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song/poem list this is the place i put all my songs and poems. they're not very good mind you.... well anyways rate my songs . (ex. song/poem name- #/10)thanks!

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Fallen Angels
I see you all,
And I know not what to do
For what lies behind your eyes
Lies behind mine too.

Some have seen a truth,
That nobody should see.
And others are empty
And lifeless, like me.

You all once were happy
Then life fell apart
Once hopeful and joyous
But that life shall depart.

You all look so happy
But I know the truth
We are fallen angels,
We are a broken youth.

We don’t pretend to be normal,
And you see we are not.
We are different from others,
Unafraid to be caught.

We are fallen angels
Full of loss and despair
Turned away form the normal
Then broken beyond repair.

~ this was written for all my friends who suffer from the same depression i do; Life.

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Community Member
Is anyone there?
Can anyone hear me,
see me at all?
Why does no one answer my screaming?
Why do you all ignore my questions
I’ve been screaming out to you?
Why am I here,
is that so hard to answer?
Do you not answer me
because you are afraid of what you answer?
Do not tell me the lie.
I have stopped believing
and now, your silence answers for me.
I have no purpose here.
I have no reason at all.
No one needs me anymore,
for I did not belong.
I was a doll in a collection,
but didn’t seem just right.
So you played with me
then threw me away.
Was I really boring you world?
Do you truly mean what your silence screams?
I was stupid, I should have seen,
but my heart made me blind.
I was never really wanted was I?
That’s why no one saw my dark aura,
heard my silent screams.
Now the answer comes, too late.
No longer the lie I bought for so long.
The truth comes now,
but I already knew.
The bittersweet lie has gone away.
Replaced by the darkened truth.
I’ll go now, heed your wants
I’m sorry to have to disturbed you world.
There is nothing more I will do to you.

one more moment
~-~dedicated to Donald Erwin my grandpa who died dec. 7thof cancer~-~
if you had just one more moment
with a lost loved on
what would you say to them?
what would you do?

would you tell them that you loved them
that you miss them too
would you wrap them in a hug
or kiss them on the cheek.

if you could go back in time,
back to when they died
would you do something special
or keep it all the same
what would you do?
if i could go back in back in time
i'd spend more time with you
tell you that i loved you a whole lot more.

i can still have a few more moments,
sitting here with you
But i dont know how long it will last.
But even as i write this you slip from this earth
you leave us for an eteral peace.
and we'll all miss you until the day,
the day we meet again/

*note it isn't finished sorry. xp im working on it.

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cant you see me
Dont you hear me calling
I'm reaching otu to you
but you cant feel me.
i see you waiting.
I hear you breathe
But your blind to me.
I can feel you pain
your dying inside
and its killeing me
yuo cant see me
see me watching
your forever waiting
waiting for the one standing next to you.
forever standing, dying, waiting.
for the moment i finally come
but im already here.
open your eyes my love
open them and see me
waiting for you
stop now. hear me, see me feel me
please stop this endless waiting.
you must wake your senses
but until you do
see me
feel me
hear me
ineed you
you belive im not here
but i am
im waiting foever for you.
[N. chorus]
why cant you se?
why cant you hear?
why cant you feel me?
you need to awakenyou need to live
come to me
cant you hear me?
live now and awaken you senses
[N. chorus]
awaken[fades out]

your my forbidden love
my untold secret
my lie that no one knows
i want to tell but no.
your my forbidden love
my knight in shining armour
my savior
my destruction
my life
my obsession
we're forbidden to be together.
yet i love you still
i close my eyes and see us [a forbidden love]
i dream and hope but no
fantasies dont come through
i still need you [my savior my destruction]
ipretend to move on
but im stuck on you[my life my obbsesion]
my love devours me
im drowning in false hope [my destuction]
yet you keep me alive
i thrive on you[my life]
i still need you.
i know i need to let go
but i cant im frozen to this hope.
clinging to you
[new chorus]
let me go
my life is stuck on you
my fobidden love
i;m drowning in you
you've trapped me
i cant let go
i sill love you.
my forbidden love
[N chorus]
let me go my love
{let me go
my forbinnen love}{fade out x6}
[softly] goodbye my forbidden love

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