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Bang Bang Rubber Glove nothing really special...rubbery yes...

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member
Darfur + summer update.
I know it's kinda lame, but I was listening to the HP podcast on Darfur, and have decided that it is an issue worth pursuing, so im right now in the process of buying stuff to make T-shirts and the like. the shirt is gonna say "harry saves Darfur in book eight"
I also made a new image for the HP alliance, well I mean, i made it for me, but its a mod of the HP alliance symbol. so YEAH. Here we go.
Mega Pix Power

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I need to fix the bottom bits, but still, thats my thinger
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I done made Jessica a ZOMBIE. feel her undead power! mrgreen
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I also done made the Harry and the Potters a Flashy Thinger.

Other Updates from the summer

I have been In summer school, and ThIS b***h GOT A 7minute 58 second MILE. so im very excited. i went and saw harry and the potters, wanted to see rufus but cant cause of the lack of funds. and am now totally addicted to the power that is gaiaonline. so yes i am awesome. OOOH I (along with roezi and sara) have decided to make a wizard rock band (probably wont happen, but i can dream right?) called Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans. we would do skits and covers from other wizard rock bands, and also do some original stuff, and try and jam all the genres into one band. I have also decided to see if next year, i can replace the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance [due to inactivity]) with Spa (Student Peace Alliance) just because SPA would be working toward a more broad, all encompassing thing. it is to help the WORLD+the immediate environment. where as GSA is for Gays and the emidiate environments. so you have now been brought up to speed, or rather filled in slightly. i will try and give more as time goes by and gaia pulls me in with its colorful anime tentacles.

Peace for now
Save Darfur
Go Harry... OH YEAH, i wants to read the new book SOOO BAD... but
Love for you all

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The Bigot with the big head.
Kay then, welcome back to the world of people who should have been drown at birth, today's episode. Jacob Ginn. we start our scene in the drama building during the rehearsal of hello dolly. I (for better light purposes) have arranged myself at a table onstage. as i sit and play, i see Jacob come toward me, i think to myself i don't talk to this kid ever.... he says "hey Chris, how's it going?", and I'm like okay, let's see where this goes.

so he looks at a couple dancing on the stage to some odd music. and he turns to me and says "what, do you have to be really stupid to get a girlfriend or something?". to this i laugh cause he is the single most stupid being on the planet to not notice my flying flaming fagness. so i turn to him and say "i wouldn't know, I'm gay". in response to this, all the muscles in his face tighten, and he looks scared as hell, and he shakes his head very stiffly, and says softly "no your not"... i think wow, dumber than RERE gangstas and look at him and say "yes i am"

His jaw tightens more, and he says "no your not" and i point to my rainbow bracelet (i got it at the pride parade) and he inspects it for a code or something (its just pretty...) and he says "that doesn't prove anything" and he gets up to leave, and says "your not gay" as he goes. so i respond "i am, i have had boyfriends, i shoot ******** rainbows from my eyes. I'm gay" so he turns and says "you sin against god"....YOU SIN AGAINST GOD. rofl i laughed so hard. and i just couldn't believe he would say something like that. but wait, it gets better.

today, our drama teacher (Jake and i have the same drama class) pulls me aside and says "first Mrs. G (the choreographer for the play) loves you" to which i was like *YES* then MR. Weiner (the drama teacher) looks very solemn, "i heard the tail end of a conversation between you and Jacob yesterday. something about you burning in hell...should i talk to him, whats going on?" i nearly died, it just made the story more funny. so i told him the story, and Wein was like "so your okay" and i responded "you cant but laugh at something like that..."

so now you know about the amazing intellects at our school more...ill try to update more often with all TRUE stories, here from....that place i live in surprised

Rainbow Boy.

See you again next ...entry. Same Fun...time area (lie) same Fun place (true)

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member
WARNING: this WILL offend most....so... you have been warned
Okay, so here is the thing, last Monday, i transferred into choir with my friends. and what do you suppose is the first thing is see when i walk in? i saw freaking SPECIAL NEEDS kids. in the ADVANCED CHOIR class. now i'm not saying that special needs kids aren't able to sing. I'm saying that i got the special needs kids that cant even speak properly. they have to have an interpreter (not like they sign. just to translate there incoherent moaning) and again this is supposed to be a advanced class. for a final, we will be performing. how the hell are we supposed to do that, when all these kids can do is drool on themselves and shout incoherent vowel sounds!!!? i mean COME ON. we don't have downs kids (they rule in my opinion) we have the "what the ******** is wrong with that one!?" kids. and its fair getting on my nerves... (your nerves. what about my nerves...[i could kill myself for that] mmm, irrelevant banter) and these kids aren't even whats wrong with the class.

the real problem is the group of perfectly normal children. who just sit there and talk. the only reason they are even in the class is for there art credit. i mean, come on. stop talking about your dreams of becoming a fashion model (please, your just setting yourself up for disappointment) and ******** either sing, or get the hell out of the class. i didn't want to just sit around and chat (that's why i do this thing called lunch) I'm in the class to challenge myself, and to learn something i would rather enjoy. and to perform and improve my performing skills. i did not sign up to sing over strange moaning and talk of dreams that will never ever EVER come true (at least not with their choice of makeup..."excuse me but where is the Circus?" wink now that i have slaughtered punctuation. i will end.

my friend had to say this on the matter "I'm so opened minded, but the only thing that really pisses me off is Retards. i don't know why, they just fill me with rage." and so i have decide that she must give me her ovaries to save others the trouble. and then we made a list of colours we wish to box and sell. here goes the list.

ridiculous red
prostitute pink
nightmare pink
root-beer brown
maggot white
jaundice yellow
HIV purple
Ugly couch
mysterious mauve

and i also thought of another song for my imaginary band. one song was "EVIL" and the other title escapes me...so yeah, that's all for now. ill see you all in hell later then.

american values
its just a short responsy thingy for english....and i was watching hunback of notre dam the whole time so...

American Values

Part one:
3) Well for starters, I have probably already comforted my (chances are) boyfriends fears about his aunt, and let him now how very sorry I am, even gone with him on visiting days, so I think that argument would be irrelevant. But about the gas guzzling hell machine. I would let him know that it would be more like a trophy object, and that my main means of transportation is not in fact that vehicle, but public like. Bus, taxi, trolley, fairy, all that kind of stuff. I would also remind him that this is because of my fear of driving, and then probably punch him lightly and call him a tree hugging hippie, and then ask if he wants to go to some sort of anti war seminar somewhere…unless he was truly distraught over the whole thing. In which case I may not make fun of him at all. Just be there to comfort him and such. Like a good better half should.

Part two:
5) I think that 18 is a very fine voting age, and that is due to the fact that most people don’t become politically aware of what’s going on in the world. They are usually oblivious to (ill never get this done, damn movie…) the things that are going on just within our own town. Let alone the nation. Below that its too, how do you say, self centered. Too worried about whether or not the product in there hair is still holding it at bay; and usually it is to no avail because there hair was a mess to begin with. But yes…what was I on about? Ah yes, 18 is a lovely age to vote. Gives people time to stop worrying about themselves as much.

Part three:
8 ) I am a simple person, I enjoy little things. Like a good film (one of which has half my attention now) and a lovely view. So I would have to sacrifice the housing for the beauty. The essence needs to remain. We already have a horror attacking our skylines, why add more unpleasant geometric doom to our city? I mean honestly, its already lacking in colour (can we get some more neutrals please?) and an arcade (come on arcade). But yeah, I would vote no on building houses. We already have enough people in this ant farm of a town. Must we call forth more? I regret the fact that public buildings and such would suffer but, sacrifices must be made; and I don’t mean the sheep and candles kind thank you very much.

Extra note: I don’t know, I now feel like I have a little freedom at the bottom of the page. I am watching the Hunchback of Notre Dam, and I must say, it is the darkest and best drawn Disney movie I have ever seen (proportional people? No surely not!). But yes, if you ever get the chance to sit down and watch it a few times through, do it, cause there are a lot of little things that you may miss. Only thing not so good is the musical bits, it really takes away from it all… but final note of the extra note, I love the alphabet in this movie (A is Abomination, and D is damnation, making E eternal damnation) yes. Well, that is a page I suppose. So I’m going to go finish my movie (and probably end with crying and the like)…oh my god, this movie is crazy…it has a happy ending (cries and dances).

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member
Concert News Flash
~Filler Till Further Notice~

'edit' okay, so the concerto was GOD. we gots there hella early. so i sat around and read And Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers until the opening act (some guy with a name like skull, or Skulk, or something) finished his set. he did a few songs on accoustic guitar, then he had some other guys (armed with harmonica and something else really small) come out and join him...anyway, i get away from myself (get the hell back here you)....what was I....oh yes, well. after there set, the radio started playing, and it started playing Queens "We will Rock You" and on the last note, the light go out. and the huge screen above the stage turns on. flashing out upon us the name of the first act of the evening, my gods. JOURNEY. and the crowd goes ******** wild. journey walks out on stage, and the singer is like "hey im (insert name her) and im younge, and sexy, but cant really hit some of the notes that the actual singer could, but im gonna work up a sweet and make you want me as your hunky"... or at least thats what i think he said, i could be a little off the mark...but who cares....oops, space time.

But yeah. so they start going, and they do a few songs i like, and the audience is kinda. DOA, then they pull out. "Lights" and the crowd goes ******** wild again, singing in a chorus of of key enthusiasm. then they just layed into the people with bunch of stuff thats on there greatest hits album (for good bloody reason) "Wheel in the sky" and then "Dont Stop Believing" then "faithfully" and i swear if i had danced anymore.... i would have been like the lord of the dance....or something of that manner. anyway. I cant reacall what they ended with...cause i couldnt feel my head. but anyway.... yes...space again

Oops, side note, before the show, i was sitting in my seat, and my MATH TEACHER from last year comes over. and he is like "CHRIS" and im like *OMGWTF* and he was like "Im here with my son. (almost spelled that sun xp ) you two enjoy the concert k?" and he walks back like 5 rows, and sits down with his son! twas verry shocking indeed. (BTW, I went with my friend brooke, caus i can just hear some of you thinking "who the hell is this 'we' he keeps talking about!?". but yes, i took my friend (almost spelled that TOULK, something is wrong with me) but yeah....so...space again

Now what was i on about? oh yeah...? the intermission was short, then Def Leppord came on. very cool. although im not a very big fan, i still danced for a few songs. hella fun. and then they closed with "Poor Some Sugar on ME" and I danced like a whore. and it was a wonderful way to end the night, then we got to where were supposed to get picked up, ten minutes go by, another 20, ...another fiffteen. the whole thing is cleared out. theyre cleaning up the cones in the lot. and its all empty, no more cars, we waited another, and my mom pulls up, pretty good. brooke and i started saying how we would die. i was gonna be sliced up, put in bathtub full of salt, and then, when the pain is no longer severe, theyre gonna put a tv tuned to "BArney" in the Tub. so very nice it is. and she was gonna be rapped, slowly mutilatted, and then fed to the children of her rapist....but yeah. so now you have seen into my head a little, and now what has happened to me...wow, this is the longets entry EVER. i hope you enjoy.

wow. your a thug? but your mom still tucks you in at night?
so, at the cost of sounding old, i must say, whats up with all the angry kids? i mean, genuinely angry 5 year old who would just as soon kick your as as look at you? is it just me who sees this? whats to be blamed? i know media is a bad example, but i think it helps, i mean, sex and violence are a lot of what is shown on TV now. and now kids are having sex at like 10 and doing drugs at 12 and are angry little tards at 5. its very depressing to see.

another thing...why is "thug" or "gangsta" good. your someone who gets territorial over colour. good for you. your someone who breaks into houses and ******** with old ladies, go you. talk2hand people need to change the positive connotation given to such a negative object. at least that's my thinking. if I'm wrong i would like to hear that. but the few people who come in here will agree. or ill get the angry kids going "STFU b***h. IM NOT ANGRY, YOUR JUST A f**..." and so on and such.

also, i hate the kids (you know them) who are like "I'm gangsta yo" and then they go home to their two-three story house, and say "yo daddy, i need some money for a new pair of kicks" and their lawyer daddies like "your grades are all F's. you get nothing" and the kid is like "THE ******** MAN, I NEED ME SOME MONEY FOR KICKS YO" and then the kid just bitches about his parents like "yeah, my rents are ******** whack. they wouldn't get me new shoes *flashes shoes from four years ago, that are 3 sizes too small (his mom: did i tell you to throw those out???)* " and his friends are all like "dude that's ******** up, not right man" and then...well, its gone on long enough, and i think you get the point....

i also hate trolls, and "artists" who take up space in an art class, when all they do is fanart that would put the original artist to shame...yeah, I'm done for now...

(wow, two in a week. this could turn into something somehow.)

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member

Banded Bulbous Snarfblatt
Community Member
The first entry
I guarantee nothing, if you feel like i stop suddenly. tough. im half asleep and babbly, so this is all i feel like writing for tonight, but tomorow, tomorow i will forget, and a few months from now i shall remember to pop something stupid in here. heart heart heart

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