So, me and my friend are (trying to) make a manga... I'm the main character and I got Breakdancing Penguin (know him in RL) to draw my avi... He tried making it look like I'm buff and all, but it turned out as a girl... So, we changed the main character based on me, but as a girl personality... So, I'm gonna just give you guys a preview, just don't know the name of it... Leave comments on it plz, and thx...
So here is the summary and such...
There was a peaceful continent until the earthquake happened... The earthquake seperated the continent into two and islands were brought up... On the islands are the Smith Elves, which are a dying race...They are now going down to the sea to live because of people trying to kidnap them for weapons... On the east side of the continent are the Blood Elves and Humans (good side)... On the west side of the continent are the evil people... When kids turn 13, either midday or 11:59 at night on their birthday, they acquire weapons that were chosen to them by Smith Elves... Once they hold their weapons, they are inserted with information about the Smith Elves, the west or east continent, and such... (parts of the continents are regular life people.. in this part of the continents, no one knows about the war that has been happening ever since the earthquake...)If they acquire their weapons at midday, they are suppose to go to the Tenchi Building to help in the war... If they acquire their weapons at 11:59 at night, it's the same thing as midday, but at a different location (don't know the name yet, friends didn't come up with it)...
So post what you think so far, I gotta go right now, and I'll post some more tomorrow or such... (01/24/07 @ 9:22 P.M.)
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Formally CrazyNinja-Noodle.
Formally CrazyNinja-Noodle.