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Commission INFO Prices, examples, and basic information about art commissions.

Community Member


There are very very very few friends I will even do a profile for.
Why? First reason, I need to know the subject or person REALLY well, so I know what their taste would be. ~Kane~Morte~ and ChojisGirl are pretty much the two people I feel I know best on Gaia and am willing to do a profile for. One of them I see every other day at school (and isn't too hard to figure out x];; ) and the other I have been talking to for YEARS. YEARS man. She's the only reason I USE aim! D: God forbid.
Maybe GuiledDragon too. Coz Guilly is cool like that and I've known her for a while too.
And even then I might charge all of them some gold for it. >.<;;;
The second reason: it takes a while. A LONG while. For the concept, for the configuration, for the toying. Everything. Takes. Forever. A drawing I can do pretty easily, a writing I can do pretty easily, a PROFILE... takes a very very very long time. It boggles the MIND man.

So. Yah. Go somewhere else. The answer is and pretty much will always be no.

Here's the Code below for Kakashi Green Theme. If you pay me, I'll change the color scheme for you/the manga panel in there. The manga panel change is 2K, the color change is 500gold, a manga panel with kanji instead of english is 3K. No ifs, ands, or butts. YOU CANNOT HAVE MY KAKASHI RED/VIOLET THEME! EVEN IF YOU TRY TO PAY ME! (unless you're paying me something ridiculous like 10K, then by all freaking means, take it! o.o;;; )
If I find out you stole it, well, someone's gonna have to smack a b***h, huh? mad

Credit to F!ZZBANG for the little bit of help. x]
The space at the top is for your own image if you want. Editting is fine, just keep my credits please.

You can't have my red/purple Kakashi one. End of story.

I don't do request profiles but you can pm me about changing color schemes/getting a manga page exerpt in the provided space for a fee. See my profiles journal.

Enjoy! ;]

/~*Theme by Ybaso*~/
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Art Form
What type: (photoshop, drawing, avi animation, etc)
What picture: (your avi, tektek, or SOMETIMES I WILL ACCEPT OCS)
What size: (see other posts with pricing)
Atmosphere: (can also be a color)
Text: (optional)

I suck at full bodies and I hate doing them. whee Kay?

Commissions currently closed.

Community Member

Community Member
Examples and Classification
Examples and Classification:

General domokun Pricing domokun Examples and Classification

question EXAMPLES: question

exclaim STEAL MY ART AND YOU DIE!!! exclaim
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

DRAWINGS: (some may not be done)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Commissions currently closed.

Photoshop commissions:

arrow Sorry I had to raise prices, the bigger the picture, the more time and energy it takes... sweatdrop

General domokun Pricing domokun Examples and Classification

Sizes can vary for your choice, but check the normal size issues before asking for something like 400x200 and expecting the price to be 300gold. The total pixel size is over 500, so it would round up to the next price range, being 500gold.
100x200, 200x100 (300) pxls: 100gold
200x300, 300x200 (500) pxls: 300gold
300x400, 400x300 (700) pxls: 700gold
400x500, 500x400 (900) pxls: 900gold
500x600, 600x500 (1100) pxls: 1100gold
600x700, 700x600 (1300) pxls: 1300gold
All higher pixelled items will have to be discussed through pm.

Drawing commissions:

What I consider a 'Drawing' is something drawn on paper, scanned, cleaned, and finally photoshopped (If you DO NOT want photoshopping though you're nuts sweatdrop You'll have to pm me). These items take a very long time for me because I do not own a scanner, I do all my normal work through all digital media.
These prices are drawings with photoshopping in color.

I cannot obey time-frames for uploading ANY drawing. You'll get it when you get it.

100x200, 200x100 (300) pxls: 600gold
200x300, 300x200 (500) pxls: 800gold
300x400, 400x300 (700) pxls: 1000gold
400x500, 500x400 (900) pxls: 1600gold
500x600, 600x500 (1100) pxls: 2000gold
600x700, 700x600 (1300) pxls: 2600gold
All higher pixelled items will have to be discussed through pm.

Community Member

Community Member
General (READ FIRST!)
Welcome, this is my general introductory journal! 3nodding I appriciate you reading this before any of the others.

General domokun Pricing domokun Examples and Classification

First off--
What is a commission?
arrow For those who don't know, commissions are when you pay me to do art for you. And that's the gist of it.

What are your prices?
arrow I'm pretty cheap and reasonable when it comes to art. But, please, read my prices journal before hounding me with questions of prices. D':

What does your art look like?
arrow See my examples journal.

Do you ever do backgrounds? mad
arrow To be brief: NO. scream MOST Backgrounds- of any kind- I will 90% of the time NOT do. Unless it is a solid color or a gradiant, I will not do a background without extra gold. ;D Sorry, I'm not that great with backgrounds yet. But I'm working on it.

What mediums do you use?? O_o
arrow I have a Wacom CTE-640 Silver tablet, Photoshop 7.0, and my loverly Compaq Presario V4000 Windows xp computer. heart

Do you do Avatar edits?
arrow Yes. And for dirt cheap, hence why THAT info is actually in this journal. neutral It's not worth mentioning in another journal.
Avatar Edits: range from 50gold to 500gold depending on how complex. For animations- Pm me with information and for pricing!

I'm not happy with what you did! >(
arrow Well, wtfu, I tried. mad No. xD If you're not happy with the outcome I've sent you there is a MAX of 2 additional FREE edits. This means I will only touch that picture 2 more times before it is declared to be the final, unrefundable product. This means if you do not like how the eyes look or the color of something, tell me everything you want to be changed in one single pm. I will attempt to do those edits and then show you them. If you do not like it still, there is one more time I will edit it. I will not completely re-draw something. Ask for a refund before I am done with the 2nd edit.

I want a refund.
arrow Refunds? If you are not still satisfied after the 2 additional edits, you will NOT get any gold back. This is because it is final after the 2nd edit. You can ask for a refund when I first present the picture or when I present the picture after the first edit. You will only recieve half of your traded gold from the refund, a natural cost of my precious time and energy.

I lost the link! gonk
arrow I am NOT responsible for lost pictures after I present them to you. Ask the customer, it is YOUR responsibility to save the picture to your own hard drive or re-upload it to a different server. I charge at least 100gold for re-uploading the pictures, and then still you must save them. PM if you have an issue with doing so.

I don't like your style, but there are some other pictures that I loved! Any chance you can draw like that for me?
arrow Because I am still a learner with anime, I practice mimicking styles. If you want me to mimic, you'll have to pick something I have mimicked before in my examples journal.

Hey! What's the deal with friends?
arrow Friends get free drawings up to 700gold in cost! whee That's what's up.
(WARNING: Random friend request and then asking for a picture will get you a one-way ticket on my ignored list! This goes into effect immediately, and I will pay attention to which of my friends ask for one any time after a random friend request. You can get away from random friend by talking to me, stopping by my threads, or whatnot. But do not EXPECT free pictures for doing so. FRIENDS exclusively. You KNOW what a friend defines as. mad )

What are these holiday specials?
arrow I'm going to try to do holiday specials. 3nodding
Halloween 2k6: Halloween Stamps! 100gold each, 100x50pxls, and a pm to XOKKI is needed with the information on "i am a (fill in this blank)", the tektek image, and an emotion.

General domokun Pricing domokun Examples and Classification

I'll add more as I go. 3nodding Thanks for stopping by to read! blaugh

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