My dog...
Today, my dog left me... no, he didn't die.. he literally left me.
He's leaving with my sister to Calgary.
It all started yesterday.
My mom suggested that my sister should take Fat Boy, the family dog, to Calgary with her when she left, since it's better for Fat Boy. If Fat Boy were to stay here, he would be left alone when I move back to university. Well, at first I thought nothing of it. I mean, I didn't really care.
But now that they left for the airport, I couldn't help it.. my tears just fell down my cheeks. I now realise how much of a big change this would be. For the past 10 years or so, Fat Boy have been here. He was always here. Every time I go downstairs, he would be here, standing near the door, wagging his tail. He would even bark.. Back then, whenever Fat Boy barked, I would think that it's very annoying, especially when I'm sleeping. But ow, I realize how much I'll miss that sound. The sound of Fat Boy moving around in his room.
It's only when he's about to go that I began to realize how much he's involved with my life. How big of a part he played in my life. There were times when I was alone and he was the only one that was there.
How I miss him now...