Taz's here, this is just a journal of daily thoughts that i get. Random, but they make a person think don't they? Like for instance, why is plane food so bad? and what is the mind set of a successful person? What's after death? To answer the questions myself, pretty much, plane food is made of air and air has no flavor, the successful person say 'was i ever NOT successful' and looks at you like your stupid. and I think that after dead, you go to a room and in this room there is a demon and an angel. The angel interviews you and the demon trys to annoy the crap out of you. If you don't allow the demon to annoy you, you get into heaven and the demon is punished by the Devil for loosing another soul...but this is just a thought.
I'll kill you, burn you and drag you to hell so you can feel the infernal flames burn you body...but i'll do it with love 4laugh heart
Tazmonkeyurass · Fri Jul 08, 2011 @ 04:53am · 0 Comments |