That man. Who ruined everything. "I love you Savy." The words toplling over eachother out of his scabby lips. The stench of alcohol seeping out. Dried vomit in his scruffy beard. Crimson rivers forming in the cracks of the kitchen floor. Smeared on the refridgerator door. Stained on his sweat covered shirt. "Go to your room, Savy." She said. I did as told, never to disobey a monster. Not like it helped or anything. I could hear every word. Monsters dont often speak in a quiet loving tone. They are loud. They break things. They yell. So I sat there, and I waited. I saw the blue and red lights swirling in my room. Fear struck me then. To be seperated from this monster was just as much of a nightmare as living with it. There was a lot of commotion. A lot of noise. Finally silence as the car rolled out of the dirt driveway. The monster cried and cried untill it was drowning in its own tears. I fell asleep in the closet again. This became a daily routine when I was almost 13.
Stranger Dangerr · Tue Jul 26, 2011 @ 04:18am · 0 Comments |