I have ot say this my last 2 entrys were less than happy. So im putingthis up. It is about new friends i have gotten. Ash she had bee na big help over the pastmonth just talkign other ehere an ther helps me keep my problems in prospective. An second is Connie she has helped me smile alot an joke alot thru all this crap the past lil while. I am glad ot have metthem both a nnow ther eare 2 more i would like ot add i just met them but i like thme alot. Kyra she is just alot like me. Yeah its acary but i like it lol. Make me feel all warm an fuzzy. An secondly is Rainne i met her few days ago but we talked alot abotu things that i have an intorest in an its sad ot say that i lived only 5 minls away from her an never knew itlol. My luck. But also ill say thanks to my other frinds so they dotn kill me. Thak you Kitten, CyberKitten, Cinderz, Katie, KatieKitty, Rachel, Fanny, Karla, Carlo, Mitch, Nikki, JessieBear, Austin, Maria, Bridge, Eddy, Julio, Lizz, and Raven. You all helped me too.