I hate telling the truth. Chances are, if you tell the truth, some one will lie to you. I tell the truth anyway though, just 'cause I think lying sucks and I don't want to be like everyone else. I REALLY hate when you confront someone, asking a question and they gotta lie. Especially when there really isn't any reason to lie, just tell the truth and I might be annoyed, but I won't be pissed. If someone lies though, I get sooo angry. I also hate lame excuses, lots and lots of excuses. Why can't people just be straight out? It's really not that hard. i think when I ask for some honesty, I'm not bitchy about it. I guess since I'm so nice about it, people see me as being naive and too forgiving. I'm not stupid, I do forgive people, but only if they tell me the truth and admit what they've done. If they lie, I just keep holding a grudge. I might not show it, but I don't put any trust in them. I just bide my time til I get irrefutable proof that they've been dishonest. I'm a very patient person, I know how to bide my time. Just because I CAN wait though, doesn't mean it's not hard. I try not to think about things so much but, ugh...sometimes I can't help it. Oh well, all things must pass, I guess. It's Friday, maybe I'll go out and have some fun with some friends...I dunno....or maybe save it for Saturday. I've been tired lately. There's just been SOME people lately that seem like such liars, and they really expect me to believe them when I've got several reasons not to. Come on, I'm not stupid, just tell the truth next time I ask. And it's not like I'm beating around the bush either, I ask nicely, but still pretty straightforward. I'm not mean, so why be mean to me, just because you think it seems I'm easily hurt? Well, I'm not because though I seem pretty nice, I'm not easily fooled and always expect the worst from people. I guess since I act so nicely, people always feel that they've managed to trick me. No, I'm not tricked, I'm just giving benefit of the doubt. Benefit of a HUUUUUGE doubt. I just don't show it because if by slim chance they ARE being truthful, I'll feel like a total b***h for not believing. Another reason why I don't outright blurt out "LIAR!" is because...well...I pretty much always tell the truth, and I'd feel bad if people accused me of lying, maybe the other person is being honest too..even if it seems not so likely... I wish I could be more of a b***h, seems like "nice" people are always being lied to and taken advantage of. Totally not fair, but at least I expect it and try my best to avoid it, but hey...we all do stupid things at times.
Marurin · Sat May 23, 2009 @ 01:26am · 0 Comments |
YUSSS!!! I knew them stupid bastards would get their come-up'uns!!! My mom took my car to TJ without asking me 'cause she was buying a bunch of medicines and the car got stolen. That was almost 2 weeks ago. So, we got a call yesterday saying that the jerks had been caught trying to smuggle 120 lbs of weed. Sooooo....my car is in Encinada right now. I just hope it's in ok condition....
Marurin · Tue Nov 07, 2006 @ 06:07am · 1 Comments |
Ha....yeah. The other day I told me mum her boobs were too big for a certain shirt and she told me that her size is what all "normal" women should have. She said that anyone that's flat chested should get implants. LOL! That's horrible! 'cause seriously, I have never met a woman that's had implants or any other sort of plastic surgery that wasn't a conceited bitchy whore. And they're usually stupid to top it off. And then most of them don't want to admit they're made of plastic. Then they think everyone hates them 'cause they're jelaous of their store bought "beauty". Eh, no. The reason I hate you is because you're a stupid, whorish b***h that thinks she should have everything her way 'cause you got your boobs made unproportionally large for your body. And don't give me that, "oh, they just did it because they had low self esteem and want to feel better about themselves" crap! They just want a "reason" to feel like if they're better than everyone else and they want to make it easier to be sluts. But, whatever. If I wanted to be a a brainless living blow up doll b***h, I know my parents would give me money and permission to get any type of surgery I wanted. But I'm happier being a REAL, although not all that gorgeous, person.
Marurin · Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 11:00pm · 2 Comments |
lol I'm addicted to youtube now.... |
Yep, yep....having found nothing good on tv, I've turned to the internet. I'm watching all the cartoons I used to like when I was a kid. Like the origional Batman series. I got my niece hooked on one called Mighty Max. I dunno how many of you remember that, but it was a pretty ridiculous cartoon. About some kid. With a magical hat. Yeah..... I painted a shirt 'cause I was bored.
Marurin · Sat Aug 19, 2006 @ 05:26am · 3 Comments |
I'm a conformist. You don't have to like it. |
Warning: Some people may find some of this offensive. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. But if you just NEED a reason to b***h at me, go ahead and do it. Not like you're gonna change my mind or hurt my feelings.
ended up being so long I sepparated it into categories....wow, I'm bitter.
1. Who cares if you've been labeled like a can of soup? Yes, I am a conformist. I am NOT gonna go outta my way to differentiate myself from the masses. There's really no point and it never really works. There's so many people that say, "Man, I'm so unique 'cause I do such and such" or whatever. But they're actually just a part of a group that looks almost exactly the same. Oh, how unique. Then they get angry that you "label" them..then some get angry if you don't call them by what they supposedly are. People label one another. All the time. And it's never going to stop. Never.Get over it! I mean, if there's a cluster of things that are somewhat similar, people tend to categorize them. Dogs and cats have breeds, animals are split into different genus or whatever they're called, and humans are grouped into trends, cliques, styles, whatever. And if people label you wrong, who cares? You supposedly do whatever you want because you don't care about what people think, right? Then, it shouldn't really matter if they called you a goth, an emo, an umlaut (ok, that's not really a trend, just thought it sounded funny). Right? So, really, I am not gonna waste a bunch of time and money trying to make myself look cool. I'm gonna buy a shirt that I like whether it's from Hot Topic, Banana Republic, Target, or wherever I want as long as I like the damned shirt. I'll listen to country music, spanish oldies, The Gorillaz, Franz Ferdinand, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Madonna or whatever I freakin' want and people don't have any right to complain 'cause I'm not bumping it really loud to show off and try to pawn myself off as "cool" and "defiant" or that I have a good sound system. I'm not gonna go cut my hair in some nasty, dyed "got my hair caught in the blender" fashion that seems so rampant these days. Why? 'Cause I don't feel like brushing it. And because I don't like it. But if you do, I'm not going to think less of you because you like it and that's not my business. I'm gonna wear shoes I bought at wal-mart or the 99 cent store 'cause they're cheap, they match the crap I wear, and I can throw 'em away without guilt once I realize how ugly they are. 2. Animals eat each other. Undeniable fact. Another thing, damned vegetarians! Ach! So freakin' self righteous. They're all these liberal jerks that try to cram their tofu down our throats. People have a right to choose what they hell they're gonna eat. Come up to me saying that meat is murder, I'll eat twice as much that day just to spite you. Try to tell me animal testing is cruel? Well, you know what the vet recomended for my dog? SUNBLOCK. Regular ol' sunblock. Animal testing benefits animals too, in the long run. Besides, is it more ethical to test out potentially lethal substance on a human? To me, seems like they value animal lives more than humans. Sure, I'm not agreeing with wanton slaughter of animals with no reason, but the fact is that almost everything in nature kills something else. Got carried away there.....really, I don't care what those liberals think. And as long as they don't make me follow their rules, I don't care what they do either. But you don't have to freakin' go ballistic on me just because I enjoy meat. It's my favourite food group. I have my thoughts on animal rights, but I'm not going into that right now. 3. Just men for me, please. Oh, one thing that bothered me recently, some lesbian broad IM'ed me outta nowhere. Granted, in my eyes, homosexuality isn't right, but if you are, that's also your choice. I have friends from different religions, sexualities, and whatever. What BOTHERS me is how she was trying to say that being with a woman is better than being with a man. Uh, NO. Not for me, thank you kindly. I am JUST NOT attracted to women. Physically OR personality wise. THen she says I'm just afraid to try something new. Afraid? No. Disgusted? yes. Homophobic? No. I just don't like girls. I mean, I have everything they got. Why would I be thrilled to see THAT? Wow...look at her boobs. Oh, wait, I can see nicer ones if I look in the mirror. Feh, a woman better for me than a man, I don't think so. I'm just glad not a lot of gay people don't have HER mentality. Though she was probably just horny and everyone had turned her down. Ugh. 4. Yaoi is stupid. On the same vein as that, what is up with all that yaoi crap? Terrible. Freakin' terrible. Just plain stupid. But some people are into that, let them read it. Oh, well. I just find it annoying that a lot of times, those hormone driven fangirls deem it necessary to make non-gay characters gay. I wonder how many people would like it if they were publicly portrayed as a sexuality that they aren't? They're just fictional characters, anyway, I guess. All those books look exactly the same, too. Same girly looking guys. A bunch of titles that don't really stand out. Boring stories. 5. People that think they're sooo smart. Blah. Getting kinda sleepy. Good thing I don't go to school on Fridays. It's so annoying when there's some adult in there that thinks they know all the answers. Especially when they're actually really stupid. If they're so smart, why are they going to class with a bunch of kids? I don't know what's more annoying, them, or the stupid teenagers that think they're soooo intelectual. Writing their crappy poems.....wanting people to feel bad for them. Or acting all pretentious, like if they've figured out the meaning of the universe. "you just don't understand..." I understand that you're a stupid pseudointelectual that just wants to find a reason to feel smarter than their peers. Ugh. Stupid teenagers. They do most of the things that annoy me. Well, mostly the girls. Worst part is, I fall under BOTH of those categories. 6. You're not "All that and a bag of chips" *snaps fingers* [/blue] All these stupid girls that think they're hot. Posting up stupid "cute" pics where you can't even see their faces. And then they're all begging for compliments. I haven't been surprised ONCE to see what the person behind the avatar looks like. It's not womanly to look like an emaciated child. And, of course guys think you're hot. As long as you're thin and wear "cool" clothes, someone will think so. At this point, whoever's bothering to read this might be thinking, "Man, she must just be jealous 'cause she's fat and ugly." Uh, wrong. I'm 20 lbs overweight, sure...and I may not be an anorexic popsicle stick with no a**, boobs, or figure, and I may not bother to wear the "hippest trends," but unfortunately, I STILL get hit on time to time because I look like this:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v114/Tachonani/imemine/dinodress.jpg Why did I post a pic? So you can shut up about me being jealous of those paper thin child-women that are so damned conceited. Really, though...a big trick into making people think you are attractive is acting like you THINK you are. I've done it before. It really works. I guess if someone sees that you think you're hot, your unspoken idea might click something in their mind that makes them think you're better looking than you are. The worst is when they say, "i'm fat", "I'm ugly" just to get compliments. They very damned well KNOW they don't think that of themselves. They ask for an "opinion", but if it happens to be something they didn't expect to hear, they get so angry. If they have the right to post a picture and ask people what the THINK about it, I have the damned right to go in there and tell them what I THINK. If they don't like it, they can delete it. 7. That's all....for now.[/blue] Those are MY opinions. You have the right to yours. Even if I don't agree with it. Everyone has the right to do whatever the hell they want and other people have the right to b***h and moan about it. That's basically what I've said in all that. Damn, I'm annoying.
Marurin · Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 11:15am · 1 Comments |
I are so tired....ev'r since college started, me hasn't gotten a decent night's rest.... I'm starting to get ugly bags under me eyes! confused
Marurin · Fri Sep 16, 2005 @ 02:37am · 4 Comments |
Pinapple, whipped cream, balloons.... |
lol! So.....mum forced me and me little bro to go to me cousin's house....'twas 'bout 8 pm....anywho.... We all decided to walk to the pet shop. Of course, it was closed.... So we went to the 99cent store 'cross the street. We bought a bunch of whipped cream and a pineapple. Anywho...on our way back we tagged smiley faces on da trees! Lol! Then we passed by a jewelry store with a giagantic cluster of balloons outside. Sooo....we took them! XD We kept walking and found a newspaper box. We took out the last newspaper and left the pineapple in there! lmao!!!! (Yeah, we're stupid)
Marurin · Sat Dec 11, 2004 @ 09:54am · 7 Comments |