11:11 - A Dorky Fanfic, Part 2 |
Because the song plays a significant role in this part of the story, I present to anyone who hasn't seen it, "Chase The Morning" from Repo! The Genetic Opera, featuring Alexa Vega as Shilo and Sarah Brightman as Blind Mag. It's my favorite scene/song in the entire movie, and there's no gore.
When the boys came back, we started up our second movie. I sang along quietly to every song, punctuating with my traditional commentary, which made the rest of the room ring with laughter, even during serious moments. Then the movie reached my favorite scene.
The violin started as Blind Mag got out of her limo, and I gasped. A chill ran through my spine as Mag began to sing. I mouthed the words along with her. I heard Pink’s soft “ooh!” as Mag’s amazing eyes swirled, lit up, and projected the image of Marni Wallace into the foyer of the house. Her message of “Chase the morning, yield for nothing” suddenly made my breath catch in my throat. My eyes snapped away from the screen and I turned to look behind me.
Matt and Mello stared at the screen, their faces curious, peaceful, awed. It occurred to me that they probably had twenty-four hours or less left to live. They would be dead in a day. For such beautiful, brilliant people to be killed so young, without accomplishing their dreams or living their lives freely, to the fullest… My heart seemed to twist itself free of its normal position in my chest and fall, slowly, through the floor. That these two young men were in the last hours of their lives, and would die under the shadows of L and Kira was physically painful to me. Tears started to burn in my eyes, and I switched my view back to the TV screen; Mag had just switched off the projection for the second time, and began to sing again. I sang with her, my voice shaking slightly:
“Let your life be a dream, integrity, honesty. It’s too late for me… Don’t look back ‘til you’re free to chase the morning!”
I took a deep breath and wiped the first of the tears from my face as the song rose into its final chorus. Pink looked over at me. “Are you crying?” she said softly.
The song abruptly cut itself short; Matt had paused the movie and put a hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong?” he said softly.
“N-nothing,” I said. “I’m sorry, that line can make me cry even in the best of times. It’s just... That last part of the song means so much to me, a-a-and you guys here, it’s…”
“What does she mean, ‘chase the morning’?” Mello asked.
I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes, and started to explain. “Sort of like, carpe diem. Don’t hold yourself back from doing the things you love because there’s something big and oppressive hanging over your head. Express yourself, even if it means other people will criticize you. Don’t be afraid to have fun and enjoy the little things in life, don’t let bad conditions and a big scary world-dominating dictator control you or ruin your life and your ability to have fun. Seize the day. Live every minute like your last. Go out at night and enjoy what life has to offer and live freely, even as the sun peeks over the horizon and the horrors and monotony of day-to-day life in a screwed-up society crash back in around you. Break the chains and run away. Don’t look back until you’re free to chase the morning.”
As I spoke, I was staring at the boys, pleadingly, looking from one to the other, begging them to accept Mag’s message. My message. Enjoy life while you can, because your lives are almost over. The burden of knowing was almost too much to bear; my body curled involuntarily into a small ball and I began to cry in earnest. Pink cradled me in her arms, crying as well, rocking me gently as I wept into my knees. The couch squeaked, and before we could even look up, the boys’ arms encircled us and we snuggled into their embrace. After a few minutes of almost stifling body heat (and cheeks turned bright red by the fact that oh my God, Matt and Mello are hugging us), we broke apart. I sniffled a few times, and we all smiled at each other.
“We really shared something just then, didn’t we?” Pink said, her voice wavering slightly. We giggled and settled back into a much closer cuddle puddle.
After “Chromaggia,” I couldn’t sing along anymore. It took all I had to keep myself from crying through the rest of the movie. I almost wanted to ask them to turn it off, but as it would be the first and last time they ever saw it, I held my tongue.
When the movie finally ended, I blinked, yawned, and stretched. The DVD player was shut off, and the four of us looked at each other. “What now?” Pink said softly.
A mischievous grin split across Matt’s face. “I have the entire first season of Pokémon if you want to keep watching the tube,” he said.
All four of us smiled. “Let’s do it,” Pink and Mello said together.
Seven episodes later, we still hadn’t got tired of singing the theme song or reciting the Team Rocket intro, but our attention was slightly diverted. We started playing a game of slap about four and a half episodes in, which lasted until about 3:00 in the morning, and then Pink pulled out her DS and challenged Matt to a Pokémon battle.
“Damn, when did it get to be 3:30?” Pink asked when the battle ended.
“No clue,” Mello said. “How long do you girls plan on staying here?”
“No clue,” I said, “but we should probably try to get to sleep. Assuming we can get back to our world, we’re going to an anime convention in the morning.”
“Lucky! Can we come too?” Matt said. “I’ve always wanted to go to a con, but somebody won’t go with me.” He turned his head very slowly and looked very pointedly at Mello.
“I wish we could bring you with us, hun, but we’ll be in the con long before the next 11:11 happens,” I said.
Mello tilted his head and stared at me, curiously. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, this is probably just a wild guess, but I think that’s how we got here. I made a wish that we could spend a night with you guys and make you happy, and Pink agreed with me. We closed our eyes, and when we opened them, we were on your couch instead of the one in my hotel room, and I saw that the clock said 11:11. That’s the time when you’re supposed to make a wish,” I explained.
“I don’t—“
“Maybe you’re not supposed to understand,” Matt said. “Maybe it’s like falling in love at first sight. You don’t know how it happened, you can’t explain it or understand it, and maybe you’ll never be able to. But it just feels right, and when it happens, you’re happy.”
I bit my lip so hard that I thought I would break the skin. The last thing I wanted to do was start crying again. Without really saying anything, all four of us came together and embraced. I closed my eyes and let the warmth of our bodies speak for me. Thank you for everything tonight. I had a great time with you, and I know I’ll never, ever forget this. I love all of you so much. Please, please remember me.
When we broke apart, all of us had tears in our eyes. Mello took a deep breath and said, “If you plan to sleep here tonight, you can use our bed if you want.”
We shook our heads and plopped onto the couch. “We’ll be fine here, but thank you so much,” Pink said.
“Hey, guys?” I said.
“Thank you so much for everything tonight. I… I love you guys so much.”
“I love you too!” Pink squeaked.
Mello chuckled. “You girls are adorable,” he said. Matt nodded in agreement. “Sure you don’t want our bed?”
“We’re fine.”
“You wanna pull that out into the sofa-bed, though? It’ll be a bit roomier.”
We shrugged, and Pink said, “As long as it’s not too much of a hassle, why not?”
Between the four of us, it only took a few minutes to get the sofa-bed set up. They let us use the bathroom to wash up before bed. While I was standing outside waiting for Pink to come out, I looked down at my wrist. I was still wearing several of my favorite kandi bracelets.
“Hey, guys,” I said. “Once Pink comes out of there, can I show you something?”
Right on cue, Pink emerged from the bathroom. “Can I use you to demonstrate something?” I asked her. She nodded. “Right. Well, guys, I’m one of those crazy ravers, and as a sign of friendship, we trade these bracelets that we call kandi, and I wanted to give you some, but there’s a certain way that we do it. Give me your hand, Pink.” She held up one hand, and I held up one of my own.
“Ravers have this thing called PLUR, which is sort of like our philosophy, and there’s a kandi-trading handshake that goes with it. It goes Peace—“ I made a peace sign with my fingers, and Pink followed suit. “Love—“ I made half a heart shape with my hand, and Pink completed the heart with hers. “Unity—“ I placed my open palm against Pink’s. “And Respect.” We closed our hands together, lacing our fingers. “Then I take my kandi and put it on her wrist,” I said, and I did so without letting go. “And then we hug,” which we did. I repeated this process with both of the boys, an enormous grin plastered on my face. “There,” I said. “You have something to remember us by now.”
We shared one last group hug, and the boys each kissed us on the tops of our heads. Blushing furiously, Pink and I settled in on the sofa-bed. “Goodnight,” the boys said.
“Goodnight,” we called back to them.
Their bedroom light flipped on for a few minutes, and then it turned off. Within minutes, Pink and I fell asleep.
It seemed like only a few minutes later that the alarm on my cell phone sounded in my pocket, but at least it was a few minutes of great-quality sleep. Without opening my eyes, I slipped a hand into my pocket, extracted the phone from my pocket, and flipped it open. I turned off the alarm and opened my eyes. It was 7:00 AM, on the first morning of Otakon, and we needed to get ready.
We were back in my hotel room, huddled together in one of the beds, two DVD cases at the foot of the bed. Pink yawned, stretched, and sat up. She stared around for a minute before she looked at me. “Ashlynn?” she said.
“That wasn’t a dream, was it?”
“Matt and Mello?”
“No. That was real. I was there, you were there, and they were there. And we had a damn good time, the four of us.”
She flung her arms around me and didn’t let go for at least a minute. I held her tight and sighed. “And guess what?” I said.
“We’re gonna have more damn good times pretty soon, aren’t we? Are you ready for Otakon?”
She broke away from me and threw a fist into the air. “Oh HELL YEAH!” she shouted.
We got out of bed and got ourselves ready; we ate a quick breakfast, put our costumes and makeup on, packed our backpacks, and hurried off to get in line. By 8:00, we were lined up with our fellow anime fans outside the Baltimore Convention Center, itching to get inside and let the good times begin.
As we waited, a large group of Death Note cosplayers strolled down the sidewalk, making their way towards the end of the line. “Hey, guys,” I called out to them. “Can I get a picture of all of you? Everybody in!” Pink and I pulled out our cameras as the group huddled together, slinging arms around one another while trying to pose. We took our pictures and thanked them, and they went on their way. I looked at my photo and smiled; after last night, it was so heartwarming to see them all together, alive and happy.
“Do you think we made them happy, Ashlynn? Last night, I mean?” Pink asked me.
I looked at her, then back at the photo on my camera. A determined grin set itself firmly on my face. “Yes,” I said. “Very happy.”
EvFaerAshlynn · Fri Aug 20, 2010 @ 04:42am · 1 Comments |
This story takes place at some fictional Otakon, and features my dear friend ~Pink_Sephiroth~ chilling with me for the convention. Pink, this one's for you. Enjoy it, hun!!
11:11 “Oh, God,” she said.
“This is the part… where they…”
My eyes went wide with the realization of what was about to happen on screen. “Oh, crap.” I put one hand over her eyes and fumbled for the remote with the other with my face turned away from the TV. “No, no, no. I refuse to let this part happen. Not now, not while you’re here.” I turned the DVD player off and squeezed Pink, clinging to her like a teddy bear. There are some things you don’t want to subject your friends to the first time you’re hanging out in person; the upcoming scene was one of them.
“Thank you, Ashlynn,” she whispered, responding in kind to my affection.
“It’s so sad... And, I mean, of all the people to watch it with, being with you would be so much comfort, but…”
“I know…”
“And if you start crying, I will too.”
“Let’s not.”
I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder. “Knowing what’s going to happen doesn’t make it any easier, does it? I mean, I just want to hug them or something. At least make it easier for them, knowing that…”
“Your voice is shaking.”
I squeezed my eyes shut for a second, pressing the half-formed tear into my eyelashes. I tilted my head towards her for a second, and then faced forward, looking towards the clock but not really seeing it. She squeezed my hand as I started talking again. “I really do wish I could hug them, or even… like, invite them to spend their last night with us, so they could... be happy…”
Pink sniffled beside me and pulled me closer to her. I blinked back another tear that clouded my vision.
When my eyes came back into focus, I realized that the clock said 11:11.
And that we weren’t in my hotel room.
I nudged Pink, and she looked around. “Ashlynn? Where are we?”
“No idea. What the--?”
A door creaked open, and two young men stepped inside. They gasped together, and one of them shouted, “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in here?”
We both jumped off the couch and flung our hands into the air, as if we were under arrest. Our eyes found the owners of the apartment within milliseconds. A blond man clad in black with burn scars covering half of his face, and a redhead with goggles covering his eyes. I blinked hard. This can’t be real. They’re not really standing in front of us, are they? Cliché as it may be, I felt a pain check was in order; the sharp pressure of my teeth on my tongue told me that yes, I was still real, still me. “M-Mello…? Matt…?” Pink stammered.
“How do you know our names? And how did you get here?” Mello growled. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at us. “You talk or I shoot, girls.”
“Please don’t shoot us! We honestly don’t know how we got here!” I said. I was talking fast, but I knew I’d have to speak carefully. I wasn’t sure if they knew their fates, and revealing that would probably provoke Mello to shoot. “One moment I was wishing that we could find you two and… a-and make you happy… and then I blinked and we… we were on your couch. We didn’t break in, and we weren’t trying to steal anything or find information. It was like a time warp or going through a wormhole or—“
“And why should I believe that?”
“We just got here a few seconds before you did. First we were on Ashlynn’s couch, and then we were on your couch, and… We’re... not from the same world as you?” Pink said, lowering her arms and looking at me questioningly.
“What do you mean, not from the same world? You’re not shinigami, are you? Oh, and Mel, keeping the gun pointed at them isn’t going to make them make any more sense,” Matt said. He tapped the barrel lightly with two fingers and cocked his head; Mello let out a frustrated sigh through his nose and put the gun down.
“Um… This is going to take awhile to explain, and the reason we’re here is pretty important to us, so... if you guys would please hold your fire and let us try to figure out how…?” Pink said. A soft blush crept across her cheeks as her eyes flitted between the two of them.
The pair looked at each other, then at us. I whispered, “Pink, roll a Diplomacy check,” and giggled. She looked at me, and Mello raised his eyebrow. “Sorry, Dungeons and Dragons reference,” I said.
The four of us laughed.
Thank God, I thought.
Mello cleared his throat. “I still want to know why and how you’re here. And like Matt said. Are you shinigami?”
“No, we’re normal humans like you two,” Pink said.
“And we’re not timelords either, if you watch any Doctor Who,” I said.
Mello snorted and let his face fall into his cupped hands. “Such nerds,” he said.
Matt nudged him. “Hey. Wammy’s resident gamer, right here,” he chuckled.
Pink squeaked and bounced a little on the balls of her feet. They looked at her. “S-sorry,” she said, her cheeks darkening. “It’s just… I’m a gamer too…”
“Back on topic,” Mello said, rather loudly. “You said you’re not from the same world as us. Explain.”
I took a deep breath and began to speak. “Basically, we were watching TV. And… Well, we were watching your world on TV. The world where you guys are real people, and Kira is real and killing people and taking over the world, and where Death Notes and shinigami exist and can enter the human world and mess up the natural order of things just because they feel like it. In our world, all that is fiction. It’s not real. In our world, you guys are characters in a Japanese anime and manga series called Death Note, and people can pick it up and read the manga or watch the anime and stop reading or watching when they feel like it. And when they do, it’s like stopping a movie. That world—your world—stops being real. To us, you’re pretty pictures in a comic book, or on a TV screen.” When I started speaking, I was looking at them with as much confidence as I could, given the fact that I didn’t understand what was going on. By the time I finished, I was staring at my feet with watery eyes. I watched a tear drip from my face and hit the floor.
“And we got here, into your apartment in a world that’s completely fictional to us, because Ashlynn wished that you weren’t fiction. That you were real in our world, and that we could actually spend time with you and—“ Pink said. She cut herself off, bit her lip and looked at me anxiously.
“And hug you,” I said. “Because we know that there’s stuff going on, and that you’re both in terrible, terrible danger, and we’re weird fangirls who want to make sure that you’re happy and... And… I…” I sighed; I ran out of words and plopped to the floor, hugging my knees. I tried my best to keep my breathing even, to not let them realize I was about to cry. Pink knelt beside me and stroked my hair soothingly; there were tears in her eyes too.
“Matt,” Mello asked, “how much did we drink?”
“Not that much,” Matt said. “And if you think you’re hallucinating, you’re not. I see them too.”
“So pretty much, two girls from an alternate universe appeared on our couch because they made a wish that they could hug us?”
“Are you sure we’re not drunk?”
“If anything, we should be the ones wondering that, Mello,” Pink said. “In our world, you’re cartoon characters, and even if you turned out to be cosplayers, we’d have to be really, really drunk to wind up on the couch of some random cosplayers with no clue of how we got there. And neither of us drink.”
“People cosplay us?” Matt asked in awe.
“Yeah,” I said. Then I gasped, and involuntarily cracked a smile. I reached a hand out towards Matt, falling forward onto my other, and ran my fingertips over his vest. It was soft and fluffy, and as I felt it, my smile widened. I squeaked and began to murmur, “Fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy,” under my breath.
“What the hell?” Matt said. He drew back and I dropped to my hands and knees, giggling like an idiot.
Pink was laughing too. “She does that when she sees people cosplaying you,” she explained. “Pet the Matty! I mean, as long as that’s okay with you, of course.”
“Holy s**t, you girls are so weird,” Mello said. “But in a kind of… endearing way.”
“He’s trying to say you’re cute,” Matt said.
The four of us laughed again. “Did you really, honestly just wish to be here and then suddenly appear here? How did that work?”
I looked at Pink, and we both shrugged. “I just know that Ashlynn was starting to cry, and she said she wanted to be with you guys, or spend some time with you, to make you happy, and I didn’t say it out loud but I totally agreed with her. I think we both closed our eyes and then when we opened them we were here,” Pink said.
“I think I’ve found reason to believe they’re not a threat,” Matt said. He crossed to the couch and picked up two DVD cases. “We don’t have either of these movies. They do.”
“But I thought you had Advent Children?”
“This one says Advent Children Complete, Mel.... The one you wouldn’t let me buy, remember?”
“We planned on watching it after we finished… what we were watching before,” Pink said.
Mello plucked the DVD case from Matt’s hands, his raised eyebrows painting skepticism on his face. “Well, this tells me one thing. Either this is real, or we’re tripping some serious balls. Only one way to figure out which,” he muttered. He opened it and removed the disc for the movie, then stuck it into the DVD player beneath the TV and turned the TV on. Sure enough, the movie’s menu appeared on the screen, its light illuminating Mello’s stunned face.
“Can we, Mello? Please? Just in case we never have another chance? In case tonight is it for us?” Matt asked. He sauntered over to his companion as he spoke, resting his chin on the blond’s shoulder and lacing their fingers together.
I actually gasped a little when he said that. I glanced at Pink; her eyes were enormous and both her hands obscured the fact that her jaw had dropped in shock. In the instant that our eyes met, I could almost hear her say exactly what I was thinking: They know. I looked away from her and saw that the boys were both smiling.
Mello approached us, one hand extended. “We never did get your names, girls,” he said.
“I’m Pink, she’s Ashlynn,” Pink said, indicating each of us as she said our names.
Mello shook each of our hands, then turned back to Matt. “Push play, will you?” he said.
“I’m warning you guys, this might just blow your minds a little,” I said. I couldn’t help but smile; Pink couldn’t either.
As Matt grabbed the remote off the top of the DVD player, he said, “No better time for mind-blowing than now.”
There was no point in trying to squish all four of us onto the couch, so Pink and I curled up on the floor, our backs against the boys’ shins. We whispered, giggled, and gasped through the movie, up until Sephiroth showed up. The moment he began to speak, all four of us gasped and then fell dead silent for the rest of the film. When the credits finally began to roll, it was like we all awoke from a trance at once.
“Not gonna lie,” Matt said, “I totally came during the Sephiroth scene.”
“No you didn’t, my hand was right there, I’d have known if you did,” Mello said, punching Matt playfully in the side.
Pink and I exploded into a fit of hysterical laughter; both of us were blushing, our faces fire-engine red. I felt a light tap on the top of my head, looked up, and found myself face-to-face with the Repo Man. Well, an image of him, anyway; the DVD case for Repo! The Genetic Opera hovered above my face. “What’s this?” Mello said.
“A really good movie called Repo! The Genetic Opera,” I replied. “It’s a rock opera about a really messed-up future. Awesome music, but kinda gory.”
“How gory?” said Pink.
“Don’t worry, hun, I’ll cover your eyes when organs come out.”
“Sounds like fun,” Matt said. “I’ll go get some popcorn.”
“I’ll come with you,” Mello said. “I need to talk to you about tomorrow before we get to having too much fun.” He then turned to us. “I suppose I can trust you two not to break the DVD player. You can go ahead and switch the movies.”
EvFaerAshlynn · Fri Aug 20, 2010 @ 04:38am · 1 Comments |
Ashy's Katsucon 2010 Adventure!! |
SO! I attended the Saturday of Katsucon 2010, the "sweet sixteen" of this particular convention. I have many a story to tell, so sit down right there and let me tell you how I became the Fresh Princess of Bel Air...
It all started out on Martin Luther King day when I went to the mall with my friend and we brought up the idea of going to Katsucon together. I got all excited and worked up and "OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!1" and the like. So Friday comes. No school. I go home, and get my stuff together for the con. Saturday morning, February 13. I get up at 7:15 (grooooaaaaaaaaan), get myself all spiffed up, pack a few last-minute items in my backpack, and head out the door to wait for Tora to pick me up. She said she was coming at 9. ... She got there at 9:30, as Mom and I were walking back home, me feeling extreeeeemely dejected and emo. Took about an hour to get to DC from my street, and then when we got to the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, we were like, "WHOAAAAAAAA." It was kinda overwhelming at first. We went to the bathroom and added the finishing touches to our outfits. That's us, the damn crazy ravers we are. (Tora's in the black-and-red, I'm in the smiley shirt and Tripp pants and kandi.) We got out of the bathroom and went to register. The registration line was really short! I accidentally almost stole the badge-writing sharpie, but I gave it back. Then we hit the dealers' room. We spent a good deal of this con shopping. We walked in there, and lo and behold, CAPITALISM! Within the first five minutes I found $5 yaoi sale bins (believe it, ladies and gents!). I also saw Left 4 Dead pills, some spiffy steampunk people, and an adorably in-character Chii. She took my glasses off my face with a soft "Chii?" and started poking at them as if she'd never seen a pair of glasses before in her life. Holy. Crap. She was too cute. I gave her a huge hug. So I shopped. I won't lie to you, I spent over a hundred bucks and I don't regret it. (Yet. I might later, being a college student.) I left the Dealers' Room to find Tora's friend Sito, who was cosplaying Cloud. I lost the game (sorry!) many a time due to this cheeky b*****d. We then went into the Artist Alley, in which I conducted my first kandi trade EVER, swapping one of my bracelets for a pretty pink one. I almost bought a knitted, functioning, rollable-and-stickable magnetic Katamari ball, but I resisted the impulse buy. I also encountered a Witch, a rather cute Hunter, a crack pairing, Ezio with pop out hidden wrist blades, and a pretty tiger-girl. Then we went to get some noms because we were hungry as hell. I got a muffin. We got a seat by the fountain, where we found a lot of awesome cosplayers, including but not limited to Quail Man, Sailor Moon silliness, a pretty hot Bayonetta, this big group, and... Lady Gaga?! Whoa, I didn't see that coming! I went back into the dealers room, where I saw another Witch. I yelled "WITCH!" and she jumped. I apologized, and a few seconds later I walked away snickering, "Heheheheheh, I startled a Witch..." Lucky I didn't get clawed to death. During my shopping adventure I saw this awesome chick who reminded me of Tank Girl (she's not though, I get the feeling she's some other character, I just dunno who) and L and B. Oh my God, I flipped so badly when I saw them and -had- to get their picture. I'm glad they didn't mind my dorky fangirl moment. Along the way I picked up a friend, a kitty-boy, and I chilled with him for awhile. He was really nice, I feel dumb for not getting a picture. Found Tora again. Also found this Ceil cosplayer who honest-to-God looks like a life-size BJD in this picture and Captain Hook. Went back into the dealers room, bought stuff, and saw... Fanta girls. Except the yellow one was a guy. WTF. There were also a few more Lady Gagas and a Ghostbuster with the perfect "Ohhhhhh s**t" face. And, for some reason, Elmo too. ..... Yeah, WTF. We stopped to rest for a bit, contemplated ordering pizza, and got some unexpected fanservice. We decided we wanted to go to the Masquerade. So we got in line. And that was the biggest line we stood in all through the con. We got some not-so-decent seats, Kamina used his glasses as a mustache behind us, and we only stayed through thirteen or so skits because it got kinda mediocre after the first few. The beginning was funny; there was a con staffer who was MCing, and then Darth Vader usurped him, and then Vader got pwn'd by these girls from Dead or Alive, who -actually- did the MCing. (Domo-kun wasn't an MC though; he just walked by at the right moment and I wanted to include him in that picture.) The first skit was pretty funny; it was Soul Eater, I think, and they did Thriller. There was a Hetalia skit in which Chibitalia gave the Holy Roman Empire a pair of panties and a red string, a rather dirty Hellsing one, an awesome pirate one, a Loveless one with some awesome dancing, a Kuroshitsuji one with Grell and Sebastian doing the tango, a skit with DDR characters and "Evacuate the Dance Floor" by Cascada, and "A Concise Summary of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children," which consisted of Tifa singing "It's Raining Men" with the FFVII men behind her. Those are the ones I remember. After we left the Masquerade we hung around for a bit. We saw this awesome steampunk aquarium-pack, this really tall Willy Wonka who was at Otakon, a cute Pokemon hug, more of the Sailors, and the lightshow fountain. That was cool. I did a few more kandi trades, took some more pictures, and then we headed out. While we were waiting for Tora's parents to get their, Tora recognized Vic Mignogna! I couldn't resist the opportunity to take a photo of a famous person, so I went over and said hi, took his picture, gave him a hug, and plopped next to Tora feeling kinda starstruck. I mean, he's done some pretty big roles in the anime-dub world. And he was pretty nice to me! Not five minutes later he was getting something from a UPS person and he seemed to be complaining about something. I'll never know what that was all about, but I was still sitting there going "Whoaaaaaaa I hugged that guy less than five minutes ago and he's a big-shot voice actor. DUDE. WHOA." So then Tora's parents came, and since we were hungry, they kindly took us to Wendy's. We recalled some of our adventures to them on the way home, and I got home somewhere between 9:30 and 10. All in all, AWESOME DAY.
Total pictures taken: 137. Photo Album: Here Purchased: Black cat ears, purple fuzzy leg warmers, three pins, two fanarts, Ravenclaw tie and scarf, a giant red d20, a $15 grab bag, a Zydrate Support Network t-shirt. I feel like I'm forgetting something though... Kandi trades: 4 Time spent at the convention: About 10-11 hours, ish. Fun?: OH ABSOLUTELY!!!
EvFaerAshlynn · Tue Feb 16, 2010 @ 01:10am · 0 Comments |
Looking Back at Deathly Hallows |
So the RIC was discussing how the deaths of your favorite characters in anime make you enjoy the show less. This made me think of how I felt reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time, so I'm going to recount the experience for you.
wahmbulance Obvious Spoiler Alert is VERY Obvious. Also, I use a lot of bad words here. =3 wahmbulance
July 20th, 2007, about 11PM: I'm exhausted from an awesome day at Otakon, and Mom takes me to the midnight book release party at the closest Barnes & Noble. ... The party kinda sucked, you guys. I went home crying and feeling let down, and went to bed.
July 21st, 2007: Instead of staying up and reading until the book is finished, I went to Otakon for day #2. At one point, I saw a sign that had a bunch of spoilers on it. I only looked at the thing for about one damn second and then went "OHSHITSPOILERSLOOKAWAAAAAAAAY!" Enjoyed the rest of Otakon that day without thinking about spoilers.
July 22nd, 2007: I wake up at about 10AM and eat breakfast. The book is sitting on the kitchen table. “So this is Deathly Hallows,” I said. I touched the book kinda hesitantly, then I finished off my breakfast and began to read. It went a little something like this.
Chapter 1: WHAT THE HELL, utterly and completely creeped out. Hedwig dies: Oh no you didn't. Mad-Eye dies: Oh s**t, this is not good. Wedding: Oh thank GOD, something actually HAPPY! Kreacher's tale: Ohhhhh. I get it. Dude, that's depressing! The Ministry of Magic scene/chapter: Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. Ron leaves Harry and Hermione: I cried really hard, put the book down, and reconsidered allowing my children to read the books. Graveyard scene: I think I was still crying, I can't remember. The bit with Bathilda the snake: WTF... Oh, God, he's thinking back on Harry's parents' deaths... Destruction of the locket: WOO-HOO! ******** yeah! That was freaky, but ******** yeah! The part with Luna's dad: I basically drank in every bit of that. Dobby dies: SOB. The Gringotts scene/dragon-napping: WHOA. BADASS. Aberforth's explanation of Dumbledore's past: Drank that in too. Battle: By this point, I'm a little bit numb emotionally, and I'm at Red Lobster with my nose stuck in the book. Fred dies: WHAAAAAAAAAT?! Snape dies: The only reason I didn't cry was because I was in public. The forest scene: I was hyperventilating and blinking really hard, and the only reason why I didn't actually cry was because I was in public and there was food in front of me. "Kings Cross": Drank all that in. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU b***h!": I saw the word "b***h" and did a huuuuuuuge double-take. I actually had to read that sentence a few times before it sunk in that J.K. Rowling, and further, Molly Weasley, had actually said that. Then I was like, "Oh hell yeah!" The final Harry vs Voldemort showdown: I think I'm lucky I understood all that on the first reading. But I did, and when it was over I breathed a huuuuge sigh of relief, even though I was still really, really upset that Lupin, Tonks, and Colin died too. The epilogue: WHAT THE ********, THEY HAVE KIDS?! "All was well.": The end.... This is the end of Harry Potter. Wow... Just... Wow.
EvFaerAshlynn · Thu Jan 14, 2010 @ 04:04pm · 1 Comments |
Something I posted in DLS |
Edited from the original post.
Dear DLS~
I have no motivation whatsoever to do anything productive for the rest of the semester. I just don't want to work anymore. I don't want to think about anything academic, and just leave my grades the way they are now, take zero on everything else, and not give a damn about school anymore. But I can't. I just don't work that way.
I want to live a relatively carefree life. I don't want to stress about school or the future anymore. I don't want to have to deal with these ugly messes before finals. I want to just live life to the fullest.
If I could plan out the rest of my life right now, this is how it would work:
Get my learner's permit renewed so that I can have my provisional license before Otakon. Continue here at college with moderate concern for my grades, attempting to at least keep my GPA above 2.5, I guess, even though that seems really low to me. Don't stress too much over it, just make sure I can graduate in four years. Don't forget to have fun; go to Rocky and Repo shadowcasts, go to raves, go to concerts, play some DND, see some plays, go out on the town, plenty of "Friday After Five" aquarium trips, try a relationship with a girl, get me some BJDs, yadda yadda. Make friends and get good at writing, drawing, sewing, and singing while I'm here. After I graduate, live at home for the rest of 2013 with a job that will pay a decent amount of money to a fresh-out-of-college kid for about half a year. Quit once 2014 hits, gather friends, and go on a year-long cosplay road trip around the USA, making sure to hit as many anime cons as possible. On said trip, we sing a capella and sell handmade items for a "living"; i.e., our a capella awesomeness on CD, poetry pamphlets, anime convention survival kits/guides, cosplay items, tie-dyed stuff, food, etc. As this goes on, work on some novels. After that happens, find a place to live with Bryce, and marry him when we're ready. Have the most awesome wedding we can plan out; maybe at the Renfair? We'll have two receptions, one for family and one for our friends who will totally get all the silly jokes we'll make. Go on a fantastic honeymoon somewhere awesome where we both want to go, maybe a beautiful national park in the United States. Live a down-low lifestyle for a few years; make some money doing whatever jobs are available to us while I look for someone who will publish me, saving much and spending only what we need to spend. In the meantime, make awesome clothes and jewelry to sell online and/or at Otakon, and do face-ups on other people's BJDs. Get published, enjoy the glow of knowling that people enjoy what I write. Put money in the bank for kids to go to college and to help my parents retire in Florida. Have children, a boy and a girl, and raise them according to what we believe. Raise them to be have better work ethics than we have so they can do better in school and go farther than we have. Maybe adopt another child. We'll have pets too. We'll take our kids to Europe, to Disney World, to Japan, to America's havens of natural wonder, to beautiful beaches and to scores of Renaissance Faires and anime conventions. Maybe also to the Australia Zoo, where my childhood idol, Steve Irwin, did his Crocodile Hunter thing. We ourselves will travel when the children are in college. Once they've moved on, we will too. They'll always be in our hearts, but we will retire happily. I'll probably keep writing until the end. At my funeral, I want them to light candles, share happy memories of me, and lay roses on my coffin. And they will sing "Amazing Grace" and "While Your Lips Are Still Red" and "Float On". I will be remembered as a good and devoted mother, wife, and author.
Sounds like an awesome life to me. If only it would work that way. I know it won't. I'll struggle through college beating myself up over my grades, it'll be a miracle if I get published, and I don't know what the hell to do with my life if I can't write for a living. If I'm ever good at anything other than listening to other people talk, procrastinating on important things, and making an a** of myself, maybe bits and pieces of that will come true. Maybe.
Love, Ashy <3
EvFaerAshlynn · Thu Dec 03, 2009 @ 02:06am · 0 Comments |
So I know it's not my best work. This was just a little drabble I needed to get out, written for fun. Enjoy, my dear readers.
Lestat de Lioncourt refused to drink the blood of the innocent. That meant that for a time, criminals were his livelihood. He depended on them for sustenance, sometimes slipping past prison guards to taste a whole cell block as the inmates slept, sometimes tracking down an escaped prisoner who would be found dead and bloodless in the morning. That is, until Kira came to power.
The story was that some mysterious godlike force originating somewhere in Japan was going to rid the world of crime and impurity to create a new world, a utopia. That he could make his enemies drop dead of heart attacks or leave bizarre suicide notes with only the knowledge of their names and faces.
"Bullshit," Lestat muttered to himself, picking up a tabloid featuring the latest Kira news on his way out of the airport. "Complete bullshit."
It was a typical night on a typical Japanese city street. The two men who left the coffee shop, however, were far from typical. The younger of the two sighed and began to speak. "I don't know what to say. Even if I branded the words 'I am not Kira' on my forehead in the presence of the Pope, you still wouldn't believe me," he said.
"Until we can both prove otherwise, Yagami-kun, you are my prime suspect," said the man beside him. They turned down a less-crowded street, and then after a few blocks, down an almost empty one, conversing about the complexities of the case and about Light Yagami's status as the main suspect of the case.
And so Kira and L walked alone together.
A tall, pale, blond figure passed them, walking quickly. They gave him no thought; to their eyes, he was more than likely a tourist. As the pair passed him, Lestat inhaled deeply. L spoke the name of Kira once more, and the vampire smiled. He'd found his prey.
A gust of wind sent the two young men's clothes rippling. Light pulled his jacket closer to himself, shivering slightly. The cold air wasn't what made him shiver. There seemed to be a name carrying on the breeze. The name that he and L had been whispering every day and night since their first verbal connection.
L stopped dead in his tracks, and Light followed suit by crashing into him. They wheeled around to face the blond man they had just passed, who was laughing softly to himself. "Yes, Kira," he said. "Or rather, Light Yagami."
Light's whole body tensed. "I'm not Kira," he said almost automatically.
"Liar," Lestat chuckled. He slowly, calmly strode towards the pair as he spoke. "I could smell Kira in your blood the moment I passed you, boy. I could practically hear your mind screaming 'I am Kira, and this is how I am manipulating L.' Your thoughts are an open book."
"Why? How--"
"Light-kun, this is dangerous," L murmured, grabbing Light's shoulders. "We don't know this man, he could be trying to--"
"But you do know who I am," Lestat interjected. "I am the Vampire Lestat. I was under the impression that I am famous."
"No way. You, the vampire rock star?" said Light, raising his eyebrow. L's grip on his shoulder tightened. "A vampire?" the detective murmured in disbelief.
"You know what a vampire is, of course," Lestat retorted, a hint of sarcasm coloring his voice. He now stood close enough to the pair that if they looked, they could see his elongated teeth. "We come out at night and drink blood. I happen to drink the blood of criminals, more often than not, because I do not drink from the innocent. My issue with you, Kira, is not your morality. I have not come here to blow your cover, get you arrested, or pass judgement, nor have I come here to kill you. I just wanted to say..." Here he paused. The smirk that played across his face now turned down into something almost like a frown. A crack resounded through the air as the back of Lestat's hand crashed into Light's cheek with enough force to make the teenager lose his balance and fall over. L gasped as Light hit the ground and drew back a few paces. Before Light knew what was happening, he was hoisted by the collar to the vampire's eye level. Lestat leaned in close to his ear and growled, loudly enough for L to hear, "Stop killing off my food supply!"
And then he bit.
If it had been physically possible for Light, in his pain-dazed, confused and yet somewhat angry state, to shove Lestat away from him and run as though the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels, he would have. Unfortunately, to add to his lack of ability to respond, the vampire's grip was essentially unbreakable. The best he could manage was to gasp, squirm, and clutch at the velvet of Lestat's cloak. Despite the obvious, throbbing pain of having teeth stuck in his flesh, the experience wasn't actually all that bad. He could hear and feel Lestat sucking at the wound, drinking his blood eagerly. His breath sped up almost instinctually, and despite the fact that he knew he was in danger, he actually relaxed. If he could ignore the pain and the fact that he was actually losing blood (which, he thought later, was somewhat erotic in itself), it was actually easy to enjoy the sensation. The longer the experience lasted, however, the less he thought he would be able to survive it. I can't die, he thought. No. He said he wouldn't kill me. I'm Kira, I'm God, I'm not going to...
Light's vision went black. When next he was aware, he was on his back in the middle of the sidewalk, attempting to sit up even though he was in considerable pain. "That was certainly telling," said a thoughtful voice from somewhere above him. Light started and looked up. Lestat was licking the last few drops of his blood from his lips. To Light's amazement, L hadn't moved an inch.
"And you," said Lestat, moving in on the dark-haired detective, "must be the famous L." He took L's hand and shook it vigorously; as L began to reciprocate the handshake, Lestat yanked him into his chest. "It's an honor," the vampire hissed into L's ear before his mouth pressed down over the detective's neck. L choked out a pained cry and began to kick at the vampire's legs. Lestat simply grunted and dug his teeth further into L's neck. After a few more seconds of Lestat sucking fervently at L's neck and L panting and kicking in response, the vampire shoved his victim to the ground beside Light. Lestat then jumped up to the roof of a nearby building and saluted. "Farewell, gentlemen," he called down to the pair. "Enjoy your little war."
And then he was gone.
Light stared for a few moments. "Are you all right?" he asked nervously.
"Yes," L said. He raised himself off the ground a little bit and looked into Light's face. Both of them were paler than before, and both looked quite shaken. "Contact your father. Tell him we need medical attention. Honestly, why the hell did we not run?" He put a hand to his neck, wincing slightly as his fingers grazed over the wound.
"Beats me," Light said, pulling out his phone and dialing. "Dad? We're two streets up from headquarters and we've... We need blood. Medical attention. I'll-- no, don't panic, we're not going to die. Just get us to the hospital and we'll be okay. Thanks." He hung up. They sat together, recovering from their encounter, glancing nervously around their surroundings. Neither of them spoke. Lestat's words hung over their heads like a cloud of poison. Light felt uneasy; he could almost taste L's excitement in the air as they both contemplated the vampire. Neither of them ever found out how he knew Light was Kira. Once the ambulance arrived, however, it didn't particularly matter anymore. They were safe now; their war could continue, and that was all that mattered.
EvFaerAshlynn · Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 03:24am · 0 Comments |
Awesome Stuff That I Want / Cosplay Type Stuff |
So basically, the world of Repo! The Genetic Opera is super awesome cooltacular. Except for the whole "DEATH EVERYWHERE" Aaaaaand I want a bunch of Repo-related stuff. Such as...
- A lot of Shilo's outfits - Henchgirl cosplay - Gentern cosplay - Blind Mag's totally bitchin' red tophat - The poster from the "Zydrate Anatomy" scene in which Blind Mag wears that totally bitchin' red tophat - Zydrate gun - Maybe an organ reposession license? - Blind Mag contacts (because her eyes are amazing)
And probably other stuff too.
EvFaerAshlynn · Sat Nov 07, 2009 @ 08:29pm · 0 Comments |
Okay, Gaians, so here's the scoop. In a couple of weeks I will be headed off to college for the first time. I'm living on campus, and I will have a roommate. I'm pretty sure (about 70%-ish) that we will have our own bathroom, and I definitely know that we are on the first floor. Both my roommate and I like anime, and thus we're probably gonna have a relatively anime-themed room. I have not, at this point, had a serious discussion with my roommate about what "big items" I'm bringing versus what she's bringing.
I Have and Am Bringing... - Mattress pad - Comforter - Blanket - Sheet set x2 - Pillows - Beanbag chair - Desk lamp - Towels (2 bath, 2 hand) - 3-drawer cart thing - 20-pack of hangers
I'm Considering Bringing... - PS2 (with 2 controllers and maybe 1 DDR pad) - TV - DVD player - TV stand - Bookcase - Corkboard/dry-erase board - Decorative Lighting (Christmas lights, a paper lantern, something along those lines)
I Have Yet to Buy... - Laptop - Mini/micro fridge (available for rent/purchase from the school) - Books - Last-minute stuff (snacks, female supplies, TP, etc.)
PLEASE, my friends, HELP ME figure out what other kinds of stuff to bring with me to college!!
EvFaerAshlynn · Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 05:38pm · 4 Comments |
Tina's Story: A Repo! Fanfic |
Tina Salmel is an OC for Repo! The Genetic Opera. I've taken some liberties here and made a few assumptions about the world of the movie to write her story. I made her up to go with this avatar:
 (The tektek has a few thigns missing.) WARNING: The following fanfic contains gore, harsh language, and some sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Two women seized Dria’s arms. A man placed one gloved hand over her mouth, and held a large scalpel to her throat with the other. “Don’t move, Dria Salmel,” he said softly. Dria screamed into the man’s hand. The GenTerns bound Dria’s hands behind her back and released her as the Repo Man pushed her against. “I’m sorry! I’ll have the money in less than a day, two months’ worth! Please, please, let me say goodbye first!” she cried. “Goodbye?” said the Repo Man. He pressed himself against her to support her, holding the scalpel tightly in one hand. “To whom?” As he spoke, the sound of heavy, fast footsteps reached the ears of the witnesses. A teenaged girl in blue pajamas stood on the landing below them, black curls bouncing with every movement. “Mom?” she whispered. The GenTerns turned in unison, pointing guns at the girl. “Don’t move, doll,” they said. “Mom!” the girl called out. “Tina!” Dria cried. The Repo Man turned. The woman he was supposed to be killing fell forward onto his shoulder, sobbing; he dug his elbow into her ribcage and she fell silent with a small gasp. “Do you have your mother’s money, girl?” he asked. Tina shook her head. The man turned back to face his quarry. “GenTerns, hold the girl. I’ve been chasing this b***h for two months, she’s not getting away from me now.” “Mommy, please, no! Don’t kill her! Please no! Not my mom!” Tina cried as she started to run up the stairs towards her mother; the GenTerns, descending the stairs, simultaneously shoved her, knocking her backwards onto the landing. As she scrambled to her feet, the two women pinned her to the wall; she felt a gun pressed against each side of her head. Tina whimpered. If not for the GenTerns, she would have fallen to her knees. “Baby, that’s the gears of the GeneCo machine turning,” said the Repo Man. He pressed the scalpel to Dria’s chest. “Five last words. Let’s hear ‘em,” he said. “Quickly,” he added, in a harsher, rougher, more threatening tone. “My love, always! Never forget!” Dria choked out. She gasped as the scalpel sunk into her flesh. “I’ll always love you, Mom!” shouted Tina. A strangled shout of pain escaped from Dria’s throat as the scalpel ripped her chest open. Blood gushed from her body onto her killer, onto the floor, onto the walls. It soaked into the old carpet and began to creep along the hall as the woman bled. Tina tried to move, but the renewed pressure of the guns at her temples kept her still. She screamed. The Repo Man chuckled softly as he snapped Dria’s ribs in half. With each snap, both the mother and her horrified daughter gasped. “Say goodnight,” he whispered. With a few deft maneuvers and the quick but forceful application of a scalpel, Dria went limp. In each of his hands, the Repo Man held one of her lungs. No sound Tina could make would possibly express her anguish. She watched her mother fall face-forward into a pool of blood, dead and ripped apart. Ribs littered the floor. Tears slipped past her eyelids. “YOU b*****d!” she screamed. “YOU ******** b*****d, TOOK MY MOTHER, KILLED HER! MURDERER!” “Not murderer, darling. Legal Assassin,” said the Repo Man. “GenTerns. Hit her with some Zydrate. Hopefully it’ll make her forget.” He strode past the girl, looking into her watery eyes and smiling beneath his mask. He walked slowly and calmly down the stairs. Tina’s screams and sobs echoed through the whole building. One of the two women restraining her forced her whole weight against the girl’s body to keep her still; the other pulled out a Zydrate gun and pressed it to Tina’s neck. She pulled the trigger. Tina’s body convulsed, then went completely and utterly numb. Her eyes rolled back; the lids fluttered and closed. She slid down the wall like a ragdoll, crumpling as she hit the floor. She couldn’t move if she wanted to. The GenTerns strutted off in unison, leaving her alone. When her eyes opened, she screamed again, staring wide-eyed at her dead mother. She stood up unsteadily and ran as fast and as far as her wobbly legs would carry her.
----------------[two years later]-------------------
Tina took a sweeping bow and walked gracefully towards the backstage dancers’ hideout, halting to twirl every ten steps. She opened the box with her name on it and saw that tonight it was particularly full of bills of every sort. She quickly tucked the money into an envelope. “I’ll see you girls back in the dorm,” she said to the other three dancers. They waved as she slipped out the back door, closing it gently. “Where are you?” she called, looking around as she stepped out into the alley. A man’s hand waved a few times from the side of the building; Tina darted towards it. As she reached the corner of the building, the man stepped out from behind it, and she crashed into him. “Watch where you’re going, Tina. They’ll think you’re on Zydrate,” he said. “Ha ha, Graverobber,” she replied, pushing him gently as she turned her back to him. “You know I will be in a few minutes.” “As long as you pay me.” “I have the money.” “But what if I want--” “You’re not getting that, you get enough from your other girls. And besides, I’m only sixteen.” “But don’t you need to save that money?” “This is only temporary work. Once I find my father, I’ll quit this job and everything will be fine.” Everything will be fine, she said. How many times had she told herself that? “GeneCo jobs aren’t temporary. They’ll do anything and everything they can to keep you,” Graverobber said. He ran a finger along the scar that ran from her side to her navel. “They made you go under the knife when you took the job, didn’t they?” Tina shook her head. “Acute appendicitis, five months after I took the job.” “Regardless, they’ll probably send a Repo Man after you if you quit.” The man wrapped his arms around the girl’s waist. The two were silent for a while. Tina’s bare arms and legs grew cold; she pressed her body closer to Graverobber’s. “You know, I’m surprised GeneCo hasn’t had any slave revolts,” Tina said bitterly. “Slave revolts?” “That’s what we are! All of us, even you! Without GeneCo, society would just stop. We’d all be broke, jobless, or dead from organ failures. And even with GeneCo the odds aren’t much better.” She crossed her arms. “Take us, for example. I’m an underage corporate whore who runs around in lingerie, dancing and feeling up GeneCo patients, and you make your living off of GeneCo’s dead, who’ve been sucking down GeneCo’s drug all their lives! Just like my mom. I swore I’d never be like that, but look at me! ******** look at me now!” “Sob, sob,” Graverobber said with a sigh. “That’s the way it works now, honey. If you want your Zydrate, either give me your money or your body, quickly. I can’t stick around.” Tina snapped. “You goddamn insensitive pervert!” she half-shouted, shoving her elbow into Graverobber’s chest as she spun around to glare at him with fire in her eyes. Graverobber withdrew his hands, holding them up like an old-time cowboy surrendering. “Fine,” he said, backing away. “I’ve got people to see, things to do, or vice versa. Later, Tina.” Tina grabbed his arm as he tried to slip back around the corner. “Don’t go,” she said. “I still want my hit, you know.” She waved her envelope in front of his face. He took the envelope, opened it, and extracted his fee, then motioned her to lie down. She complied, smiling as the silvery surface of the Zydrate gun came into her view. The glowing blue vial slipped easily into the gun as Graverobber bore down on the girl. He pressed his lips to her forehead and the gun to her thigh. Zap. Tina shivered all over, gasping as the drug entered her body. The familiar sensation spread throughout her body; everything went numb so quickly. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “There you are, baby doll,” Graverobber whispered seductively into her ear. “You’ve had your hit, now get to bed. She’s coming, and she can be a bit jealous sometimes.” “You know it takes me a minute to get my legs working,” she said. “And who are you--” A woman made herself known in the alley. “And who are you ******** now, baby?” came her voice. “This one won’t let me have her,” Graverobber said, rising to his knees and turning around. Tina sat up and peered, blurry-eyed, down the alley. “Amber Sweet?” she whispered, astounded. “Yours truly, little girl,” said Amber. “Where’d you come from and why are you dressed like that?” “I’m a dancer for the surgery spa,” Tina said. “I just came out for some Z before bed. The dorms are that way.” She pointed around the corner. Amber smiled and rolled her eyes. “I see. I’ll walk you back there so you don’t get raped. Come on.” She extended her hand; Tina grasped it, disbelieving. “And you,” Amber said, pressing her face to her lover’s, “don’t move. I’ll be right back.” She licked his cheek, then pulled Tina to her feet. Graverobber stood silently against the wall, watching the two women walk away.
EvFaerAshlynn · Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 04:52pm · 0 Comments |