OKay, has anyone noticed the number of petitions for clothes and accesories around here? It's crazy! I bet you (whoever you are) has either signed or created at least one petition on Gaia. Am I right? Probably. I don't really know. Actually, I think I even signed one once... meh, I don't know why, if I did. Now before I start getting called a hypocrite, yes, I already know, sometimes, I can be hypocritical. (did I even spell that right? mm, no matter) Anyway, like I was saying, it is crazy the amount of stupid petitions around! Can't you people be happy with what is here? Are you all that greedy? Or just bored and need something to do? God, (no, I am not Christian), I hear that too much. "I'm bored." Then get off your lazy a** and find something to do, loser! Yeesh! But with these petitions, quite often they are stupid, badly drawn, and similar to what is already available here! For example: I once saw a petition for Inuyasha kimonos. Hello, go look, there are already kimonos for sale! Oh, what's that... they're not the exact same? Aw! Muffin! Can you not just deal with it?? Make do with what you have. Oh well, not my problem. If people want to make petitions, then make petitions. I guess they could work... meh. But, also, to have things like Inuyasha clothing, or Sailor Moon outfits, and things like that, I just don't think we should have those. Maybe some clothing items similar to those, but not exactly the same. Gaia shouldn't have to take ideas from other places, it should be unique. Does that make any sense? Ah, screw it. Whatever. I'm going to find some chocolate. Oh, by the way, does this look like a lightbulb to you? idea 'Cause it sure doesn't to me.