Backstory: Jade is a cheerful half-foxling raised in a cottage. Coddled from birth, she is zealously affectionate and quite spoiled. J has a penchant for all things she considers to be “cute”, and many things fall into her highly inclusive category. J is also oblivious to the world beyond her tiny community and intrigued by unfamiliar species. Unfortunately, she lacks common sense, is unfit for independent survival, and is slow to recognize dangerous situations. Her go-to defense mechanism is to curl into a hopeless and shivering ball.
Physical Descriptors: young adult, stands 5' tall, fleshy at 100 lbs
The Attack and J’s Shadow: Recently, J suffers a tirade of adverse experiences. She won’t speak a word about the events that occurred, except referring to the collective experience as “The Attack”. For the first time in her life, she endures the initial stages of devastation, fear, and anxiety. Unable to mentally cope, she begins seeing darkness, and soon believes that her shadow is alive. She fears her shadow, claiming that it seeks to harm, terrorize, and consume her. J’s Shadow is the embodiment of J’s psychological trauma and of the feelings and sins that she had been a stranger to her whole life.
When J is unable to regulate her negative emotions, she loses consciousness and is overcome by her shadow.
"Shai" is what she calls herself. Shai is inherently cold, cynical, and distrustful by nature. She harbors significant detestation for Jade, and constantly seeks to overcome Jade's mind and keep her dormant within Shai's subconscious. However, Shai has only recently been "born" as a direct result following The Attack, and similar to a newborn, she has spent little time in this world thus far. She lacks worldly knowledge and experience, as well as any harmful powers, really....rendering herself relatively weak. Consequently, she presents with heightened caution of her environment and intensified distrust towards unfamiliars. At this time, Shai's only unique skill is to physically shift between form (flesh) and darkness (shadow), which she often makes use of to conceal herself from unfamiliars and as a method of igniting fear in others. Shai is keenly aware of her weakness, and makes every effort to conceal her vulnerability and appear as intimidating and threatening as possible.
Ongoing Story:
As Shai gains some worldly experiences, she learns that it may benefit her to have positive interactions with others. Despite her gut instinct, Shai occasionally makes conscious effort to engage in socially-appropriate behavior.