Most latent criminal were okay once they were just left alone with their minds, away from fear of pain and hurt. But the flaw in that logic was that being down here, was painful. It was painful to feel alone and thrown away. To feel like nothing you do can bring you back into society. Society itself had doomed you to a life of no return. Friends, family, coworkers continued to live as if you never existed. But Dove was determined. She would not give up hope. She was going to get her life back. She would destroy Sibyl and take back what rightfully belonged to her and everyone else.

She sat at her desk in a small room she called home, scribbling notes in her notebook. She had lost so many people to the Sibyl system, including her brother whom was now an Enforcer. She hoped she'd never have to face him, for if he saw her color hue, he'd be forced to kill. She lived with a small boy of 6 years old, Daniel Chase. He resembled a brown haired cupid and with the IQ of almost Sibyl herself (at least, that's what Dove had convinced herself). He lost his parents to the Sibyl system, and Dove had taken him in with no regrets. She also lived one more person, Alex Geoffrey. He was one of the few people in Bounty Roads with a clear hue. He never disclosed his reason for being down here, but no one cared very much so long as he kept their sanctuary a secret. He was the technician that put scan jammers at every entrance to the city. They were protected so long as no one messed with them. Scanners could not pick them up and they were nearly invisible to the blind society above. Nearly.
A hard knock came at her door, startling Daniel into a panicked frenzy. Dove answered it to see Alex standing with sweat pouring down his forehead,
"Birdy, we got a problem." He panted, "One of our scanners is going off, it's picking up an enforcer reading, and not just one..." His eyes were glazed over with worry. Dove nodded, and grabbing her metal baseball bat, bolted out the door following after him.
Dove and Alex climbed to their scanner which was located on the surface. Dove shivered, feeling Alex's worry drip onto her. Being on the surface was nothing new to her or Alex, they were always the ones being sent to fix the scanners or the jammers or pick up supplies for the colony. However, under these circumstances, Alex was usually alone. Due to recent events, Dove decided it was better she accompanied him, but the danger remained. Her psycho pass was well beyond 200. If she was caught, she'd e flagged immediately and it would only be hours before they had enforcers and inspectors investigating the area.
She nervously tapped her foot while Alex monkeyed with the scanner. As much as she loved the fresh air of the evening time, she didn't too entirely enjoy the idea of being caged up for checking a scanner.
Alex itched his blonde curls, "It says they're still in the area, but we've done a sweep and didn't find any." He turns to look at Dove who was still nervously looking around them in the alley, "Could it be a trap? They wouldn't need this many enforcers for just the two of us.."