Nathaniel James Turner
→ Age: Nineteen
→ Height: 6'6"
→ Biography: Nathan was brought into this world by a 16-year-old teen mother in Chicago, who felt herself unable to bring up a child at her age. Left to an orphanage, Nathaniel was very soon adopted by a loving, wealthy family who cared for him as if he was their birth child. Having still been a baby at the time he was adopted, it wasn't until age ten that he learned about the adoption. That wasn't the thing that fazed him and changed him into what he was now, though. Convincing his parents to put him into a public school, Nathan became fascinated with the kids who would leave the school grounds during lunch, leaving to live their other life as they went to their self-proclaimed 'Spot', where they would fight with each other, discuss their exciting adventures of having nearly been arrested, and smoke their dreadful, yet somehow delightful smelling drugs. As he grew older, Nathan decided to come closer to these people until he was one of them. One of what he believed were the 'elite' people of the school. This made him become more temperamental, enough so that he attacked one of his teachers in High School and was expelled. He didn't care. He's free to live his life now... So he thought. Soon after, on that one night, his home was broken into. His parents were shot in a gang-related shooting because of Nathaniel. Inheriting all of his parents' earnings, items, and everything, he lives alone in his home, barely old enough to truly take care of himself.
→ Personality: Although usually high off various drugs to calm himself, Nathaniel is a generally nice guy. Cocky and truly a smartass, he may not seem like it. But once one gets to know him, he'll change. He has a liking for the 'Fruits of Nature', you could say, as of he'll hit on anything with legs. Aside from that, he has an obsession with belt buckles and enjoys wearing unique colors of contacts to freak people out. He doesn't mind getting into fights if any break out, and enjoys bragging about his wins. (Even though, rumors have it he hasn't won as often as he likes to say.) He also performs parkour, or 'free running', as (he claims) a 'form of exercise', though he still trips over his feet quite a bit.Some of the piercings he has are hip piercings, plugs, and snakebites. He has one tattoo; a Chupacabra tattoo going up the right side of his body. Besides that, he's basically a giant compared to basically everyone else, having received quite the growthspurt when he hit high school, standing at an overwhelming 6'6".
→ Outfit: Nathaniel is usually found wearing a black, pinstripe buttondown with the sleeves pushed up past his elbow and the top buttons left undone a short ways down. He wears charcoal or faded black skinnyjeans, usually accompanied by either a black or studded belt with some form of belt buckle, usually being a superhero-themed belt buckle, music-themed belt buckle, or even just a witty or perverted buckle. Basically the only shoes he will wear are his black Converse high tops.
→ Reference Pics: [Credit to Mudsie]