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If there is happyness then there is sadness. If there is light then there is darkness, and if there is good then there is evil.
funny conversation!
The_Depressed_ninja: hi tash
tash90: hi
megali eycharisisi: Hmm.
The_Depressed_ninja: sup
tash90: chaaa
The_Depressed_ninja: tash are you a kunoichi
tash90: ???
The_Depressed_ninja: or a ninja
The_Depressed_ninja: dun noe just asking
tash90: a ninja i gess
The_Depressed_ninja: because I'm bored
The_Depressed_ninja: so your a dude?
tash90: yeah
The_Depressed_ninja: okay
The_Depressed_ninja: how old is you?
tash90: 16
The_Depressed_ninja: cool
tash90: u
The_Depressed_ninja: 16
tash90: man
tash90: today is not my lucky day
The_Depressed_ninja: huh?
The_Depressed_ninja: ^^^
tash90: black jack
The_Depressed_ninja: okay
tash90: son of a
The_Depressed_ninja: I ythought you meant "lucky day" as in a 16yr old girl in a cyber chat
tash90: i dont cyber
megali eycharisisi: AHAHA.
megali eycharisisi: AHAH.
The_Depressed_ninja: oh kool
megali eycharisisi: OHGOD.
megali eycharisisi: AHA.
tash90: um
megali eycharisisi: You guys are too cute.
tash90: where you from
The_Depressed_ninja: gah!!!!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: what do you mean cute?????
tash90: yeah your my son remember
The_Depressed_ninja: who is?
tash90: you Jr.
The_Depressed_ninja: no I'm not a boy
tash90: o...
tash90: well your still Jr.
The_Depressed_ninja: how am I your child
The_Depressed_ninja: OI never agreed to this
megali eycharisisi: WELL YOU'RE MINE NOW
megali eycharisisi: BUT YOU'RE NOT MY CHILD
tash90: yeah well it doesnt work out that way Jr.
The_Depressed_ninja: how is it possible and I'm not a jr
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm a girl
tash90: no your were named after your mother hanna
The_Depressed_ninja: wha?
megali eycharisisi: Uhhh, actually, Jr. can be for male and female, I think.
The_Depressed_ninja: my name is kiko
The_Depressed_ninja: no
megali eycharisisi: ... Kiko?
The_Depressed_ninja: only boys
tash90: no it hannah
megali eycharisisi: that's interesting.
megali eycharisisi: Really?
tash90: and im paying for your milk monney
megali eycharisisi: Milk money? whut?
The_Depressed_ninja: how does tha work I'm the same age as you!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm lactose intolerant
tash90: you traveled throw time
megali eycharisisi: I am tolerant of lactose.
tash90: its powderd milk
megali eycharisisi: Don't be so judgemental. ;o;
tash90: i cant make milk myself
megali eycharisisi: Why not?
megali eycharisisi: Are you not preggers? D:
tash90: im a guy
The_Depressed_ninja: I hate powedered milk
megali eycharisisi: Guys can lactate.
tash90: too bad
megali eycharisisi: ...
tash90: they can???
The_Depressed_ninja: I only drink Juice
tash90: to bad
The_Depressed_ninja: I never knew guys could lactate
The_Depressed_ninja: well pops
tash90: yeah thats new to me
tash90: yes son
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm not going to drink your icky powdered milk
The_Depressed_ninja: I'M NOT A BOY!!!!!!!!!
tash90: fine ill just have to drink this hot coco by my self then
The_Depressed_ninja: WELL YOU CAN111!!!!!
tash90: and you are a boy
The_Depressed_ninja: I can't drink that either unless its made from water
tash90: we had surgery last year remember
The_Depressed_ninja: do I have to take off my shirt to show yo that i'm a girl pops
tash90: well sure why not
tash90: theres not going to be any thing there
The_Depressed_ninja: *takes off shirt and points at chest* I'm a girl see!!!!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: are you calling me flat chested!!!!!!!!!
tash90: thoes are nipples everyone has those
The_Depressed_ninja: whatever
The_Depressed_ninja: your never going to get it through your thick skull
The_Depressed_ninja: that I'm a girl
tash90: the only way ill believe your a girl is if you give birth right hear
The_Depressed_ninja: whaatever
The_Depressed_ninja: well I'm sure this is new to you but
tash90: so your my loveing son
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm sorry to tell you pops
The_Depressed_ninja: but I'm pregnant
tash90: omg its a tummer
The_Depressed_ninja: and my girlfriend is comeing over in a little bit to help me out
tash90: what a sec
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm also a lezbian
tash90: i thought you where gay
megali eycharisisi: xD
The_Depressed_ninja: oh yeah
The_Depressed_ninja: my bf comin g over soon too
tash90: ok soo
The_Depressed_ninja: hes coming up to my room
tash90: just leave the door open
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm not sure if I want to
tash90: well you dont have a choice young man
The_Depressed_ninja: (rebelling teenager*
The_Depressed_ninja: you can stop me
The_Depressed_ninja: you may be my fther but you can't tell me what to do
The_Depressed_ninja: *slams door
tash90: sure i can
tash90: but doesnt mean you should listen
The_Depressed_ninja: *looks through drawers for "rain coat"
The_Depressed_ninja: nvm
The_Depressed_ninja: I'm leaving to hang with my bf*
tash90: well i think its time to get a job hannah
tash90: at your new job!
The_Depressed_ninja: *leaves8 I'll get a job when I feel like it
The_Depressed_ninja: *flips off pops*
The_Depressed_ninja: *comes back at 1:30 am
tash90: aww hannah use to do that to me all the time
The_Depressed_ninja: *is drunk and has bf in arms and is dragiging him up to my bed*
tash90: *waiting in hannahs room*
The_Depressed_ninja: *opens bedroom door and turns on lights*
The_Depressed_ninja: *slurs* what the hell are you doing in my room old ma
tash90: *has a werewolf mask on* grawawawawawawaaaaaaa
The_Depressed_ninja: *is scared and falls down stairs*
The_Depressed_ninja: *screams* god damn it!!!!!!
tash90: son i wanna talk to you about these magizines (we dont have stairs)
The_Depressed_ninja: now my pants are ripped and my vans are messed up
The_Depressed_ninja: (oh
The_Depressed_ninja: (okay)
tash90: well now you can pay for them with your new job
The_Depressed_ninja: whatever old man what I do with my life doesn't concern you
tash90: damit hannah
The_Depressed_ninja: I will get a fuking job when I feel like it old man
tash90: im out of tokens
The_Depressed_ninja: oh okay that sux
tash90: hannah
tash90: theres some thing i got to tell you
The_Depressed_ninja: what
tash90: your not my real son
The_Depressed_ninja: gaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: (twist*
tash90: and im not really your father
tash90: im actually a sea cow
The_Depressed_ninja: gah!!!!!!!!!!!!11
tash90: *unzipps caustume*
The_Depressed_ninja: wow
The_Depressed_ninja: thats unexpected
tash90: and your mother
The_Depressed_ninja: what about her
tash90: was a protazoa
The_Depressed_ninja: sorry him
The_Depressed_ninja: gah!!!!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: then what am I!!!!!
tash90: i saved you in a plane reck of of guatamalla
tash90: your human
The_Depressed_ninja: oh okay
tash90: with puppy hands
The_Depressed_ninja: GAH!!!!!!
The_Depressed_ninja: *looks at hands*
The_Depressed_ninja: hmmmmmm never noticed those before
tash90: and your real father was a emo whale
The_Depressed_ninja: wow
The_Depressed_ninja: this si all so sudden
The_Depressed_ninja: and wait
`Hydra: ur a prostitute
The_Depressed_ninja: how are you talking?
`Hydra: jk
tash90: he was actually hit by the plane
`Hydra: wats the fighting about
The_Depressed_ninja: oh man so my wholelife..its a lie!!!!
tash90: im revealing her true identity
tash90: i dont know why the supper powers havent kicked in yet
The_Depressed_ninja: hmmmm
The_Depressed_ninja: weird
tash90: yeah i know should have been showing around 13
The_Depressed_ninja: so I'm susposed to be a super heroe?
tash90: no damit
The_Depressed_ninja: weird
The_Depressed_ninja: no?
tash90: supper villian
The_Depressed_ninja: AWESOME
tash90: to get me more tokens
tash90: o yeah btw
The_Depressed_ninja: *runs out the door and tries to jump off roff and lands flat on face*
`Hydra: 2 divided by 3 = 0.6666666666666666666666666666667
tash90: the resson why were the same age
`Hydra: the calling card of the devil
`Hydra: wooooooooooooooooo...... scary
tash90: you a** i am the devil
`Hydra: not ah
`Hydra: i dont beleive u
`Hydra: so ha
tash90: your right im just a lowly demon who just sweeps the crap up
The_Depressed_ninja: he may not be
The_Depressed_ninja: but I am the true son of the devil
`Hydra: not ah
tash90: form the scared souls
`Hydra: not ah
tash90: No your the son of a whale
The_Depressed_ninja: gah!!!!!!1
The_Depressed_ninja: wait whut
tash90: a protazoa remember
`Hydra: not ah...... its dolphin
tash90: dolphins cant be emo
The_Depressed_ninja: emo whale
`Hydra: not ah
tash90: yep
The_Depressed_ninja: just a question about my powers?
`Hydra: its an emo platapus
tash90: maybe
tash90: but thats besides the point
`Hydra: not ah
`Hydra: y?
tash90: ask away sport
The_Depressed_ninja: am I can I fly, super speed kill people by looking at tem?
`Hydra: is ur face a pickle
tash90: not sure
`Hydra: with cheese
The_Depressed_ninja: no
The_Depressed_ninja: its actually
The_Depressed_ninja: a cucumber
`Hydra: not ah
The_Depressed_ninja: withgrapes and
The_Depressed_ninja: apples
`Hydra: not ah
tash90: but i do know you could pee across three weet feelds
The_Depressed_ninja: awesome
The_Depressed_ninja: so can I pull an R.Kelly and get awat with it
`Hydra: with peanut putter and horse radish.......yum
The_Depressed_ninja: okay
`Hydra: not ah
`Hydra: who here has ridin a bear belly pickle
The_Depressed_ninja: not me
The_Depressed_ninja: what do you mean by that?
`Hydra: y not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tash90: well im going to go off and see the world son
The_Depressed_ninja: okay pop
The_Depressed_ninja: I will miss you
The_Depressed_ninja: !!!!
`Hydra: i'll miss u 2
The_Depressed_ninja: *knocks over hydra
The_Depressed_ninja: we're having a father son moment
tash90: *starts to ty ballons to a lawn chair* o yeah i forgot this
The_Depressed_ninja: what?
`Hydra: u killed kenny
tash90: *throws a card to hannah reads: license to kill*
The_Depressed_ninja: *celebrates* thanks pop!!!!!!!!1
`Hydra: not ah
tash90: *tys the last ballon to the chair and lifts off* ill always remember you
The_Depressed_ninja: *looks at hydra evilly*
The_Depressed_ninja: I will always remember you too posp!!!!!1
tash90: *about 50 feet in the air i get hit by a helicopter*
The_Depressed_ninja: *takes a step towards hydra*
The_Depressed_ninja: pops no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
tash90: *my blood rains on my son*
The_Depressed_ninja: I WILL AVENGE YOUR DEATH
The_Depressed_ninja: BY KILLING HYDRA
The_Depressed_ninja: *takes 3 steps towards hydra*
`Hydra: noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
`Hydra: ooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tash90: *a paper flouts down reads: chopper controld by hydra co.*
`Hydra: im done
`Hydra: wait
The_Depressed_ninja: *looks at hydra
`Hydra: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
`Hydra: k now im done
The_Depressed_ninja: *jumpson him*
The_Depressed_ninja: *pulls out hunting knife*
`Hydra: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo00000000000000000
The_Depressed_ninja: this is all your fault
`Hydra: o!
The_Depressed_ninja: *gets up and tells him to start running*
The_Depressed_ninja: the thrill of the chase is always fun!!!!

For you where once darkness, but now light in the Lord. Live as children of light.
[b:ec430a35f8]Ephesians 5:8[/align:ec430a35f8][/b:ec430a35f8]

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