color=orange]An Opptomistic Fighter
Kyronim Age: 14human yrs 140 elf yrs Oh and shes an elf Born in Nightengale Student of Sorcery, taught to her by her mother Shes a bit headd strong and can have a bitter tong but over all a good person, considerat and loyal and keeps promises no matter wat and shes also compassionate the image of her mother with her big brown eyes and deep sunset hair she trvels with her faithfull companion lee a combination of her and her magic and pure aura this ball of energy takes on a life of his own and gives ky, kyronim, guidence  she weilds the syth of dreams the only thing left to her by her faher , a long staff at the top sits wat looks like a deformed fish head with a huge head the blade bursting out of its "mouth" with it she can sommon the power of "aura" the sorce of her power her goal is to end the war that took the village in wich she lived shes one of the few that still use the power of aura due to the war now she serches for some one to tech her farther in the ways of her ancient magic she whishes to find the assistence of her blood brother Terrent but so far her dream seems bleack
four_leaf_clover_22 · Thu Dec 24, 2009 @ 07:08am · 0 Comments |