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my journal :]
I stared out the window in the back of the car.
There were people..in panic?
"Mommy! Daddy!! What's going on!?" I got up out of my seat for a better view. "Sit down!" Mom pushed me down, back into my seat. I could hear them whisper under their breath, "Remember, we'll always love you."

A great explosion came across the sky in front of the car, and screams filled the air.


*beep* *beep* *beep*
My eyes instantly pried open. I look around, the gray, dull walls of her room surrounded me. "Another bad dream.." I thought, gasping for breath, and heart racing. The sunlight gleamed and blinded me a little through the window.
In the background, I could hear the mind-splitting noise.
"Ugh, why are you still going off?" I scolded it, reaching for the button and pressing it.

I turn on my back, facing the ceiling. The scenes of the horrible nightmare replayed through my mind.
"Wonder if it was real.." I said to myself.

Then, remembering I had to work, I look back at the clock, it read, "5:55!?!" I immediately jumped out of bed, mumbling, "only five minutes to get ready!" and took my clothes off, jumping into the shower, literally.
I picked out a light pink top with a darker shade of pink designs on it, and red straps that went around my neck like a necklace instead of straps that went over my shoulders, and a dark pink short skirt.

I put it all on, then my socks and grabbed the basket of flowers, stepping into my shoes, without caring if they got ruined or not.

I locked the inside of the door, grabbed her keys, and ran out.
"Sure is tough living on my own.." she thought. "But, i guess i should be used to it by now, it's been..ten years." I kept my pace and ran.
"I'm 19.I've been living on my own since i was nine. My parents died in an accident of some kind, I was told. I just woke up in a hospital, with doctors looking over me..like they'd just seen a ghost...
I was supposed to be transferred, like package delivery, to my grandparents, but, on their way to pick me up, they got into a car accident.

Then, the doctors had nothing else to do, I had no other relatives, and we had no 'friends of the family', no one in contact at all.
They left me, leaving me all alone, expecting i would be 'okay' for some reason.

That day after my recovery, I overheard some of the doctors speaking, 'She'll be able to make it on her own, don't you think? I mean, after that tremendous stunt she just pulled, you'd think she'd be able to protect herself.'
They spoke like i was some kind of..inhuman being.
I had heard enough, I made up mind to leave, I didn't have to pack, since I had nothing to pack, so I left before they noticed I was gone the day they were going to take me to an orphanary. And it all started there.
I walked through the alleys, hoping to find well..hope.
There were many kids..with stigma, I guessed.

Oof! I bumped into some older kids, 'I-I'm sorry..' I tried apologizing, getting back up. 'arg, get out of my way!' he pushed me back down, and put his hands to his head, holding in a headache, I guess he had stigma also..

'Hey! Cut it out!' a boy my age with blonde spiky hair jumped in front of me. 'Leave her alone! Don't take your stigma out on her!!'

They left, not being able to handle the illness any longer.
The boy left too. 'Th-th' I tried to spit out the words, 'thankyou', but, for some reason, I couldn't..why?"


Finally, I arrived at the flower shop, the flower shop that my granparents had apparently bestowed on me before their death.
I had my hands on my knees, gasping for air in my lungs.

Looking down, I see that my flowers are missing from my basket!!

"NOOOO!!! Those were so unique!" I thought to myself, panicking, and retracing my steps, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Oof!" I bumped into somebody. "S-sorry.." A hand reached out to me and pulled me back up, letting me stare into his brilliant blue eyes..
"It's okay.." he smiled. He seemed to be about my age.
His hair was red and spikey at the top, but was in a long pony tail going down his back. He wore a black overcoat and white collar shirt that was unbuttoned at the chest. "Hmph. probably just some guy trying to hit on me." I thought, trying not to seem interested, but, I couldn't help but feel sort of..drawn to him..

"Whoa..impressive. Midgar doesn't exactly grow flowers.." he pulled my flowers from behind in his hands. "Oh my--where'd you find them?"


"Yawn. Today's probably gonna be as boring as yesterday." I said getting out and stretching my arms. I turn to my right, and see a blur running towards the direction I was in. "Whoa!" The blur ran right pass me. I stared, and let my head turn the direction it had just ran. I whistled and figured out that "it" was a "she". Then, something caught my eyes on the ground. There were white flowers..

"Are they hers?" I picked them up and started running in the direction I saw her go.


"Oh..th-thanks." I blushed, and took the flowers. I put them into my basket, this time making sure they weren't going to fall out. "He's probably looking for a reward.." I thought, rolling my eyes.
He walked towards the flower shop and stared through the window. "This all yours?" he surprised me. "Y-yeah." I walked to the door and brought out my keys. I opened the door and went inside. He followed.

He stared at the shelves full of beautiful flowers.
"Wow..more impressive than I thought.."

He looked at me, smiling. "ah-u-um..thanks." I blushed again. "Why do I keep turning so red!?" I thought to myself, covering my face. I just couldn't help it. He was really..hot.
I walked behind the cash register.

"Oh, yeah. Hey!" He said, as if he'd just remembered something. He blushed. "Um..you wanna..go out with me today?"
I was shocked. It's been a while since I've been out with anyone..well, actually I haven't gone out with a guy, ever.

But, it wasn't because guys never asked, it was because..I was never exactly interested, and I couldn't..always busy..I did have to earn my own living.

This time though, I wanted to go.
"Sorry. I have to work.." I replied and turned away from his gaze. "Oh, that's okay.." he said plainly. I sighed. "I'll work with you, and it'll be just as good." he winked.

"What!? A-Are you sure?" he put me in shock again.
"Yeah..It'll be my pleasure." he smirked and walked over to the cash register with me. "So, can I?" he asked, more like begging.

"U-Um..sure..." I blushed and pushed him away towards the flowers. "Just..water the flowers or something."
"Hm..there's no customers.." He noticed and opened the door to see. "Sheesh..it's so hot." he took off his jacket and stretched outside. I couldn't help but look, even though I didn't want him to see me watching him.

And suddenly, a crowd of girls surrounded the front of the building. Gathering to see him.

"Argh.." I got annoyed and turned away. "Hey, if you wanna see me, I'll be in the flower shop.." I saw him come back in, and the girls followed him.

And their boyfriends came in, getting mad at him for all the attention he was taking from the girls away from them.
He came up to the register. "So, how'd I do?" he smiled at me. "What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously. "I don't want business for something like that."

He shook his head. "I just attracted them here, literally. But, your flowers are what's keeping them here."

A line formed in front of the cash register. Boys my age stood with flowers to buy. "Well, well, well..it seems some of these people aren't just here for me.." he pointed at the drooling guys from afar looking at me. "arghh. I do not want this kind of business.."
"Relax, it's not like they're paying you for..ouch!"
I hit him in the arm before he finished.

"I'm just kidding.." he laughed. "They're here for the flowers.." he took a flower from one of the customers who'd already bought it and put it to my face. "Unlike me.." Yet again, he made my face flush, as the everyone else stared.

I gulped. "Uh..th-then what are you here for,---" I stopped, realizing I never caught his name. "Oh! Yeah, i just remembered, I never gave you my name, huh?"

Everyone went back to smelling the flowers. "I'm Reno. And you are..?" He smiled.

I walked around the register to where he was standing. "I'm..---"
I slipped and fell.

He caught me. "Whoa, you okay?" he asked, concerned. "Y-yeah.."

He was there to catch me when i fell...

He held me in his arms, smiling. Everyone started to stare again. I laughed nervously. "O-Okay, we're closing now, get out!" I yelled to everyone and they left. I got back up and took the money out of the cash register. "Aww..time to go, already?" He frowned. "Yep. Oh, and thankyou. For everything.." I smiled warmly at him.

"No problem..well, in another thanks, do you think we could go out now? This..wasn't exactly my ideal date, haha, but..at least it was with you." He smiled back, and reached out a hand to me.

I nodded. "Um..yeah. I think i'd like that."

He looked pleased, "Great!" He glanced at his watch and noticed, "Oh, but it's already too late to go out to eat at any restaurants..how 'bout coming with me to meet some of my 'friends'?" I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, but..for some reason, I felt I could.
"Hm..okay. Sounds fine. I have nothing better to do anyway." We both walked out the door and I locked up. It was kind of late..The sun was already starting to set. It was so beautiful.. "So beautiful.." Reno said out loud.

"And yet again, he surprised me. "We were both just thinking the same thing.." I thought, as a smile came across my face. I nodded to him quietly. "Come on, we're not just gonna stare at the sun going down the rest of the day, are we?" I pushed him to keep moving. "Hm. But that would be interesting, though..we should try it some time."

"Wh-What makes you think we'll be going out again?" I blushed and looked away from him, trying not to let him see. "Haha..just a feeling."


By the time they reached their destination, it was already dark out. And they stood in front of a bar. "Did you just trick me?" I asked casually. "Yes. i love to tell girls to come with me to meet my friends, and they're actually going to a bar.." He replied sarcastically.

"No. If you want a real answer..m 'friend' owns this bar, and is the bartender here." He stuck his tongue out at her.

"Ah..I see." She opened the door, expecting to find a horde of perferted thugs lurking around. To her surprise, again, the bar was empty except for a woman dressed in all black, including her long, black hair, stood behind a counter washing dishes.

"We're closed." She said plainly, without even looking up to see who it was. "Hey, Tifa."
"She was..pretty. Could she be more than a 'friend' to him? Wait..why would I care!?" She thought to herself. "Hope you don't mind, but, I brought someone.." He gestured towards her.

"Reno..what do you want? And why bring her here!" She finally looked up, and looked at the girl.

"AERIS!?" She dropped the plate she was just washing to the ground. It shattered to pieces.

Someone with heavy footsteps walked through the door behind them. He was tall, with blonde, extremely spikey hair, and dwas also dressed in all black. He stood in shock of what he'd just heard. "Tifa..what'd you just say?" He asked sternly. She was surprised to see him too. "Cloud.." She stopped what she was just doing to run over to see everyone at her door entrance. "Y-you're back!" She stood in front of him, smiling vibrantly. "Tifa! Who'd you just call by that name!?" he insisted, forgetting Tifa's welcoming. "She looked to the girl standing to his right, behind Reno.

He turned his head and followed the direction she was looking. She blushed from all of the attention she was getting.

"Actually.." she finally spoke up. "It's 'Aerith'.."
He couldn't stop staring at her.

It was silent for a while.
"uh..sorry about this, Aerith.." Reno tried breaking the silence. "Someone..important to them looked just like you..her name was Aeris."

" 'looked'? 'was'?" she questioned, not being able to help her curiosity. "Yeah..she was killed.." They all held solemn expressions..especially the spikey-blonde-haired, who seemed to be getting depressed.

"Well, um..on another matter, my name's Tifa, and this is Cloud." She changed subjects and pointed at him. "Nice to meet you!" Aerith looked at Tifa, then switched to Cloud.

She smiled softly at him. "Hey, don't worry..You have to get over it, life goes on, y'know?" She caught his attention. "I should know..I've lost both my parents, then my grandparents, who I was supposed to stay with, but they died in an accident, and I've been living on my own since age 9."

They stared at her, shocked of what she'd gone through. "i'm sure this 'Aeris' must've been an amazing person..and you probably cared for her a lot.." Tifa's eye twitched. "but, she wouldn't want you to be sad all your life, regaurdless the fact that it's over her." His expression changed..a little. Now he just seemed lost in thought. "Um..look, I'm sorry I came here, and caused you this trouble. Seeing someone that resembles a former--no--still loved one, that had died, must be tough, not that I'd know though, heh.." She started to walk out of the door, when Cloud had stopped her. "Wait!" A storm fell outside.

Rain poured right in front of her, before she could step outside. "Whoa! Are you physcic or something!?" Reno bursted out looking at Cloud. "Um.." He lost the sentence he was going to use. "Well, why don't you just stay here tonight, eh?" Tifa said, a hint of annoyance in her words. She didn't want her here, but knew that Cloud did, and that was probably what annoyed her the most.

"What?! but, I-I..I can't just come in like this, and ask for a room..well, this isn't an inn too, is it?"
"No, no..first of all, you're not asking; I am. second of all, it's just that...I don't think you'd wanna have to go home in a storm like that..right?" She quickly found an excuse. "Yeah..but, are you sure I'm not intruding?" "Yeah." Cloud put in, and started to head for his room.

"Oh, so I can stay here too!?" Reno got excited. "No. But I doubt Aerith would stay if you didn't.." Cloud said, and with that, he closed the door. "Reno..we only have one extra bed.." Tifa said. "Oh, really??" he glanced at Aerith, who was still staring at Cloud's door for some reason. "Huh?"


"Wh-what!? Y-you want me to sh-share the same room as him? Much less, the same bed!?" Aerith yelled out.

"Don't trust me?" Cloud looked offended. "Of course she wouldn't!" Reno answered for her. "Don't worry, Aerith..It's fine. If he ever did anything to you, Reno would probably kill him..he couldn't go through with it.." Tifa chuckled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence.." Cloud said sarcastically. He stepped up in front of Aerith, just staring at her. "N-no, no, it's not that I don't trust you..It's just..wouldn't it be kind of..tight?" She's surprised everyone. "What!?" Reno exclaimed. Aerith was starting to develop a crush on Cloud..

"I'd rather have me in that room with him, than you!" [-haha xD-]

Tifa rolled her eyes and started to get angry. "Okay, okay. Then it's settled, Reno's sleeping in Cloud's room tonight. Aerith, you can sleep in the extra bedroom, next to Marlene's and Denzel's. They're sleeping, so be quiet."

Aerith nodded and mumbled. "How much noise could i make...?" Everyone walked to their designated rooms and all was quiet. They all seemed to be disappointed with the way things turned out.


*OH MY GAWD! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL AGAIN!!* I thought to myself, passing the people who seemed to be confused by why I was shoving through so quickly and rudely. I didn't really care..
My name is Sakur, I'm seventeen. Well, I just turned seventeed today. Yes, it's my birthday! Octover 15th. Some birthday though, huh? -sigh- I have to go to school..work, the usual. Ever since high school started, and..my parents died..I've never even had time to rest..It's always constant working..

I sighed yet again, and looked down at my long hair, which was an odd blend of red, orange, and lighe brown. *Oh, no..I'm a mess! I woke up so late, I didn't even have time to fix myself up. Damn..and today's supposed to be the day I told him how I felt too..*
"Oof!" I'd run into someone.."Hey! Watch where you're going!" I yelled out and looked up at him. He was pretty tall..He had black, extremely spikey hair, with some short bangs blocking parts of his face. I could see his eyes though..They were a beautiful green.

He had a long-sleeved white shirt that was completely unbuttoned, with nothing underneath, >.< and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and he had a lit cigarett in his mouth.
I couldn't help but stare..He was really hott.

"Oh, my bad. You're saying it wasn't my fault for running and shoving like that!?" He argued, the cigarett in his mouth moving. I stood speechless, unable to come up with a comeback. "W-well..Hey! Don't smoke! that's bad for you!" I quickly changed the subject, snatching the cigarett out of his mouth and pushing the lighted end against a wall to put it out.

"There. Make sure you throw that away, okay?" I handed it back to him and left before he said anything.

He pulled out another cigarett and put it in his mouth, but he didn't light it.."Weird.." And he continued to walk off in the opposite direction.

*Argh! Now I really don't have time to go see Bobby, and tell him how I feel..-sigh-*


At lunch, I tried ripping open the potato chip bag. "Blaughh!!" I'm struggling..T-T *sigh*..This morning was weird..well, not weird, but..the feeling was..who was that guy, anyway?* I was lost in thought, when I felt the potato chip bag slip out of my hands. "Whoa!" It was Bobby! he opened the bag for me and smiled. "Th-thanks.." "No problem..I like doing muscle work for you..: P" I started to get all flustered. "heh."

"So, whatcha doing eating alone?" He looked around at the empty table I was at." Not that I don't have friends or anything..I wanted to eat alone..

r e n o of teh turks`
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r e n o of teh turks`
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