Well, let's see... my dog died friday, I forgot to make my friend cookies for her birthday (actually, I didn't forget, we just didn't have the stuff to make Coconut Cookies)... but other than that, it's been a great weekend! I babysat until ten thirty, and all we did was play videogames and eat, my friend and I spoke on the phone for a few hours, I didn't get much computer time, I went to a friend's birthday party... hmm... I had two... three cool dreams and one cool story idea! YAY!! Not much to say, though, so yeah.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
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"How dare you be better than me at something I don't care about!"
--Matthew S.--

Total Value: 61086 Gold
Item List:
Spring Nymph
Gift of the Goddess
--Matthew S.--

Total Value: 61086 Gold
Item List:
Spring Nymph
Gift of the Goddess