A thin, becoming Forsaken girl clad in dark greys and neon violets stands before you. A few bones peek out here and there through her armor though she seems insecure about them so she tries not to draw too much attention by keeping them as covered as possible. Despite being scrawny and frail her body still sways gently with the spirit of a dancer, still containing some of the grace and elegance she had as a former Human.
While she normally has her face hooded and shrouded with a mask carved into the leering shape of a skull, her facial features are actually very pleasant and even attractive considering how much she's preserved them. Her cheeks are as pale and delicate as snow, with two gentle if not somewhat sad golden orbs glowing where her once stunning grey eyes used to be. Her dirty blonde hair is usually swept back across her forehead messily, shorter now having been cut after her death but still retaining some smoothness as she tries to wash it as many chances a year she's permitted.
The rest of her body, while decaying, still retains at least some toned muscle definiton, particuarly in her core region, where she has a nice flat stomach and a supple lower back. Her breasts are fairly small but she could truly care less as being an Undead, bust size is now the least of her worries. Her voice is also very soft and contains the slightest Eastern dialect to it, though a ventilation system in her mask to assist her in breathing gives her a bit of a raspy, muffled speech. She has quite a harsh cough sometimes.
A curious addition she has recently been seen clad in are the colors of the Scarlet Crusade. She in no way supports them, the tabard is merely all she has left of her lost older brother...
Due to a close friend's suggestion, she now wears a pair of goblin-made glasses. They are oval shaped and rest neatly over her golden eyes.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Theme Song: Sister Gypsy by Blackmore's Night
Elysia was born to a family of travelling Gypsies on the borders of the Darrowmere Forest, now known as the Eastern Plaguelands. Since her parents were not native Lordaeron citizens nor did they have any money, they were initially refused passage into the city of Stratholme, and left out in the cold. The infant Elysia was certain to die from exposure.
As her mother cradled her close under her ragged shawls, desperately trying to keep her warm, a noble paladin by the name of Aurius Rivendare passed by the Gypsies. Taking compassionate sympathy on them, he demanded them entrance into the city and for the newborn child to be taken someplace warm and safe. To this day, even after his corruption, Elysia still carries an overwhelming amount of gratitude towards Aurius.
Taken to an orphanage, Elysia was left there, for her parents regretfully admitted that they did not have the proper means to care for her themselves, and so they left a few days later with Elysia's older brother Demetrius, and with the exception of the latter, she would never see them again...
Elysia stayed at the orphanage for the next seventeen years of her life, where she became somewhat of an honorary older sister to the younger orphans. She frequently assisted in cooking and cleaning, though while she bustled around in her chores, she would often find herself swaying her hips to soft, exotic music in her mind. Her Gypsy blood ran hot in her as she got a bit older and her body matured. Often she would stay up late at night in her room alone, her shirt tucked up as she'd roll her hips and belly, humming the music softly to herself. When she finally left the orphanage, she knew she had to become a dancer, while she knew a more suitable job would be a nurse or a housekeeper, she felt she was too young and too impassioned to pick such a boring carreer for the rest of her life...
Finding a plethora of cheap, colorful cloths and dyes, Elysia fashioned an exotic Gypsy dancer outfit, quite extravagant in contrast of the drab, earthern colors most of the Stratholme peasants wore. Tying a veil over her face to go along with her outfit, Elysia dubbed herself with the alias "The Fruit Fly".
And so one day, Elysia entered the town square of Stratholme, recieving the drooling stares of men and the confused gazes of women. With the music echoing in her ears she stood there proudly and began to dance beautifully, the best dancing she had done in her whole life. As she had always practiced alone in private, finally able to perform in front of a live audience caused a rush of euphoria to course through her. The crowd cheered with delight at the strange little Gypsy girl, they loved her, never before had they seen such a spectacle and while foreign was still tantalizing.
Copper and even some silver pieces were thrown her way, and a happy epiphany surged through Elyisia's head, that she really could entertain for a living. And so for the next few weeks, Elysia would go to the town square and dance for a few minutes, each time becoming more and more alluring, more and more passionate. The crowd couldn't get enough of her, and soon a local group of musicians asked to play for her, and after instructing them on how the music should sound, her performances became even better!
The Fruit Fly was soon a bit of a local celebrity. Many male suitors tried to court her, but she would always turn them down, for those sort of relations were detrements in her mind... besides... she had always secretly preferred women, though she would not openly accept this notion until after she died.
For the next several years Elysia performed for the people, becoming as profitable as a young Gypsy orphan girl could be, and while times were sometimes hard she aways remained positive, happy to dance and to bring joy because of it. But this joy wouldn't last...
During the midst of the Third War, Prince Arthas in what is now infamously known as the Culling of Stratholme, would raze the city to purge the citizens of the Scourge infestation. Elysia was in the town square when she heard people screaming and could smell the smoke of fire in the distance. Thinking on her feet, she ran for her life. She was one of the innocent bystanders who hadn't yet been infected with the taint, but Arthas killed indiscriminately. By the end of the day, Elysia had managed to hide from his blade, but the smoke of the fire was too much, and she suffocated to death...
It would be six years before Elysia woke on her own free will again, lying in what remained of her now sodden costume in a crypt in Deathknell. As she looked down at her now bony hands she began to weep softly, her tears thick and bitter. It hurt to move, it hurt to breath, she wondered why she had been cursed to such a terrible fate...
Eventually, she managed to climb her way up the stairs of the crypt, gazing out at the cool night air. As she walked through the cemetary, a Deathguard called out to her. The past six years of her life were briefly given to her, how she had died that day on the Stratholme streets only to be raised as a mindless Scourge. How the once lush and beautiful Darrowmere Forest was now a filthy and diseased wastelands along with most of Lordaeron, and finally how she had been freed from the servitude of the Lich King by Sylvanas Windrunner and given a new life as a member of the Forsaken, a member of the Horde. Her tears run dry and her emotions numb, Elysia knelt before the Deathguard and pledged her allegiance to the Dark Lady...
Since that time of her new awakening, Elysia has become a Rogue. Despite the hinderences of her withering form, she still retains the agility and balance she built up as a teenager, along with her ability to be patient and taciturn. Her armor has been fitted with a ventilation system... her lungs barely work anymore as it is, but she still has a bit of an irritation in her throat, the respirator works to ease that.
Despite being a Forsaken, Elysia still retains a degree of compassion and gentleness, at least in comparison to her more sadistic and apathetic brethren... She's not afraid to show her emotions, to weep for the pain of the world, and she does show a level of care for her comrades. However, she is a lonely soul as well as a bit of a lonewolf, preferring to stay to herself as she often daydreams and can become easily distracted. Still, she has proven herself to be an asset to the Horde in the past, often serving as a scout during military campaigns. She also has some skill in being a bodyguard, becoming attached to her master or mistress and defending them with her life if she has to.
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