Sinking into Depresion Again... |
I think I'm going into depression again. Dammit, this can't be good for me... one of my best friends is moving away... another... I'm feeling useless about my drawings... I'm constantly wondering if I'll ever publish a manga. I'm thinking of making a shonen manga, instead of my more shojo Water Mage. Public interest. But I REEEEEEAAAAALLLLLY want Water Mage to be published. It's like, my dream... Oh yeah. I got Photoshop. Well, I was supposed to get it for my birthday in June, but I found the Suite programs, and got pissed at my mom. I thought she had bought it for herself. Now I feel guilty, but angry that she installed it. Other than that... life has been boring. I go to he- I mean my dad's tomorrow. Honestly, I only see him for like 2 hours. What's the point? I could do so much more at my mom's... fast internet... well I have internet access at my grandparent's, which is where I go for like 3 hours. It's cool there. I've been feeling sick lately... probably from the depression. I also kind of... mood swingy. I'll be happy at school, and angst at home. Well, my mom is forcing me off...
Savay · Wed Jan 25, 2006 @ 02:27am · 1 Comments |
PARTAY!Today I'm having a surprise going away party for one of my best friends, Hyemin. She's going back to Korea, and I'm going to miss her so much! Everyone is bringing food, and it's going to be great! heart I need to finish my homework... ehhehheh. Anyways, the stalkers have been annoying as ever; shorty is sulking (probably from me ditching him. I love breaking people's hearts) tall rat is being an a**-hole as usual, and I haven't seen short rat around. I hired my friend as a body-guard. Hehhehheh. I made 3 dream avis, too. On tektek.org. First one is cosplaying my O.C., second one is just something weird, same with third. Here they are: (In order of me working on them)    That's all for now~ heart .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Sat Jan 21, 2006 @ 03:48pm · 0 Comments |
-hides under bed- Stalkers are evil... stalkers are evil... |
-twitch freak spazz-
Today was an okay day. Yesterday and Today we made connections with the 7 Deadly Sins (non-bilical terms) to Call of the Wild. Our teacher was like, "Raise thy hand if thine can answer," (yes just like that) and I'm like, "OMFG, I know this!" From FMA! I'm non-religious, so I feel proud. I got to answer two (first Lust, then no one remembered Gluttony, so I answered him) of them. Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath! Booyah! I have to show him the FMA pictures... ehhehheh.
Anyways, then in Orchestra today, right when we were packing up for small ensemble, my nose started bleeding! My teacher just happened to walk in the room and I was like, "Uhh... I'm bleeding..." So the first thing he did was take my violin from me (save the instrument!) and then gave me a piece of paper so I wouldn't bleed all over the new band department. But, I spilt a little. ^^;; I sure do bleed a lot...
Then... after school on the way to my locker and me and Marissa were chatting, one of my stalkers came up to me. So I was all, "WTF, not again!?" and he said, "Hey, I'll stop making fun of you, if you meet me at lunch. I'll even pay you." I cannot express how "WTF" I was. This is what my face probably looked like: eek and then it was: redface then it was rofl And I walked away. Marissa said, "You know that's like him asking you out." And I was like, "OMFGWTF!!!???" I hate boys. Men for that matter. Exceptions are my best friend Thomas, anime guys, and nice teachers. THOSE are the only nice men! I'm sorry for being sexist, I do know there are other nice guys, but NOT IN MY SCHOOL! (EDIT: Okay... there are some nice guys in my school... but there aren't that many >< wink
So that was my day(s). Happy happy joy joy w00t. COMMENT YOU EVIL PEOPLE~~~ .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Wed Jan 18, 2006 @ 11:14pm · 0 Comments |
Last Couple of Days=Pure Joy |
ONG. HAPPY HAPPY JoY JOY~~~ Very good week! Saturday was the second manga club meeting; it was lotsa fun! We watched Howl's Moving Castle. Ah~~~~! And then... Zarina's B-Day party! SO MUCH FUN! We played DDR, EMMA CAME. and we played some other fun games! Like Apples to Apples! And then on Sunday, I made me own lottery. Please buy a ticket here~ heart PLEASE BUY A TICKET! -twitch- Anywho, on Monday, Emma went to school! It was so much fun! And so funny! And then Tuesday we went on a PWNING FIELD TRIP! We went all the way to the LOTR exhibit! So cool! Emma was there, and we ran around and saw all this cool stuff. And I got a plastic sword! MWUHAHAHA! Today was pretty boring, though. Emma's back in Florida and school is so boring. I almost fell asleep in math/gym. We have a violin concert today; @__@ AK! I'm... not going to do good -3- Crap. THEY CUT MY FAVORITE SONG!!! Nuuuuu~! Well, we'll play it for the march concert. I need a violin icon. Gaia needs a new violin item. That'd be spiff. Wow. I blabbed lots today. COMMENT YOU EVIL PEOPLE!!! .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Wed Dec 07, 2005 @ 10:40pm · 0 Comments |
Quick Facts Practicing: Friends 'O Mine (by Bowling for Soup) on guitar! Current Art Piece Of Notice: My pointillism of Great-Grandma! Needs to Work On: MANGA!!! u___U
Hello people. Today was very unmemorable, other than art. My good friend Wynne (who will be a senior next year) came in. She was asking me everybody's names, and making fun of people. It was so funny. xD She might be able to teach one of our art classes! Oh, that would be so funny. Oh, weirdo Bowers was kinda hitting on her. >____<
Umm... THAT'S ALL FOLKS! .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Fri Dec 02, 2005 @ 12:33am · 0 Comments |
Quick Facts Eager For: Zee's birthday! Emma's return! The release of Animal Crossing DS! Hyper? HECK YES! Kinda... a little tired. Newest TGO Card: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!! Currently Reading: Angel Dairy
I'm so happy~! I got an English copy of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which means my dragon deck is complete! It just came in the latest Shonen Jump, which happened to be the first issue I received from subscription. Ahh~~~! Well, anyways, I'm getting better at guitar. I did a very good site-read of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
OH! I have an AMV I made! But... I have to compress it. It'll be up soon though~
I got Mario Kart DS! It was lots of fun! I played online. I kinda suck, but HEY! If you play a 'Savay', it's me. xD
Well, kbye .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Wed Nov 30, 2005 @ 01:49am · 0 Comments |
Depressed & Thanksgiving Weekend |
Quick Facts Favorite Song: Evanescence-Bring Me To Life Favorite Book: Death Note Favorite Movie: Howl's Moving Castle Current Project: Making Chapter 2 of Water Mage Current Quest: Whip of Ice (2K/6K) Blech. I've been feeling depressed lately. I dunno why. Well, Thanksgiving weekend was pretty boring, considering I was at my dad's house. I swear, it's pretty hard to get a moment to myself lately, which is what I want when I'm there. domokun (Friends, don't take this the wrong way; I love being with you!) The Thanksgiving dinner was pretty good; I ate bri cheese, an apple, carrots, olives, and pie. No turkey. I'm not too fond of it. Now if it was steak... -licks lips- Well, I really need to get started on my manga. Ohh! The roleplay (click here to see it) has gotten really good! Please join, if you like to RP! We have 21 pages now! Oh yeah. We're doing tumbling in gym. UGH. I have a flexibility of zero; I can't even do a forward roll! Yeah, I suck that bad. Don't make fun of me, please. D= Well, I'll try and update my journal more... Kbye .::~Savay~::.
Savay · Mon Nov 28, 2005 @ 11:03pm · 1 Comments |
Savay · Mon Oct 03, 2005 @ 03:02am · 1 Comments |
Yeah. I'm in a GAIA band now, known as Nerd Herd. I'm on of the first three original members. Fwweeeeee. X3 I'm saving up for a guitar, too. Donations excepted. ;D Yeah. o____o Go and entertain your self with cheese. Kthanx.
Savay · Sun Sep 18, 2005 @ 04:12pm · 0 Comments |