Justin Lucas Michael Lameroux was born April 11th, 1986 and died December 25th, 2009.
He was twenty three years old and was suffering from coronary artery disease.
I can remember just stumbeling into his thread and thinking how kick a** his avatar was. He was one of, if not the most kind Gaian I've ever met. I know I'll miss him greatly. It's just not going to be the same without him. I know I only knew him online, but I did consider him a VERY good friend. I know I'll never forget him. He inspired me to reinvent my Graveyard thread because of all the things he did with his thread and then with the Guild. I'm just sorry I never got to spend more time with him and get to know him better. It's going to be realy hard to not be there for his funeral. He took his own life on Christmas day by hanging himself.
J, you will be missed GREATLY my friend. Rest well.