica…we’ll secure the shrine.” Celi nodded. Gibari looked towards the knights. “I’m counting on you to protect the castle and the king at all cost!” he told them.

The head knight gave him a salute. “We’ll keep things safe here, Gibari, you and your friends take care.” Gibari saluted back and he, Xelha, Kalas and Lyude headed for the shrine.

The knights grabbed the king and started to carry him to his chambers. Celi watched as they took her father away. She looked back to her hand, which still had her father’s blood on it, and clenched her fist. The head knight walked up beside her. “You’ll make a fine ruler yet, my lady.” He told her. She nodded and ran after her father.

There was once a story about a brave group of heroes that tried to stop an evil emperor from bringing back an evil god. There are many recollections of those heroes and how they touched the lives of many. This is one of them. This is the story of Princess Celsica. Future queen and beloved leader of Diadem.

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my pokemon collection(shut up)
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There are others from newer games but these are the only ones thay had

the thing genus plays

cool, game

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