today i was asked if i would fight for my rights as a aboriganl and i said how could i not? and as my ansetors have done and lost first they toke the land and rights from my people and now they want to finish and try to lie to me and say we did nothing of the sort to your people and i was told to with a smile and the second he said that i knew what i have to do my father told me fear is born from uncertainty and if you know whats right and its being ignored then you should get help from people with you and your stand for your rights and your way of life that has been changed for everyone else and ruins your life and so i ask a new generation to help me and stand and fight the government that has kept us down for these years we must take a stand and finally make a new system that will work and make our new way of life the same for the new generation and show them that we fought for our way of life and we will keep it that way and then our kids will say we are proud to be here and we will fight just like our parents for the life we have and keep it for all people