Mr.W is such a jackass!!! His style of motivation is not working!! He's almost threatening us! We have to practice at least 2 hours a week because the jackasses in my class won't practice. And we have to get a signed slip by our parents saying that we did. This new violin player just got in our class and he's a freshmen. I am too but that's not the point. He's concert master and he's only been here for what...two weeks? Well that's how good he is. Dammit! At least we have one good violin player. My orchestra class is 2nd period. And when he yells at us for almost the whole period, we feel like s**t and we're all pissed off so that throws my day away! That just makes us not want to come into the room again. Some of the second violins don't even play! Just the people in the front do. First violins play but out of tune. Second violins are worse though. The new concert master, after class he said "hey first violins i was thinking about having a sectional at my house." I was like Woah! because that has never happened before. Everybody is busy except for So i don't think that's going to happen. OH yeah! I got my braces off last week and today i got my retainer. It's really annoying but it's pretty. It's saphire blue and emerald. Yeah very pretty. crap it almost 9:30 i better practice my violin or get yelled at by Mr.Jackass again. stressed
evil_bri310 Community Member |