so much has ben hapening recently i don't realy do good wiht journals but occasionaly i need to jsut write down stuff. like what's been doing wiht my boyfriend and my best (girl) friend and my other best (guy) friend who's like my brother. and the full lenght matrix spoof movie we been palning ot make this sumer. and helping my friend Zyn over and over and over again to try to get better form her problems. and talking ot my brother firend and planning stuff wiht him and such. gotta keep in contact wiht him more, miss him and don't talk enough. wish we could see eahc other more. maybe once i start going ot the same college as him and Zyn and my boyfirned I'll see them a more. i also been talking more wiht my boyfrined, getting closer than ever before. it feel amazing to have this deep and wonderful a relationship wiht someone. He is truely a blessing ot me. can't wait for us ot be married! and have four babies! Alexander and Zelda and Steven and Sara. *sigh* dream come true that'd be. but that's a long ways off we got a lot of life ot live befor we can get married and have kids. we gotta get some educaiton in college and get jobs and figure out soe plan cuz this society practicaly forces one to think about tomorrow. I know, society is ******** up but what can we do? jstu "play by the rules or play wiht the rules" like my firned Zyn said to day when i went to assessment testing at the college today. yeah she's so like that. I miss seeing my firends so much. especialy the one in newYork he's like baptizing people into Mormon church left and right. i feel so sorry for him and them but he's just as stubborn as I am so we generaly try to avoid talkign about religion or belifes. yeah it's so complex. well i think i talked enough for a while and shoud go back to hunting easter eggs and bunnies!
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