Try some... you'll like it!!! A-hahaha!!!
Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 @ 11:09am
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 @ 06:06pm
The Ten Commandments
for gamers out there, here are your commandments The Ten Gamer Commandments
I. Thou Shalt Have Fun. Yes, it is very important to have a good time playing your favorite video games whether it’s sonic the hedgehog, or super smash brothers, there is no game out there that you cannot have fun. Well, except for the crappy ones that were produced.
II. Thou Shalt Invite Friends For Competition. So, who’s better in Soul Calibur 3? Who can kill people more in Halo? Yes my friends, these are unanswered questions that only you and your buddies can answer. Yes my friends, you shall compete for king of the hill, now go forth and beat your friends, and if you get beaten, well tough luck there’s always tomorrow.
III. Thou Shalt Curse At The Game Ah yes, ever had had one of those warm cuddling feelings that your character dies and you just want to curse at it? Well my friends do not be ashamed after all it is your game, so feel free to yell, throw your control down at your carpet and give it a good yell.
IV. Thou Shalt Have Surround Sound And Plasma TV Oh yes, the ultimate home theater system in your living room. Do not be afraid to harness its powers for your games, you need clear pictures and booming sounds to your walls. Go ahead and make your neighbors complain you won’t care; you’ll just enjoy good gaming.
V. Thou Shalt Have A Job. This is very important as well as mandatory. You need a job to get new games that have recently arrived because you don’t want to play the same game over and over again. You can’t ask your mommy for 50 bucks, oh no mister, you need a job you bum. Now get out there and get a job!
VI. Thou Shalt Purchase A Next Gen Console. Playstation 2 is fun and all but it served its purpose because Playstation 3 is coming. Yes, you want a playstation 3 with better graphics, online functions, and much much more. Yes, trade in your playstation 2 to upgrade it and then you can show it off to friends and families you jerk.
VII. Thou Shalt Consume Delivery Food. Food is good, gives you energy and stamina for your gaming needs. But why make food when you can order Chinese. While they’re cooking goodie goodie shrimp fried rice for you, you can relax and play your game while your will be delivered right in front of your door step. VIII. Thou Shalt Use The Bathroom. Yes, even gamers need to drain the lizard nowadays. But if you were left in a cliff hanger of a major cut scene in the game, and when nature calls, get a bucket and do your duty while you watch what’s going on in your game.
IX. Thou Shalt Buy Handheld Systems. When you go outside and breath the fresh air don’t you wish you want to do something? Play sports? Naaaaaw. Run around the park? Naaaaaaw. Only one solution my good friend, playstation portable. Yes, technology has indeed reached its limits, so enjoy the great outdoors while playing your playstation portable, or listen to music.
X. Thou Shalt Pat Yourself On The Back After completing A Game. Congratulate yourself after completing a difficult game and unlocking hidden secretes within it. Now go outside, there are lots of things happening out there my friend. So get your lazy butt up from your room and go outside and get shot.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 @ 02:27am
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 @ 08:37pm
Under Contract
Shadow Darkmoon, we are here agreeing to partner our selves in a trade. If for any reason any of us feels unsatisfied with the trade, this can be cancelled and all original items exchanged so far will be returned. For my Nitemare Scarf, your current vaule in items and gold till you reach the value of 550,000 gold ((11-29-2005)) unless the trade is voided or the value rises. Payments will have to continue being given untill you have finished the total payment or the agreement is voided and the items are returned once again. For the sudden lost of connection with one or the other, a moderator will be immediately called and reported this as hacking or scamming.
If you agree to this rules and wish to continue with this, leave your notice in the journal entry.
~Items given so far~ 1) Baby Seal Slippers- 75,000g
2) Winged anklets- 70,000g
3) Kiki Kitty Plushie- 25,000g
4) Heart Boxers- 1,000g
5) Peasant pants- 35g
6) Alien Mask- 110g
7) Ice gauntlet- 8,500g
cool Really Jacked Up Pants- 3,500g
9) 2,793 gold
10)enchanted trunk- 3,000
total of : 185,938g
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 @ 07:09pm
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 @ 10:54pm
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 08:05pm
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 @ 07:21am
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 @ 01:26am