I finally got my first band t-shirt scream It's about foochen time it's a sid vicious shirt It's pretty cool but big my mom said it would shrink so....yay!
peeps that care about me want to know how the trip went... it was...It was great I miss the smores though sad the weather was nice it was in the 60's the whole time I got a really cool beany/hat tasted some good candy and soda I still have $11 got a few bruises from some one *cough cough* Maria *cough cough* I got weird dreams though crying I got some cool eyeliner but I lost it T^T I slept a lot about 2-4 hours of nap time daily 4laugh but we have to foochen clean today just because my brother decided to have a foochen party and our bathroom smells like some one had diahrea and throw up the water was freezing but we still went boogie boading I come home to find out Phantasmagoria is breaking up T^T <span id="test9171507">. . .</span><br/><div id="post9171507" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
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callmesunny · Wed Apr 04, 2007 @ 05:55am · 185 Comments |