1. 179 Million of you americans, are obeise.
<wrong. that's too few it's 40%2. You are rude and obnoxious to other countries but your own.
Hay! they started it.3. Your health care isn't free.
Not true. only poor people get free health care4. Most of you aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
We always sharpen our knives5. You are run by your own media.
I leran more on TV than I do in school6. Your political goverment is obsurd (don't blame it on bush, YOU VOTED HIM IN TWICE!)
BS try living with china's government or japan's.7. One quater of america, Are japanophiles, You wish you were japanese, and think your smart because you know a few words in japanese.
Not true. Most people don't want to live in japan because it is so crouded and I don't think the girls want little boobies8. All you eat is ramen, ramen, ramen, and the occasional cheeseburger.
Nooo. Cheeseburger, Mac and cheese, Ramen, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza...Kool-Aid!9. Your schools don't teach you about other countries.
Uh what was that class I took my freshman year? Oh WORLD GEOGRAPHY!!!10.American people are brainwashed, the minute they are forced to pledge allegeance to the usa flag.
It's called Respect dirt wad11. You are all mostly closed minded on non-american politics.
What?12. Russia hates you.
So we don't care13. Syria hates you.
Uh we don' care14. Jordan hates you.
We don't care15.China hates you.
Then why does everything we own come from China?16. Egypt hates you.
So?17. The arab emrates hate you.
so?18. Iraq hates you.
Their fault19. Iran hates you.
Their fault20. Lebanon hates you.
How do you know?21. Omar hates you.
So?22. Pakistan hates you.
Don't care23. Turkey hates you.
I like turkey24.-43.
Yeah We get it get to the point44. I hate you.
Aww I hate you tooSo, If america did wage war against russia. Look who russia has for friends.
I am scottish. Here, have some joke meat for your ignorant humour. I wear a kilt. Yeah. And i eat haggis, WELL WHAT CULTURE HAVE YOU ******** OFFS GOT?!
So? I'm scottish and you don't see me acting like an a** because I con't mind my own buisness. You know you would be a way more nice person if you just minded your own dang buisnessNONE! Do us all a favor, and die. Every culture, country, and goverments hate you.
NU-UH. We have the mexican army and we have every culture in our Counrty so does that mean we hate ourselfs?Get your troops, the ******** out of iraq, and go eat fat foods until you die.
How about you go die and tell us what it's like and we'll think about it.