Guten Tag! ^^
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Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 02:37pm
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 07:44pm
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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 11:33pm
PETRA IN A NUTSHELL FROM HER POV Nothing much to say about me, really. I vas a counselor/psychologist for a vhile, but then the more irritating people decided it vas better to make me snap.
I'll still try to help though...
Ich liebe...: *My oldest sister *Psychology *Helping others *Research, no matter how twisted *Strange new things *Blues' weird rantings *My couch (vhen it's not covered in unsavory substances)
Ich hasse...: *War *Stiefmutter (stepmother) *Nazis (these two are tied...) *Kass (including horrid children that act like Kass) *Disrespect towards foreign nations/people *Headaches/stress *Alcohol *MC (even though I am guity of using it in rare cases.)
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 10:45pm
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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 @ 12:49am
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 @ 06:46am
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 06:14am
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 @ 01:39am
Tag! Before I start, here ist my profile
Name: (formerly Dr.) Petra Schwester Age: I do not vish to tell at die moment Occupation: Formerly a psychiatrist and counselor, ist now unemployed, but has found ein temporary home at a place called G-Corp gonk
Okay, a little about myself.. Let's see...I've told you my name vat else? Ach! Yes, I used to vork at a mental hospital counseling those who were emotionally unstable until a rather...unfortunate accident occured in which I failed to notice that a seemingly sweet little girl who vas hiding bombs in her teddy bear the entire time. Few people survived, but they rebuilt the insitution and blamed the whole thing on me and my negligance (I'd found out later, that they vere going to fire me anyway]. I haff no job now because of that little girl...She will pay for her
So ja...ever since being fired I've kind of felt hopeless and a little alone. I still keep all my things from my old job in a trunk in my apartment, haffen often taken my work home vith me. D: I haff my old labcoat, but some particularly nasty stains resulted in haffing to take it to the cleaners. I vas poor, so I could not afford gut job on it and vhen I got it back, it had schrunk! It feels like a shirt now...-sob- Dass was mein Lieblingsmantel..(That was my favorite coat) crying I need to go lay down now...Auf Wiedersehen!
~Petra heart
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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 @ 02:22am