i pretty much don't do any thing much.i even had some cousins who are just border.one of them is shaldon.his just about 8 or 9 i think alway border me when im do my work.there was one he locked me up in the toilet just because i was just doing some thing private but we get along just fine.and there's the other one. stare she has an account some were in gaia,lives in the same country like me but she and i are have some kind of connection even though i don't see her much untill now.but as you know when the years past some relationships just are going to ware off.but long ago we use to have fun with each other but now it's just quite dull but we still stay in touch since the 25th or 26th of december i think.her brother is ok.mostly because we can talk about some things we have interest
Kintaichii · Tue Dec 27, 2005 @ 08:13am · 2 Comments |