My Male Roleplay Characters |
Name: Azarius vonDragone Race: Vampire Age: 19 (human) 253 (vampire) Sex: Male Orientation: Straight Looks:  Personality: Cruel and very cold. Doesn't mind killing and does not love anyone, except maybe Veronica. He doesn't give a damn what people think of him and he'll gladly tear your face off if you even look at him the wrong way. But, he can have a sensitive side if someone is able to find it. History: He's been alone since the age of 15 and because of that, he trusts no one. His best friend tried to kill him at one point and the only 2 girls that he has ever loved have both been killed. His half-brother is a vampire/werewolf named Kyp and he's a rogue vampire hunter even though he is more or less a rogue vampire himself. His murder account currently peaks over 150 and he has many enemies because of that. His dad killed his mom when he was 15 and taunted him before kicking him out of the house. He was found by a vampire who changed him.
Name: Kyo Inara Race: Werewolf/Vampire Age: 16 Sex: Male Orientation: Bisexual Job: Pet Looks:  Personality: Extremly shy, doesn't talk to girls often (especially now), easily frightened and keeps to himself. History: Mom married when he was young and aqquired a half-brother, mom a vampire, dad a werewolf. That relationship was often punctuated with bouts of abuse. His step-father hit his mom on numerous occasions and he was beat buy both step-father and step-brother. Now he is shunned by both sides and humans are afraid of him. Met and dated one female and she was killed by Azarius's clan before he could do anything to help.
Name: Damian Crowe Race: Vampire Age: 20 (human and vampire) Sex: Male Orientation: Straight Job: Master Looks:  Personality: Extremly shy, but very violent. He doesn't talk unless absolutly necessary but he won't hesitate to throw something at you. He keeps to himself constantly. He's a loyal friend and fierce protector IF you can get past his walls and make him trust you History: Abandoned and raised in a den of vampires, he was turned at the age of 20. Anotherwords, he was very recently turned, and no one knows a thing about him. Being so young, he's still bloodthirsty and he hunts constantly.
Atrophine Lacrimae · Wed Jul 18, 2012 @ 09:29pm · 0 Comments |
My Female RolePlay Characters |
Name: Kiki Rose Age: 19 Sex: Female Race: Fairy Looks:  Orientation: Bisexual Personality: Shy, but very sweet. Loves to make new friends. Will do anything to protect those that she is close. Loyal and compassionate. Bio: She was picked on at school because she was different. Raised in a world of mortals and shunned by fairies because she's the youngest and the only orphan.
Name: Autumn Shetaylla Age: 18 Sex: Female Race: Human Looks:  Orientation: Bisexual Personality: Sociopathic, unpredictable. Loveable and friendly one moment, bitchy and rude the next. She loves pain -both inflicting and recieving- Will tell anyone what they want to here, just to get what she wants. History: She was abused as a child, by her mother, physically, sexually and mentally. Her father knew, but never did a thing about it. He only turned the other cheek and tuned out of the conversation if she ever tried to bring it up. She ran away at 16, only to be drug home again the next day. Finally moved at 19 and escaped for good. She was found once, and beaten, nearly to death, but she survived and lives now, cursing the day she was born and shunning the rest of humanity.
Name: Stormy May Race: Elf Age: 19 Sex: female Orientation: Bisexual Looks:  Persoanlity: Friendly and sweet and full of love. Just don't get her upset or angry because she won't hesitate to cut your face off. Normally though, she is the most loyal friend, passionate lover and excellent protector. History: She was born in Europe and lived there for 13 years. She moved 3 days before her 14th birthday to the Americas. She moved to Virginia for 2 years and at 16 she moved to Wyoming where she was exposed to other creatures like herself for the first time. They took her in a couple of months later after her parents died in a car crash. They trained her to fight and by the age of 18, she was a warrior. By 19 she was almost better then some of the best male warriors. She is also now trying to find her true love so that she can be happy and be part of a family again.
Name: Luna Race: Halfling Age: 17 Sex: Female Orientation: Straight Looks:  Persoanlity: Sweet and very gentle. She loves all things nature but extremly wary about who she talks to which is why she has no friends. She will trust no one, though she wants to. History: She was born into a family who didn't follow the rules of society. The government came in when she was only 2 and killed her parents and siblings. Somehow they missed her and she has been on he own ever since, her life a total mystery. She is looking for that one person who can break her defense and find thier way to her heart.
Name: Aurora SanRose Brewer Race:Neko/Human Age: 14 Sex: Female Orientation: Straight Looks:  Personality: Sweet and funny. She always speaks her mind in a way that hurts no one. Popular and loves to flirt, though she will always stay faithful to her love. History: Parents divorced at 5 and she lived with her father. He abused her so she moved in with her mother, but her mom married a child molester so she went back to her dad. At 13 she moved in with her mom and grandparents and stayed there. At 17, she went back to her dad again, due to her grandparents dying. The abuse got bad enough that at 18, she just up and left, going back to her mother. Now she's there, looking for a mate who will sweep her off of her feet and carry her away.
Name: Dusk Race: Vampire Angel Age: 25 (human) -angel year unknown (think 1000's though)- Sex: Female Orientation: Straight Looks:  Personality: She is somewhat bitchy, but she has a shy side. She's only bitchy when someone pisses her off, which takes a lot to do. She is gentle around children and animals and doesn't talk to guys often. When she does though, she loves to flirt! History: Born 1000's of years ago so her age is very unknown. She's lived lnog enough that even she doesn't know how old she is anymore. Her parent's were killed in an accident long ago. About 2 or 3 thousand years ago. She doesn't remember them though. What she does remember is that when she was found after her parents died, she was abused. She was a slave, both for maidery and sexual purposes for both her master and her mistress. As time went on, she escaped and was found by another master. This one was kind to her and she eventually fell in love with him. He fell in love with her as well and his wife found out. What he never knew was that his wife was a vampire. She killed him and tried to kill Dusk as well, but the only thing she did was turn her into a vampire. Dusk escaped once more and a couple hundred years later, she was killed trying to save the love of her life. She failed at that, but the Lord had seen what she tried to do and allowed her to return to Earth under oath that she would protect all that she could. She agreed and now roams this Earth as a vampire Angel, protecting the weak and the pitiful. She allows herself to have no friends because she doesn't want to watch them grow old and die and it's the same for a lover.
Name: Alruna Snow Race: Vampire Age: 21 (human) 315 (vampire) Sex: Female Orientation: Bisexual Looks:  Personality: Bitchy and thinks she is queen of the world. She has a strong aura that scares people away from her. All in all, not a very likeable person. She uses that, and enjoys flicking pain at everyone. History: She ran away at the age of 6 because her parents fought to much. Grandma found her, and Alruna begged not to be taken back. Grandma agreed and raised her. At 21, she left the house, never to be seen again. She ran into a vampires lair and was turned (by choice) into a vampiress. She is trying to rise and be the leader of the clan now. Of course, she's close because all the others are scared of her strength and fury.
Name: Sasha ConLandra Race: Human Age: 17 Sex: Female Orientation: Straight Looks:  Personality: Kind, sweet, gentle and popular. Everyone loves her basiacally because she can get along with everyone. Sport fanatic History: She has had an easy life. Her parents are together. Her cat is healthy and she has many friends. The only thing she wishes was that she had a boyfriend. She goes to a private school, so that's part of the reason for no boyfriends, since it is an all girls school. A straight-A student
Name: Veronica VonCarpa Race: Vampire Age: 17 (human) 175 (vampire) Sex: Female Orientation: Straight Looks:  Personality: Extremly flirtatious, and fun to be around, but she can also be very dangerous. She is as eager to kill as Azarius but she has more control. History: She was turned into a vampire on her 17 birthday. Now she hunts eagerly for the one who turned her, to take her life. She has had an easy beginning to her life. Smart, pretty and popular in school. But the last two years before she was turned were difficult. Her dad died then her mom admitted to killing him. Veronica ran away and found refuge at a friends house. They got imto a fight so she went home and two years later was found by the vampire who liked her. She turned Veronica into a vampire and ran off, now waiting until Veronica found her.
Name:Malicia LaRue Race: Kitsune Age: 19 Sex:Female Looks:  Personality: She is very cruel, vindictictive and highly intolerable of mistakes. She goes through slaves the way some people go through clothes. She whips her slaves, and beats them with chains, sometimes for no reason at all. She loves sex, and can sleep with many of her slaves in one day. History: No one knows a single thing about her. She refuses to speak of her past, leading us to believe that it was highly traumatic.
Name: Ebony Rosalyn Age: 20 Sex: Female Looks:
 Personality: Angry at the human race. Thinks they are nothing but a food source. She is looking for that one love though. Preferrable one of the fallen (fallen angel) and one who is as vindictive as her. Very bloodthirsty and kills everytime she feeds. Bio: She was dropped in the dumpster when she was born by parents who wanted nothing to do with her. She was found buy a vampiress, and was raised. Once she hit 20, she was turned into a vampire and she never saw her look in mother after tht. But now, shunning humanity is all she has going for her.
Atrophine Lacrimae · Wed Jul 18, 2012 @ 08:53pm · 0 Comments |