The whir of cogs raging against each other, the rush of wind funneling throughout the many pipes and tubes, the enormous shadow or a steam propelled zeppelin roaming smoothly along the ground struck the hearts with fear for whoever saw it. The airships had returned. In the year of 1883, the steam powered revolution had started. Seven foot tall robotic men pulled carriages like the horses of old would do through cobblestone roads. Powerful airships of the government soared easily through the smoke filled skies of London. Two pairs of matching hazel eyes looked out upon this world with a newfound wonder like that of a country child going into the city for the first time in their young lives, though these two were far from new residents. Hand in hand they jogged down the sidewalks wanting to see as much as they could before the sun set on their day of adventure. Giggling as watched performers in the parks do magic tricks with cards and fire. Their top hats making them easy to spot in the large crowds of amused onlookers as they placed burning sticks into their mouths only to breath fire a second later creating a roar of claps from the crowd. The twins, Victoria and Edward, were simply delighted at such entertainment, squeezing through the legs of adults to get a closer glance at such magic. As the day dragged onward Victoria and William split up as they entered the bustling marketplace. Will squeezed his hand with that of his sister’s. “Remember to be careful, get as much as you can, and don’t get caught or the big bad adults will get you!” His excited voice whispered to Victoria causing her to giggle as she nodded her head happily. “Don’t worry, they could never catch us.” Laughter erupted from them both as they took off on their own ways. Stands selling dresses, clockwork, cogs, and fruit lined the sidewalks as people shuffled together through the closed street way. Swiping as much food as they could carry in their messenger bags without being noticed they snuck away meeting at the appointed spot. Bright smiles were on their faces as they skipped down the street hand in hand, their dirty blond hair being brushed in the early evening breeze. The children grew tired, finding their way back to their small home in a forgotten alleyway. A hole in the brick wall hidden by scrap metal from broken zeppelins in the workshop from the edge of town creating a door held together with a patchwork of small wires and old oil tubes. As they entered William flicked on the light switch, the hum of old gears turning in the walls welcomed them as small lamps that sat atop used and unwanted books that had been tossed. At the opposite end of the rectangle room across from the door that they had entered in sat an old beaten down gramophone. Its oak box covered in deep scratches showed its time but as Victoria placed the record on it to play music as they organized their items the sweet sound of music fluttered through the air to greet their ears. Excitedly they sat upon their small bed of torn fabric and dumped the contents of their findings onto the dirt floor or the old building. Four bright red apples, a few oranges and a loaf of bread fell from Victoria’s bag. She smiled happily. “Look at all this! I think I did a rather good job for today.” She snickered, snatching up an apple to brush it off on her cream colored shirt, ruffles hanging from the sleeves added grace to her movements while the dark maroon vest covered the main part of her torso. A long brown skirt flowed out from underneath, long enough to cover her brown scuffed boots. William smiled back to her, going through what he had found. “A few keys, a couple of oranges, and some watches.” He picked up the two pocket watches, their silver frames clinking together as he rose them above his head. “Haha, look at this! They have pictures of keys on them!” He exclaimed, lowering his hand so that his sister could get a closer look. Victoria sat down her apple, running her fingers over the metal carefully looking at the tiny details. “Oh my! There very pretty Will…do you think we should keep them?” The question made Will smirk. “Well my sister, we couldn’t just sell such pretty object now could we? Think of it as a gift for your 14th birthday.” Victoria clapped her hands together excitedly. “Oh William, thank you so much!” She wrapped her hands around his neck. “I should find something for you as well, it is almost our birthday after all.”
x Crux · Sat Jan 15, 2011 @ 05:14am · 0 Comments |