Story Name:Gift of Obsession
Nicknames or Titles: "Gemini" The Devil Imp
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Starting Point:Barton Town
Personality: Gemini is talkative when around people she knows well, but often remains silent around new people. That being said, she has a tendency to clothe herself in darker colors, and is not often seen in anything bright or flashy. She has a strange way of talking to people; usually imitating the emotion of the person talking to her and being just as rude or kind to the other person as they are to her; which often leads people to think of her as rude, brash or brazen.
She holds no love or sympathy for humans.
Background:As a young Devil Imp, Gemini found little to no solace in religion or friendship, and often was found deep in the local forest, alone and playing a flute. She was the second youngest in her family of seven, and somehow managed to wind up acting as leader for what remained of her family after a fire ravaged her village.
Almost two years later, Gemini found herself wandering the land of Gaia on her own, and found an interest in sword fighting. After learning that her three remaining siblings had been killed in an Anti-Hybrid rally, she took to the shadows, and vowed never to trust again.
Only recently has she started to come out from behind her 'wall of hate'.
Relationships With:none.