
My mom bought me all my clothes.
I ALWAYS wore headbands, and I thought 'Phat Farm' shoes were 'cool.'
I also had the ugliest, waviest hair you could imagine.
Middle School:

I went though my 'emo kid' stage.
I thought FFTL was the best band alive, and constantly wore only hoodies.
I discovered the straightener, the messenger bag, and jelly bracelets.
I also discovered what eyeliner can do to you if you wear too much of it.
High School (Now):

Bleached my bangs, obtained a fashion sense and acquired a boyfriend. (:
My jelly bracelets have increased sense then, and necklaces and chokers have become my love.
My hair also grew, and my love of photography has grown.
I'll always support the converse, though. <3

My mom bought me all my clothes.
I ALWAYS wore headbands, and I thought 'Phat Farm' shoes were 'cool.'
I also had the ugliest, waviest hair you could imagine.
Middle School:

I went though my 'emo kid' stage.
I thought FFTL was the best band alive, and constantly wore only hoodies.
I discovered the straightener, the messenger bag, and jelly bracelets.
I also discovered what eyeliner can do to you if you wear too much of it.
High School (Now):

Bleached my bangs, obtained a fashion sense and acquired a boyfriend. (:
My jelly bracelets have increased sense then, and necklaces and chokers have become my love.
My hair also grew, and my love of photography has grown.
I'll always support the converse, though. <3