I thought it would be fun to add a little background story to my Halloween outfit. xd Limericks are what I came up with. Hope you enjoy reading it.
~The Gray Lady
There was a young lady in gray, who died when she went out one day. She was in a strom, and couldn't keep warm, and now no one can go her way.
She now had an Icy cold touch, that nobody liked very much. She will ask for a hug, not trying to sound smug, and people would thank her as such.
Hugs Received: 6
angel_dragon_1313, _winterdawnn, Bathsalt, frozen_flames06,
Art if any is done:
It's not very long right now, but I might add more to it later on. Depending on what people I meet that would fit in as such or things that happen later on in the event. Feel free to leave a comment. biggrin
Belle Frost · Fri Oct 19, 2012 @ 06:09am · 0 Comments |