MEET Amber
she is tall, has light tan skin, golden colored eyes & long orange - red hair that in the sun it looks like the color amber
she looks 14 yrs old but she's actually she's older then she looks, & she never ages
Where from:
An astral plane that is like our world but this is where all elementals lived.
They coexist with the elements.It was called Nature's light
How she got here:
One sunny afternoon she looked in2 a lake & she saw destruction coming 2 earth.
She hates fighting but if it saves earth she will fight. So she grabs her staff & jumps through.
Her powers:
~ able 2 control all the elements
~ can become them
~ can help ppl who r in the darkness come in2 the light vice-versa
~ can see through lies
~ peace
~ goodness
~ any thing good
~ death
~ war
~ darkness
~ fighting & yelling ( I can guess who does this alot! lol)
Her necklace changes in2 her staf when she is using a high level of power