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Zerces' Love & Confusion
When I write in my journal, it's usually a "spur of the momment" kind of thing.My entries usually consist of deep subject; something intertwining with love, romance, or lots of confusing questions.That is how I came up with the name "Zerces' Love & C
After Life
Does such a thing even exist?
I wonder.....
Every single religion speaks of a paradise
Whether its spoken as a destination or just a rest stop
Is it real?
Or is it just a fantasy?
And when we picture heaven or paradise,
Why is it that we always look to the sky?
We have no wings, no feathers to allow flight
And yet we dream of flying
Why must humans dream?
Why can't we use what we have?
But then again, what would llife be like if we didn't dream?
And still I wonder

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Chi Ankoku
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Chi Ankoku
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