I have One.
Here it is.

Total Value: 1,180,897 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,048,449 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Standard Issue Hunting Knife 3nodding
À la Fondue 3nodding
Shadow Spirit 3nodding
Angelic Manner sad
Bad Moon 2nd Gen. sad
Kottan Bell 2nd Gen 3nodding Buttoned Down Foliage Boots 3nodding
Black Fishnet Stockings 3nodding
Nitemare Bustier 3nodding
Business Man's Tie Rack 3nodding
Dashing Gentleman Dickey Dress Shirt 3nodding
Dapper Gent's Royal Red Vest 3nodding
Missy Ruby Mini Jacket 3nodding
heart = Donated
3nodding = Bought
exclaim = Questing For
sad = Don't have yet.
Extra Items that would go with my cosplay.
Gaia-Sama exclaim
White Neko-Cosplay
L33t Gamer
Golden Wings
Y paddle
White Neko-Cosplay
L33t Gamer
Golden Wings
Y paddle